“The result is what seems to be the first society in history in which elements of both anarchy and tyranny pertain at the same time and seem to be closely connected with each other and to constitute, more or less, opposite sides of the same coin.”
Sam Francis, 1994
The End of the Age of Anarcho-Tyranny and the Dawn of Liberal Terror
Liberal Terror and Crime
Liberal Terror and Health
The Foreign Policy of the Liberal Terror Regime
The Revenge of the Aristocrats
1. The End of the Age of Anarcho-Tyranny and the Dawn of Liberal Terror
In 2021, I wrote about anarcho-tyranny in South Africa in the wake of the July Riots.
Looters and thugs were allowed to smash the thin red line of order - respect for property rights in public space - mere months after 400 000 South Africans were arrested for ‘lockdown’ offences.
This is the essence of Sam Francis’s concept of ‘anarcho-tyranny’, in which the state allows anarchy in the realm of law and order, but punishes law-abiding citizens who fall foul of either its ideological strictures or its legal inanities.
But I am older now, and less naive.
For we are now living in another phase of our decrepit liberal world order.
This second phase does not merely allow criminal elements to run amok whilsts enforcing its matriarchal manias. Instead, the state has now become the criminal element.
Sam Francis’s era has thus come to an end. We can no longer describe the chaos increasingly visible in countries like South Africa, the US, the UK, and France as ‘anarcho-tyranny’.
Rather, we live simply under burgeoning tyranny - except this is not an organised tyranny. The trains will not run on time, or at all.
No, the tyranny is one of the state maximizing terror rather than simply tolerating anarchy.
And this is made most obvious by the terror policies adopted in the spheres of crime, health, and foreign affairs.
2. Liberal Terror and Crime
What to make of the following in South Africa, the great pioneer of rainbow life?
If you are a farmer in South Africa, facing a risk of death orders of magnitude higher than the proverbial unarmed youth in the US, no longer do you simply face a situation in which your President assures the wider world that farm murders are not happening at all, or in which leaders are allowed to sing gleefully of your killing.
No, you face the union of the state with your enemies. (Many of the wise have long pointed out that the police are the largest suppliers of illegal weapons to South African criminals.)
As for crime, so goes for the collapse, or sabotage, of services.
Every citizen of South Africa, every informed person on the planet, knows of the country’s rapidly collapsing electricity grid. Some may also be aware of the collapse in water and sewage utlities too.
Certainly, ‘rainbowism’ has played the largest role in ensuring the utterly incompetent were put at the helm of sophisticated first-world infrastructure, thus resulting in anarchy.
But the chaos goes further now. For the state is no longer simply allowing anarchy, or even remaining content to cause the anarchy by means of ideology and policy. It is now an active, proximate agent of the breakdown of all order.
From South Africa’s Daily Maverick:
Intelligence reports obtained by Daily Maverick link two senior members of President Cyril Ramaphosa’s Cabinet to four criminal cartels operating inside Eskom. Although we cannot yet reveal the names of the Cabinet members for legal reasons, we can divulge that the intelligence links the cartels to the sabotage of Eskom’s power stations and to a programme of political destabilisation.
Agents within the power utility are actively sabotaging the power supply so that the country’s leaders can profit from the repair or re-supply.
It is quite likely that these two members of the cabinet are the President and his Deputy themselves. It was recently revealed that President Ramaphosa had millions of dollars in hard cash stolen from his private game farm, whilst Deputy President Mabuza famously had millions of rands in cash stolen from his own game farm in 2009.
The electricity is not the only thing under state attack. Every day, water and communication stations are being stripped.
The same police force who arrested over 400 000 people during lockdowns is somehow unable to police key national resources? Or are they in on it? Is it a coincidence the police chief looks like this?
Who is the leader of this country? He must be an international pariah by now surely?
No, he is the man whom Joe Biden reveres, from whom he takes advice regarding his own rainbow programme of action:
There is a reason Biden admires Ramaphosa. Both are enmeshed in an explosion of crime and murder; both, to be perfectly blunt, revel in black-on-white murder. How else to interpret this Rwandan-level of rhetoric spewing from Biden’s mouth?

It is fitting then that his VP, Kamala Harris, famously sponsored a bail fund for BLM ‘peaceful protestors’ who left behind them a trail of arson and death.
And as for this, this is clearly something beyond anarcho-tyranny:
She obviously does not want the muzzled girl to succeed. Why then would she post a picture of her masked whilst she is unmasked? Why then would she encourage utter lawlessness on the streets? She wants to continue the hateful assault on the ‘patriarchy’, which is an utter fiction in the age of the gynocratic longhouse:

But time's up, right?
Meanwhile, Biden’s other allies in liberal states have launched zero bail policies around the US which effectively makes various crimes unpunishable. One study estimates this has caused a 200% increase in violent crime.
The same prosecutors will bemoan legal possession of rifles (ignoring that 90% of violent crime involves unlicensed handguns), whilst their criminal justice leniency facilitates mass shootings.
And what happens when a global leader, contra Biden and Ramaphosa, enforces laws and reduces homicides in spectacular fashion, as El Salvador’s Nayib Bukele has done?
Not Ramaphosa, not Biden, it is Bukele who becomes the pariah!
Because liberal terror prefers criminals to you. The regime wants the criminals loose to attack you and thus dismantle white privilege. This is not hyperbole.
3. Liberal Terror and Health
You are not allowed to notice that the same regime who shuttered the world and pushed vaccinations on billions, has, at the same time, facilitated an explosion of illness and obesity and death.
Asthma, heart disease, autism, dementia have increased dramatically since the advent of public health.
Obesity since the advent of dietary guidelines.
