Anarchy is the exact opposite of tyranny.

Anarchy just means nobody is reigning over people. Anarchical systems are not inherently prone to high crime rates.

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They have lost the mandate of heaven, and stand damned and condemned by their Innumerable crimes. It is now only a matter of time. A system based on deception and incompetence cannot prosper, it can only crumble and collapse. They will continue to be dangerous for many years to come. Their eradication will be the work of a generation.

But that a new aristocracy, a nobility of virtue and worth, shall be forged in this flame is now inevitable.

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Amen! Indeed, it is a matter of time. The regime's illegitimate elite seized the control of the ship and steered it straight at the iceberg. Now the ship is doomed to sink, thereby validating the eternal truths these illegitimate elites mocked and flouted. The wreckage will be terrible, but out of it, something new and beautiful and virtuous can arise.

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A great article, thanks Chris. Albeit, as someone pointed, depressing. I do want to pin hope on initiatives that you spoke about previously, with the rise of local community movement. The key game changer is awakening of leadership within ordinary people. I never really understood what leadership means, not before covid happened. Now I do. If ordinary people like myself realize they have power to change things, only if they took initiative, and this awakening happens en masse, there's hope. We have been brought up to conform and fit to the rules out thete, not to action and change those rules. Something amazing is brewing under all this misery

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Wonderful, though depressing, piece. The thievery, hypocrisy & malevolence of those in power (I refuse to call them leaders) & those who support them i.e. bureaucrats is beyond comprehension. I've come to believe that many who seek election do it mainly to push their own agenda, not for the good of those who they represent e.g. in Australia our 'climate' minister Bowen, who's hell bent on sending us down the Europe road with re-newables, our 'treasurer' who is planning on 're-making' capitalism i.e. changing it to socialism & last, but no means least, our prime minister who's advocating in entrenching a racial element into our constitution i.e. a 'voice', made up of ONLY aboriginal Australians, in to 'advise' the parliament on matters impacting aboriginal Australians. Never mind that $35 BILLION is already going to that section of our people, which, btw, only number 800,000 & already have over 50 bodies advising our government, over 1,000 land councils & 11 democratically elected members of parliament. These people care naught for the greater population, it's only about them & their ambitions & 'legacy'! Economy, health & prosperity for the majority of us are totally ignored.

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Well said. Can’t put it any better.

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"But the regime has given the game away." Exactly. They got greedy and arrogant and overplayed their hand. Like in the Wizard of Oz, the curtain was pulled back far enough for everyone but the wilfully blind to see the buffoonish confidence-men pulling society's strings -- only, instead of an avuncular clown and somewhat sympathetic figure who tries to right his wrongs, as in the Wizard of Oz, we find a cabal of demonic killer clowns straight out of a demented Steven King story, trying to cause as much chaos and suffering as they can, while they destroy everything True and Beautiful and Good in the world.

Your essay is well-written and well-reasoned, and I like the hopeful note on which it ends: a legitimate elite class can arise and gain ascendancy based on their commitment to Truth, Virtue, Excellence, and Beauty.

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Excellent essay Chris, thank you

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Mar 4, 2023Edited
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I think a lot of people, myself included, are fumbling around for the appropriate vocabulary to describe what is going on around the world now. I try not to get hung up on the language, and just try to figure out what is going on and why. I think Chris does a good job of this; he has certainly opened my eyes to the details of life in parts of present day South Africa. I live in Detroit, and we are going through an early stage of this. I would never had believed it if I didn't see it daily, with my own eyes. I see the organs of the state, from the block club/community level upwards collectively acting to encourage the disintegration of society. You have the complete breakdown of the norms of civilized society, rule of law, Ten Commandments, common decency/whatever language you want, aided and abetted, and in some cases, even instigated by the state, non-profits, financial institutions, etc......

What should we call this?

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Mar 21, 2023Edited
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I love your passion, and have nothing against the word "anarchy" and certainly don't use it (frequently) in a pejorative sense. I'm just unaware of a historical precedent to what we are seeing now, and I think that's why you are seeing words like "anarchy-tyranny" pop up...

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I see your point- this piece is written from a statist perspective.

I’m a fan of Michael Malice and mostly agree with his description of anarchy. You and I likely share the perspective on anarchy that would warrant your response.

Most of us have been swimming in the sea of statist propaganda for so long it can be difficult to detach from that paradigm when describing events.

The bone you picked is fair for such enlightened as us but perhaps, it belongs to a different debate?

On the terms of the prior status quo, what we are living in is such a paradox as anarchy-tyranny would seem. Up is down and hot is cold. Men are women and perhaps an infinite number of variations in between. It’s all incredibly stupid yet somewhat genius in its destruction of our sense of reality.

An example: In your response you referred to conservatives and their supposed support for business, which I take liberty to associate with free markets. You contrast this with their lack of support with freedom of choice. This “choice” is a loaded term defined by the very elements you rail against. Do conservatives truly abhor choice or do they believe a society has limits to what choices people have? “Choice” in our current culture is highly associated with abortion. Surely you see how even your contentions are mired in the very cultural currents you decry?

I only replied here to hopefully assuage some of your anger and hopefully provide an opportunity for reflection on why you responded so.

Lately this has seemed a gargantuan task after all the trauma we have been subjected to by the state.

In the end, I would stand with you against this insane culture we are being artificially bombarded with.

I guarantee Mr. Waldberger would, too.

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