I've been telling people this for years. Boomers will look at the lesbians and tr00ns emerging from the government indoctrination centers and ask, what the hell is happening to the kids, why are they all gay? And I tell them exactly this. It's only the white kids doing it. The white kids are being told they're uniquely evil ... And that if they sterilize themselves, they become uniquely good, rocketing from the bottom to the top of the victim hierarchy.

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Goes hand in hand with the mindset of "we're all sinners." In the olden days before the the church, you'd also be admonished by the tribe if you stepped out beyond the pale by being more of an independent warrior.

Now the transhumanist Robot Tribe hypocritcally celebrates individuality, mocking it at the same time by not allowing people to really be who they are, rather making them wear masks both literally and spiritually. It all comes down to valuing and loving ones' Self.

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This was well-put

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Hi Chris, do you perhaps have data on racial breakdown of those 19% of Gen z that are queer? Why I'm asking is - if white kids are racially overrepresented (more than their share in Gen z population) that supports the theoretical argument.

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My brother replied immediately and told me the breakdown is actually fairly mixed. But I do think you only see this stuff in 'white spaces', and once you control for fatherlessness, it is a white phenomenon. I think having taught it just too obvious that this stuff always uses race as an entry point. I wuld think overwhelming number of these peple are white but maybe not proportionately. We still have a lot of white people around the world who are disgusted by this stuff, while minorities in Europe and US are adjacent to it because of their overwhelming identification with the Left. This is important too because it seems to me an open borders policy always leads to this stuff too.

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I think some gender/identity confusion or searching is quite normal as kid grows up. Many times I asked myself "which part of me is me, and which part is a mold I have been pushed into?". In addition, where I come from, you don't want to be a woman. So - with those questions and realizations, if trans thing was normalized, I could have easily ended being one of them. Bottom line - acceptance, validation, normalization and peer pressure definitely must have a lot to do with it

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I'd be interested to see this, too. My subjective, anecdotal experience is that it is overwhelmingly a white phenomenon. I'm not sure I've ever met a genderqueer black. Hispanics seem rare. Every once in a while I've encountered an Asian who falls for it. My hypothesis would be that the incidence rate of performative gender dysphoria maps very well to the progressive oppression hierarchy, with the proviso that it probably doesn't map to the sexual victim hierarchy: white men are very much at the bottom, with white women just above them, but females seem far more likely than males to seek a Maoist 'red' identity via genderqueering.

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It's very interesting. Certainly makes sense, knowing what I know about American culture at the moment. Here in South Africa, environment is different. Although sometimes I think that all handsome men in Cape Town are gay, the only trans kid I know off (in friends of friends circle) is imported and Thai/German. And white guilt-tripping doesn't go far - again, in my circle, white people are either immigrants like myself, or are quite proud and thoroughly pissed off with the current state of things where meritocracy has long been abandoned by the government (and replaced by BEE and cadre deployment), which is why all the government services are on life support...

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Relying on logic and facts in this essay will have the left mark you a racist. Calling out their demigod Obama for poisoning this nation's youth will warrant a character assassination. You allude to this but don't explicitly say what we need to tell these kids - "It's OK to be white."

Abigail Shrier's "Irreversible Damage" woke me up to the phenomenon you describe. In it she discusses in some detail how social media has played a significant role in spreading this contagion.

The number of young white girls mutilating their faces with piercings and tattoos today is horrifying. It portends an exponential growth in what you discuss here. Nightmare.

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We need to keep pulling the thread...

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Good stuff. Glad John Carter recommended you.

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On occasion Obama would refer to his 'wife' as Michael rather than Michelle, when does this ever happen with a normal husband.

'Michelle' appeared to have a rather large appendage flapping around between 'her' legs.

I think Obama had a lady boy for a wife.


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I like the article but why the defensive reference to "a white nationalist fever dream"? Kinda spoils the whole effect doesn't it? I mean, which side are you on? Because you have to choose. Fence-straddling isn't an option any more.

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Fair comment. I am pro-white, pro-nationalist. But the 'wignat' movement you see online is too infiltrated and compromised - see Spencer etc - to be embraced right now. Equally, you do not need to be a white nationalist to see the rainbow nation is an utter myth or that whites are under attack.

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I was banned at Sailor's blog for specifically saying what I did here. He's not that interested in white culture. I don't think he even knows what it is. He's a civic nationalist only interested in IQ and noticing things. How brave, As you point out smart blacks are even worse because they acquire more power and do more damage. Sailor would never go there. Congratulations.

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OK, but don't forget that we the whites are the majority on earth and a very strange thing, the woke leaders who push this dementia are whites too. This is about divide et impera.

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Curses on all turd burglars & carpet munchers.

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