Philosophers say that everything speeds up toward the end. Evil has been in control of the world for the last century or so. The covid madness that we have been seeing in the last couple of years simply amounts to Satan's last hurrah. A glorious new era of freedom, peace, and prosperity is soon to dawn. Get a good look at the bad guys who are running the world right now. They will not be around very much longer.

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Thank you for doing what we should all be doing...speaking up, and speaking out.

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if they left their phones OFF and congregated theyd still have the CCTV to beat. chinas way ahead in surveillance state and the people know it.

the utter stupidity is what we see at surface level

however why would they risk tanking economy and killing many of its own(think Mao) there may well be a hidden agenda in halting global supply of goods jamming ports etc

timing it to the usa led/created Ukie "war" is amazingly handy to cause max global problems

Taiwan should be very worried Id guess

meanwhile the senile bidet throws 3bil+ to ukraine as well as massive weaponry etc

dont think uSSa would handle a war on 2 fronts that well- they fail on just one regularly.

just my 2cents worth

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There is no virus, but as long as people believe there is the madness continues, the Chinese people seem unable to break throuhh the matrix, if they came togeather in their millions as they out number their oppressors 100 to 1, of course the comminists have their agents listening in for any talk of revolution, hopefully they will break through within the next few years

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