From most rcent accounting, 30%. That's how many people globally, did not take the shots.😐

The death rates are continuing to climb, and will, right into 2027. They may start levelling out around then, but it won't matter, because the disability rates have been climbing faster, and will be climbing still right up to 2028/29. Which is why the deeply concerning changes in legislation re euthanasia in the last 4 years, is scary. The "changed definitions", "updated terminology/parameters/diagnostics" that occurred in 2019/20-23, has opened the door in many countries for extreme abuse or liberal interpretation, and you do not want to be on those governments radar.😐🤐 #wearemany #wearememory #wewillnotforgive #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised

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It seems, based on the work of various investigators, that the deaths due to the vaccines are in the order of 17 million. Further, it has now transpired that, although a few hundred thousand ventilators were ordered for the US, but no feeding tubes. People on ventilators must be intubated. Instead, they were starved to death. Also, no attention was given to the fact that the intubated were constipated and in need of manual release of their needs. These people were tortured, in fact.

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YOU were always the "disease"; their covaid$ death squirt the cure.

Onward ever faster to the total collapse of the evil angloZionaZi empire of filth.

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I believe it was Stalin who said, a single death is a tragedy, but a million deaths is a statistic.

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Only if you are a demonic, raving psychopath.

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Thank you for this post.

My own calculations converge on a death rate of about 1 in 800 of the ever-vaxxed:


So I think 17 million dead from the vaxx is too high. Say about 5 billion people were injected with the poison. At 1 in 800 dead, that would give about 6.25 million murders.

So far, anyway. Could go up. A lot.

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