Sep 14, 2023Liked by Chris Waldburger

Your link for the interview won’t open ? For some reason I can’t get it to work ?? But I was able to find it ;) I hope this one works for everyone https://x.com/EWoodhouse7/status/1701609524128629018?s=20

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Thanks - but no. I think you need to have a Twitter (X) account - or access is very limited - and that limitation can vary day to day. Her substack is: https://www.woodhouse76.com/

This content is probably better assimilated by reading - (i.e the text here) - though she has superb verbal presentation skills; a gifted teacher I take it, until they closed the schools on her!

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Sep 19, 2023Liked by Chris Waldburger

Terrific piece. The key graphs with sniper-sharp, straightforward questions anyone can understand.

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Viri are not bombs, nor are they real.

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Importantly, regardless of what someone believes about viruses in general (and I assume for now that they do), he or she need not believe "there's no such thing as viruses" in order to see that the thing called SARS-CoV-2 did not do what it is alleged to have done in New York City (or Northern Italy, for that matter).

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That has been my argument since day 1. I am aware that many people are certain that viruses do not exist, or do not cause disease. I respect their position, although I was trained to believe otherwise; maybe one day we will be convinced that we are wrong. But, irrespective of whether viruses exist or not, everything that has been done was wrong. Every ages-old rule of how medical and public health problems are managed was violated... and as you say, a "lethal virus" cannot explain the huge mortality peak in NYC.

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Let's assume SARS-CoV-2 exists.

That doesn't explain why this ostensibly-deadly circulating pathogen didn't show up anywhere in the world on any mortality dimension...or in things like 911 calls, hospital admissions, ambulance dispatches -- all of which we would expect to show signs of a risk-additive "spreading" virus if one were afoot.

Wasn't until government "intervened" that deaths go up

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And government "intervened" doing everything wrong... doing everything that for decades everyone in the field agreed should NOT be done. What a disgrace, my friend!

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Right on! Nothing but decaying cellular debris. The real virus is Klaus Schwab !

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And all his lizard wef slug cabal!

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Again an excellent presentation of the (fake) NYC data. Thanks.

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The Diamond Princess has received a great deal of attention, but I actually think the lessons from The USS Teddy Roosevelt and the French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle are even more telling and important. This is because later antibody studies were done of crew members on these ships where "outbreaks" occurred. These antibody tests and (PCR tests) showed that 62 to 74 percent of crew members had already been infected by this virus at the time of their tests. And only one crew member (age 41) died, supposedly from Covid.

One wonders what more antibody tests of more Naval ships would have shown about "prior infections." Why were only three antibody studies of Naval ships performed?


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No doubt about it - something doesn't add up. The official narrative makes no sense - thank you and Jessica for highlighting the data that shows this (or pointing out that some data seems to have been concealed).

I also recently took a stab at the same topic ...


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Sep 18, 2023·edited Sep 18, 2023

I have a theory. I study Feline Corona and Calici virus in a colony. What happens is that these two rna viruses in general cause mild symptoms in most cats. They are ubiquitous. However, they mutate. And randomly, a virulent variant is incubated in an individual cat. That single virulent variant can and will infect other cats exposed to it. But in nature, those virulent variants cause swift death from multi system failures, and are therefore subjected to evolutionary pressure to adopt less virulent forms. And this is why most cats carry less virulent virus. Most cats will get common cold symptoms or brief diarrhea.

NOW, if you take 30 cats with the less virulent variant, put them in a SHELTER, they will pass around the virus and reinfect one another. It's only a matter of TIME before a more virulent variant evolves. When that happens, it starts with one cat getting very ill and dying, and then another, and finally ten percent of the colony or more will succumb. Because any cat exposed to the single virulent variant may be infected with that variant, and it's the variant which determines the outcome. In outdoor feral colonies, this isn't a problem. The first cat carrying the variant drops dead. He may infect a few others via food sharing, fighting. The few cats exposed to the virulent variant drop dead, often before other cats can be infected. Outdoor cats have another tool, and that's fresh moving air and sunshine. In a cattery or shelter, there is sod all sunlight and fresh air. I have noted in my colony that cats who bask in the sun had a survival advantage whereas those who preferred dark rooms were the first to die. They might have preferred the dark due to a pre condition, but I'd still say vitamin D helped prevent infection.

So, we all know by now that Covid was in our environment months prior to the first case being "discovered". And that case was a virulent variant.

So what do we do about it?

Well, if you had a cat colony, you must immediately cull all infected cats. Separate them from others. Not confine them indoors with uninfected cats!

And that's what New York did with the virulent variant. They confined infected people in nursing homes with uninfected individuals, ensuring that the virulent variant would gain traction and infect others.

In California where I live, they made it illegal to go surfing, which would be the very best way to avoid being infected with a virulent variant, because you are out in the sunshine, in a windy place, being washed by water, and in the company of people who are not sick, or carrying only the non virulent variant.

In fact, the WHO stated early on that 80% of the people carrying Sars Cov 2 had mild or no symptoms. So we knew that like in cat cases, the majority are not in trouble.

I gotta go back to Jay Bhattacharya's early testing of Santa Clara, which showed that at the time, 2% of the population had antibodies meaning recently exposed to Covid, and he assessed a .17 fatality rate. I just ran the numbers for Santa Clara county, based on the CDC death stats vs the US Census figures for population, and lo and behold, they had a .17 death rate three years later. So this virus kills, but not generally.

As with cats, if you take the severely ill and confine them with the uninfected, you will get an outbreak of severe illness as a result. If you take the asymptomatic or mild cases and confine them, without virulent disease, at first you will not get virulent disease, but you will create an environment which causes people to reinfect one another and breed variants. If you confine vaccinated people together, you will cause that group to incubate vax resistant variants, which also could evolve into more virulent variants.

The punchline of feline corona virus is that they used to recommend vaccination in the core series given to kittens. They have taken it off the core recommendations because it's a leaky vaccine, but it's still available. All shelter and vetted cats having been vaccinated at one point resulted in an epidemic of the fatal variants, and literally did no good whatsoever except insert risk of vax AE into the cat population such as injection site sarcomas and autoimmunity.

It's fucking Darwin at the bottom line that we have been ignoring. New York especially. But any state or community that adopted lockdowns and coerced vaccinations. And I can only imagine that the powers that be knew this from the beginning, as they did it anyhow despite being warned by people like Jay Bhattacharya and Geert Vanden Bossche. We should have protected the elderly and ill instead of confining uninfected with the people infected with virulent variants. We should create the infrastructure to do that. We swooped the people out of the community who had MERS and SARS CoV one and stopped those outbreaks from becoming epidemic let alone pandemic. But we managed to do the EXACT OPPOSITE with SARS CoV 2, telling people if they were masked and vaxxed they were safe to congregate indoors and spread vax resistant variants amongst themselves. RIght now, as in cat coronavirus, they are all basically petri dishes for the production of random and vax resistant variants in excess of what unvaxxed people are hosting.

I can't tell you how disappointed I am that my government has started a pogrom like this. I can only imagine that it's some kind of eugenics, because it's gene therapy, and because the elderly and sickly are literally fallen by the wayside apparently the equivalent of Nazi Era "useless eaters". They are attempting something here, which may be mass sterilisation because the virus actually seems to target people with lots of testosterone as well, while the vaccine seems to target the female reproductive system. I can't say, but I can't believe that there is this level of incompetence in our public health system.

And not believing in such a level of incompetence is what breeds "conspiracy theories" as we attempt to find a rational explanation for all the lies our government told us resulting in a worsening of the pandemic, not an improvement at all.

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