Hans Reuch would have been vindicated to see your writing!! He tackled the vivisection issues & said that ultimately humans would be experimented on!! Well that’s been true for a while, now its in the open & we are so used to bowing before the science gods we can’t look up. I pray that our children mean enough to us to motivate us into action. Thanks for presenting the data into a meaningful text.

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Chris, I always look forward to your blogs. Thank you for speaking the truth as you see it. I am lucky to have have many diverse circles of friends: unfortunately I am characterised as a conspiracy theorist by them all because of my informed views on the 'vaccine'. Your considered yet forthright essays help keep poor saps like me going.

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hi Chris, while they sure DO stink to high heaven, theyre NOT[lie so fragrantly.] but FLagrant;-)

today Victoria the 2nd most insane state in Aus where I unhappily live at this time, announced the removal of forced 3rd jabs for most but not all, removal of masks IN airports but NOT in the planes. people with covid are now allowed to drive kids or others in their homes around but are to stay in the car?? yeah what logic? the poor govt workers and others still cop the enforced vax. and employers can still force it as they???see fit regardless of changes. and this is the SAME govt and health dept that have ADMITTED the vax isnt working on ohmigod at all and then STILL push to get a 3rd n 4tho ne anyway!

even more interesting after Aus bought 300k doses of useless antivirals with risky profiles for harm...

I find this;


ah yes like Tamiflu but far more costly the paxlovid touted as 80% effective and FDA rushed is?

as useless as a placebo

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Thank you, Chris! This is so important.

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Regarding the Vioxx example. I am a fan of Non Steroidal Antiinflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs). Drugs like Ibuprofen and Diclofenac provide cheap and effective pain relief to many people world wide. There is also increasing evidence that NSAID's might have certain anticancer activity as well. In the Rofecoxib (Vioxx) case however, Merck erred by down playing cardiovascular risk (which may in fact be present with other NSAID's as well). I believe that there might have been a place still for Rofecoxib had Merck been open about the side effects and let people choose what risk:benefit ratio would be acceptable to them. An herein lies the major problem with the societies we live in: people are not getting a choice, but is being presented like they are. This is what they call 'nudging' by omission or exaggeration. The authors of this article (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1779871/) points it out beautifully:

"Defenders of Merck may say that we do not know how rofecoxib's cardiovascular risk compares with that of other COX 2 inhibitors or traditional non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. But the proper place of these drugs in the medical armamentarium is beside the point. With billions of dollars at stake, Merck conducted the trials, stored and analysed the data internally, paid academic researchers as consultants to the investigative teams and the safety monitoring boards, and maintained heavy involvement in the writing and presentation of findings. The journals published the studies, and the academic community accepted the findings without expressing much concern. Nearly 107 million prescriptions for rofecoxib were dispensed in the US between 1999 and September 2004,21 when the drug was withdrawn from the market, and none of the people picking up those prescriptions had the opportunity to consider the true balance of its risks and benefits. "

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It seems as with OxyContin, the vax deliberately suppressed transparency about trade-offs - which exists for every medicine. Opioids also can be useful, but the Sackler family got the FDA sign-off to market it as broad pain relief medication. I was told by our pediatrician in Switzerland that the thinking was the vax would go to elderly then normality would return. She did not realise the governments and her profession had been captured. I am sure she fell in line later.

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wow serendipity indeed I just did some research on repurposed meds for other uses and found

similar info at Frontiers in Microbiology re celecoxib and betamethasone having use against Ecoli P auruginosa, a K pneumonia. as a limited short time use they have a purpose.

however when the pharmas couldnt flog enough to humans they moved to the Verinary market and those drugs have killed thousands or more older pets with arthritis and others they used incorrectly on as "pain meds" injected prior to surgery and pills afterwards.. there IS a warning for vet use to do liver and kidney function tests prior to use, or course thats rarely done due to insane costs charged for inhouse, takes 10 minute assays they can now do but charge a lab fee of well over 100 to do!.

they rarely bother to check humans either.

i have RA severely but cant take even 2 meloxicam without starting ulcers. theyre NOT a user friendly med.

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Of course, Pfizer loved shilling their re-purposed drug and previous most profitable product, Viagra.

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no edit function

that is veTerinary market above;-)

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Chris. If you want to look at a drug that really decimated populations the western world look no further than the contraceptive pill. After the pill rolled out in 1960 fertility rates plummeted to below replacement rate in a decade. Elon Musk decried this graph in a recent tweet (https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1529097667858546689?s=20&t=wNt9cCnZgWyE5zVfo-p_yw). A lot to unpack with this one. One can always blame big pharma for killing off the West but the underlying issue is why the pills were so popular in the first place, for it did exactly what it was marketed to do (cause infertility). Asked another way: would 'the pill' have been as popular in 1860? or 1760? I think not. So the real question is: what caused the West to willingly self destruct by stopping to "be fruitful and multiply; bring forth abundantly in the earth and multiply in it" (Gen 9:7)?

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Great point. The pill was also too important for the liberal revolution to be discussed openly.

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