Hi Chris. Thank you for your continual devotion to truth. I just figured I'd throw your way that the "pandemic of the unvaccinated" being purported in the US is mathematically fallacious and is due to sleight of hand with the way the numerator and denominator of things like hospitalizations and deaths are calculated. We know that COVID is a notifiable disease, which means it is required to be reported (http://web.archive.org/web/20210906183212/https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/php/reporting-pui.html, https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/php/reporting-pui.html), that we’ve used what doctor Birx referred to as “liberal” counting policies for doing so, and that furthermore, hospitals are incentivized $13,000 for anything they count as a “less severe” COVID case (https://www.kff.org/uninsured/issue-brief/estimated-cost-of-treating-the-uninsured-hospitalized-with-covid-19/) regardless of comorbidities, which obviously means that any administrative policy that doesn’t aggressively count things as COVID is, from an administrative perspective, unnecessarily costing the hospital a tremendous amount of money. By contrast, while much has been made about the CDC's decision not to count mild breakthrough cases altogether, the idea that they are nonetheless reasonably counting breakthrough hospitalizations and deaths is simply false, although the dereliction, while out in the open, has been largely ignored (in part because it’s been overshadowed by the former, more publicized and in-your-face delinquency). This is because breakthrough hospitalizations and deaths are acknowledged only by what the agency admits is passive surveillance, and this has been the case the entire time. Even before the announcement that it would not be tracking mild breakthrough infections, the CDC acknowledged: "It is important to note that reported vaccine breakthrough cases will represent an undercount. This surveillance system is passive and relies on voluntary reporting from state health departments which may not be complete." (http://web.archive.org/web/20210416181511/https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/covid-19/health-departments/breakthrough-cases.html). This is what is still used for hospitalizations and deaths. Obviously making an aggressively counted figure the denominator and a passively counted figure the numerator is going to give a staggeringly low figure which suggests wild effectiveness in staving off death and hospitalizations. Then, astoundingly, using simple subtraction, the difference between the number of aggressively counted hospitalizations and deaths and the passively counted number of breakthrough hospitalizations and deaths is touted as the number of unvaccinated who are being hospitalized and dying from COVID, and that figure is compared to the anemic number of passively acknowledged breakthrough hospitalizations and deaths. Voilà! A pandemic of the unvaccinated is born.

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Awesome report! Keep them coming! Im sharing in southern America & people are subscribing! I've also shared all your articles on several social media sites. God bless you!

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Under NO circumstances should anyone get injected with these dangerous bio-weaponized gene altering death shots. It is ALL RISK AND NO BENEFIT. Once injected, your immune system works against you. Stop listening to the liars who promote death to others but not themselves. The shots for thee, but not for me.

These deadly shots cause damage to 28 different organ systems in the body. The lipid nano particles injected into people cause brain damage, heart damage, lung damage, kidney damage, and male and female reproductive damage. Giving the shots to young children will lead to infertility (by design). Is it any wonder people are dropping like flies?

Then there is the aborted fetal tissue contained in the shots. Could that be a factor of the increases seen in cancer rates of those 'vaccinated'? Why would so-called vaccine makers put aborted fetal tissue, which is a toxin to the body, into any immunization?

NATURAL IMMUNITY IS SUPERIOR TO ANY MAN MADE VACCINE. Smarten up, people. God warns us NOT to put our trust in man, but in HIM only. Say NO to all of these shots, including the never-ending booster shots which are NOT designed to deal with any of the variant strains currently in circulation. Your life and posterity depend upon it. Stop taking Flu Shots which also contain corona viruses.

In my opinion, these shots were designed to kill off billions of people while maiming whoever is left. Evil is as evil does!

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Keep it up. The truth finds wings in the most unlikely ways and your reporting is reaching people who need to hear it - just to plant a seed is enough. THINKING is up to those who read it!

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Same in UK, Same in Israel, Same in France , Same in Australia too, and even more evident in NZ.

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Do you have a link for France and Down Under? Haven't found that. It is all surreal.

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It's also very difficult to draw up conclusions as those who die from myocarditis and pericarditis are not linked to Covid in statistics.

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Back when Australia hadn't had a death for months and they started their vaccine programme , there were 100% more deaths from the vaccine than from Covid

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I don't have a direct scientific study , maybe I'm wrong to make correlations like that but it's been proven in the other countries mentioned.

Australia has ramped up Vaccination since mid July and is now at 40%

Australian Covid deaths have steadily increased since 20 July

Yes , the Australia Covid Deaths numbers are ludicrously low to the point that the health department should be able to publish the demographics of each death as I'm guessing there are very obvious reasons why they have perished.

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France will be part of the europe-wide reporting system. I believe there are 2, euromomo maybe one of them

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I mean US

Further to this.

We knew about Pregnant women and the dangers of the vaccine a year ago during the trials.

We knew about males under 30 and myocarditis and pericarditis incidents in trials a year ago!

They have ignored all of this .

This has become too big for them to admit fault. This is going to get a lot lot worse before it gets better.

Look at the media reporting of the Arizona Audit , nothing.

They have video evidence of person/s deleting voter logs.

And nothing from the mainstream media

They haven't even bothered to report that most of the key swing states have announced they will be doing a full audit as well .

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Try Renewed Right for better News. I read an article about the swing state votes 3 weeks ago with Renewed Right. They email me multiple articles daily.

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I agree with your conclusion but you need to make sure all your facts are accurate. For example the "FDA official" does not work for the FDA. The image you show is from Dr. Joseph B. Fraiman's presentation during the open public hearing of the VRBPAC meeting (his presentation is great to share with others if you have pro-vaxx friends, linked below). Accuracy makes it harder for us to be summarily dismissed.


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Yes I noticed that too. Any error is used to throw out the baby with the bath water. Additionally, the study about the miscarriages, the author links to a story from Evie magazine (?) instead of the study itself, but the study IS linked in the article. This is really interesting the way the evidence trail is leading. The study itself was originally published in April, updated in July. The article is from September. The interesting part is when you look at critiques, and responses to critiques. This study should have all or at least most results in by now, but the researchers are still referencing data from July. Why? Why don’t we have much more effort underway to see this data properly concluded, and instead the researchers seem to be more concerned with marinating the possibility that miscarriage is on par with norms? There’s a good story to be investigated there.

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“Maintaining“, not marinating

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Thank you for research & reporting the facts.

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