This is what happens when the godless rule. These are evil people, greedy, without morals, without conscience, the unenlightened who think themselves superior to the rest of us. And many so-called Christians put the likes of them into power because of their ignorance and laziness. They voted for liars, baby-killers, and sexually depraved people like Obama (not once, but shockingly twice) and Clinton because they failed to judge these people's character by their fruit. The Bible says you will know them by their fruit. For a politician, their voting record shows their fruit. Instead, they listened to their lying words without discernment. We are reaping what we have sown.

The blood of the aborted babies cries out to God and the day of reckoning for America is near. God destroyed His own people for murdering their unborn. Do you not think He will do the same to America for murdering more than 6 million innocent babies? All involved in the murderous barbaric abortion industry and sale of baby body parts will have their place in the lake of fire which burns with brimstone, where the fire is never quenched, and where their worm never dies for all eternity. That day is coming for the wicked.

The man-made Wuhan Sars-CO-V-2 virus was concocted in the Chinese lab by scientist Shi Zhengli of the Wuhan Institute of Virology along with 2-3 officers in the Chinese Army of the Bio-Weapons Agency. Gain of Function was used to make a virus that would not normally infect humans more infective to humans. Prions were added to maim and damage the body of all those injected with this dangerous substance. Even though gain of function research was banned in the US, Fauci transferred it to China and paid for the research using our tax payer dollars. Fauci, a liar and murderer, will be judged for his crimes by King Jesus at the great white throne judgment where all unbelievers will be cast into the lake of fire for all eternity. While the wicked glory in their evil and live luxurious lives with money coming out of their ears, it will not last. They will be snuffed out like a candle to live in darkness and terror for all of eternity.

The Covid shot is NOT a vaccine. It is a bio-weapon, gene therapy which will change every person's God-given DNA. The shots are not safe for humans. More than 12,366 deaths have occurred in people who got injected thus far. Over 16,320 injuries reported to VAERS, which only reports about 1% of actual injuries. The shots will not protect anyone from contracting the virus nor will they protect anyone from the Delta variant. Even booster shots won't affect any of the variants. One shot puts 40-50 billion spike proteins into your cells depending on which shot you get. The spike proteins contain the prions which insert themselves into every cell in your body, damaging organs and blood vessels. Don't get the shot under any circumstance. It's a death sentence.

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Please Stop calling it “thErApY” - it is genetic modification. Thanks!

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It means the same thing. I'm using FDA's own words. In August 2015, FDA issued a document entitled, "Design and Analysis of Shedding Studies for Virus or Bacteria-Based Gene Therapy and Oncolytic Products" as a guidance for industry. Gene therapy changes a person's God-given DNA thereby modifying their genetic makeup (genetic modification). People who unknowingly put their trust in man by being injected with mRNA experimental substances have unwittingly damaged their bodies and no one knows the extent or duration of that damage.

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Don't be worried about the danger from the virus. It was created and hyped merely to get the mRNA-GT injected into us all. It's the mRNA shot that is the weapon, and far more dangerous.

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They have been found guilty in Gods eyes and eternal judgement of HELL will become their future in the after life, if not sooner.

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If only

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I wonder why religious rights groups haven't mentioned that

JJ vaccine is reproduced and tested using stem cells

Pfizer vaccine requires stem cell testing during production.

Stem cells that almost always come from abortions.

Silence from Christian and Muslim leaders.

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The churches are captured. There was a Catholic Cardinal, Raymond Burke who said this. He got covid and every body wanted him to die. He is elderly and on the heavy side and survived.

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I can't recall the last time a pope spoke up for celibacy or anti abortion or just about the general degeneration of society. I went to Catholic school and I recall most of the school marching in the late 90s against the relaxing of abortion laws in South Africa.

I can't help but feel Catholic schools wouldn't touch this issue with a ten foot ferula. Which begs the question , what is the point of being Catholic if

its not the values of Pro Life?

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The Pope has now put a vaccine mandate on the Vatican...Strange Days.

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I have covid right now and it’s tough. I want Fauci to pay. Will he? If not, Washington is done.

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If you can get a telehealth appointment online (myfreedoctor.com, AAPSonline.org, AFLDS.org, Exstnc.com), get a prescription for Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine, or Budesonide with nebulizer. These drugs effectively treat Covid contrary to what our lying media and government report.

If you can't do that, take supplements such as Vitamin C 500 mg 2x/day, Zinc 50 mg, Vit D3 5,000-10,000-15,000 i.u./day, and Quercetin 500 mg 2/day. Gargle with yellow Listerine to kill germs in the mouth or gargle with Betadine with water. You can gargle with it and swab your nose. You can also gargle with mouthwashes containing hydrogen peroxide. You can take coated aspirin 81 mg also.

You can buy Budesonide nasal spray such as Rhinocort online also.

Many brave doctors have published protocols to fight Covid. Dr. Peter McCullough is one at CovidPatientGuide.com. Dr. Richard Fleming is another at FlemingMethod.com. AAPSonline.org also gives a home treatment guide.

Hope this helps.

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Thank you. I am in the communist country of Canada where they have banned this stuff. I’m running out of ivermectin. This country is crazy. I love all of those brave American hero doctors you mentioned.

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