Psychological disorders since the advent of social-emotional education and school counseling.
Skin cancer since the advent of sunscreen propaganda.
Learning disorders since the advent of remedial education and ADHD drugs.
Sex change mutilation since the advent of ‘gender affirmation’.
They knew all along the damage lockdowns would cause and that they were unnecessary.
They laughed as they jailed families.
The covid response has killed young people, in the name of their salvation.
But was this not implicitly the intention all along? How else to explain it?
Why does nobody care that a substantial number of lockdown deaths were quite literally mass murder on the part of doctors and nurses?
The health authorities and their police auxiliaries are motivated by death.
Why else did the police do all this?
Data from around the world show that mass vaccination increased death rates and illness. The vaccines suppressed fertility.
The concept of anarcho-tyranny does not go far enough to explain this. The regime does not tolerate anarchy. It is the agent of anarchy.
When authorities advocate health, they quite literally mean to kill.
There is no other explanation.
4. Liberal Terror and the West’s Foreign Policy
Just as when they advocate peace and security in foreign affairs, the terror regime by peace means war, an embrace of the potential for conflict to go nuclear, and an assault on Christianity.
The Bush/Clinton/Bush/Obama crushed ancient Christian churches in the Middle East and killed millions, in order for radical Muslims to take the place of Arab Nationalists in the region.
The Ukraine obsession is not dissimilar, although the religion to be imposed by US NATO vassals is somewhat different…
Thus the policy of the great hero of liberal terror, the man for whose leadership the West is ready to risk nuclear war, should come as no surprise:
In January 2, an Orthodox church in Vinnytsia, Ukraine, was covered in blood. In the morning, a man burst into the church and turned the crucifix over, broke several icons, threw banners on the floor, and finally cut the priest’s throat with a razor…
There is a backstory to the above. Stand-up comedians at Kvartal 95, the film studio co-founded by now President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, recently released a video where they obscenely insulted Orthodox priests and publicly wished them death. The video is a news parody in the style of The Daily Show that mocks the church and refers to its clergy as “Russian agents.” Many experts see a direct connection between the appeals of the actors and the recent violence…
Fox News journalist Tucker Carlson assessed the situation accurately: “Zelenskyy’s secret police have raided monasteries across Ukraine, and even a convent full of nuns, and arrested dozens of priests for no justifiable reasons whatsoever and in clear violation of the Ukrainian Constitution, which no longer matters. And in the face of this, the Biden’s administration has said nothing. Not one word. Instead, they continue to push to send Zelenskyy more tax dollars…”
However, it seems that Zelenskyy is set to completely outlaw and destroy the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. On January 20, a bill on the de facto ban of the UOC was submitted to parliament. The initiator of the law was no ordinary parliamentarian but the prime minister, Denys Shmyhal. It marks a return to a shameful era when a state in the center of Europe intends to crack down on the religion of its own people.
Everything they tell you is a lie and an exercise in demoralization. Our leaders love Disney and hate Christ.
Further afield, the liberal terror regime breathed a sigh of relief when Jair Bolsonaro was ousted in Brazil, in favour of leftist and the formerly imprisoned Lula.
Why is that, after Bolsonaro reduced crime and unemployment to historic lows?
Because Lula wants to make government aid conditional upon child covid vaccination; because Lula wants to ban ‘fake news’, all information that points out the obvious lies of all his backers. Because Lula is the candidate of gangs and criminals. Because liberal terror does not want prosperity.
Lula, like Ramaphosa, is a pioneer - and certainly not a pariah - in the new era of liberal terror.
5. The Revenge of the Aristocrats
May the praise of God be in their mouths
and a double-edged sword in their hands,
to inflict vengeance on the nations
and punishment on the peoples,
to bind their kings with fetters,
their nobles with shackles of iron,
to carry out the sentence written against them—
this is the glory of all his faithful people.
Psalm 149
Meanwhile, Christians have been co-opted into the great liberal heresy. In the name of ‘love’, children were locked up and masked, and church leaders said nothing. In the name of ‘safety’, millions lost their jobs and starved. Church leaders declared it our duty to comply.
The great liberal heresy of modern Christianity teaches an absolute egalitarianism, in which the masses and the church itself must sink into a mere prolongation of life by means of rational scientism.
This is virtue now: to treat every sexual fetish and proclivity as sacred; to promote the idea that only ‘some lives matter’; and to radicalise the idea of human dignity to the degree that equality and safe spaces are to be enforced by state violence. Any difference, any rank, any truth, any borders, must all be eliminated to produce this equality. And such an equality presupposes that time is up for certain citizens. For some, it is time to DIE.
As I have written previously, this new era has been made possible by the psychology of ‘the last man’, the desire to be one with the herd, for bland safety, for a planetary mask.
But the regime has also given the game away. No longer should any informed person be under the illusion we are ruled by our representatives in a constitutional order. No, we have always been ruled by elites - and our elites are sick and mad.
What we thus await now is not some consitutional renaissance, some return to a fair rules-based order. That has always been nothing but a fig-leaf.
No, we wait now for the revenge of new aristocrats, whose love of beauty and health will spur them to great deeds and great risk in order that the spark and whisper that was the gift of our ancestors will not perish from the earth.
Anarchy is the exact opposite of tyranny.
Anarchy just means nobody is reigning over people. Anarchical systems are not inherently prone to high crime rates.
They have lost the mandate of heaven, and stand damned and condemned by their Innumerable crimes. It is now only a matter of time. A system based on deception and incompetence cannot prosper, it can only crumble and collapse. They will continue to be dangerous for many years to come. Their eradication will be the work of a generation.
But that a new aristocracy, a nobility of virtue and worth, shall be forged in this flame is now inevitable.