Chris, you are incredibly well informed and I could not agree more with your assessment of Israel.

As to the mysterious nature of many things involving the Middle East, check out this interview with General Wesley Clark: https://www.democracynow.org/2007/3/2/gen_wesley_clark_weighs_presidential_bid.

Israel doesn’t just want Gaza and the West Bank, they want the entire neighborhood.

I too don’t have a problem with a “Jewish” state, per se. I think that Jews have historically been persecuted and should have a state to call their own.

But, the ruthlessness, military-grade propaganda and, frankly, illegal/morally bankrupt methods (Jeffrey Epstein, AIPAC) to “protect” Israel/Jews leave me with very little sympathy for Israel. There IS a difference between the two entities--Israel is a state, Jews are people. One can criticize one without being an anti-Semite.

Not to mention how regular Israelis, as well as their ministers have been speaking of the Palestinians. Their hatred and contempt for Palestinians is in one way refreshing in it’s honesty--no rhetorical flourishes or empty platitudes. Just a bottomless contempt for the people who’s lives the state of Israel just fell on top of.

Chris, I’m curious as to your take on South Africa’s indictment of Israel before the ICJ?

I feel I have a cursory understanding of your feelings for the ANC, but John Mearsheimer considers the indictment an impeccably written and sourced document. (I have not yet read the indictment myself, but give South Africa a great deal of praise for the courage in brining this indictment at all. Everyone else has tried nothing and are all out of ideas.)

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It is very mysterious. Rumours are the ANC is getting a kickback for it. I don't think it will come to anything, though. Big boys are not behind it.

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Hi Chris

What a great post seeing much of both sides of the coin.

The first casualty of war is truth is no doubt what we need to remember.

The relationship between these two religions and races has often been peaceful and often been horrific.

While we all have heard about the Pope having supported Hitler, Islamic leaders were also closely associated with Hitler. The following link is to an audio summary of the history of this forgotten past, which has no doubt been much of the foundation for the desire of the Palestinians to wipe out Israel.


As far as the legitimacy of Israel and Christianity both having a relationship with God is concerned, that to is a very complex situation. While Jesus said to the Jewish leaders: "Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof. (Matt 21:43) It was to be given to the Church.

This is however not what is commonly called "replacement theology"

For while Israel have been removed from a vital role. They will be re-established with a new role, once Christ returns to the Earth, to usher in the Kingdom of God. (Jer 31:35-37, Jer 33:20-26, Isa 54:1-17)

God has not cast-off Israel from being his people. (Rom 11:1-36)

However, for a time he has hidden his face from them: "For a little moment I have left you; but with great mercies I will gather you. In a little wrath I hid My face from you for a moment; but with everlasting kindness I will have mercy on you, says the Lord your Redeemer." (Isa 54:7-8)

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Thanks for this, Martin. Yes, there is a promise of a return to God, but that is by converting to the Christian faith and joining the church. The notion that Jews need not convert now is heretical. Christian Zionists seem to err in this way.

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There's a post of a video by Gavin McInnes at his gap page where he has a diagram of the various Jewish factions. It's pretty good, I think.


Basically, there are three conservative Jewish sects in agreement, and one – secular modernist Jews – who are in conflict with the others. Rather similar to modernist Europeans vs. more traditional Christian caucasians.

So, they – the secularists in both groups – embrace modernism. And if you analyze modernism itself you will see it's self-destructive. It entails emptiness and irony and is fundamentally insane. Rather, than trying to make sense of something irrational, like, say, a painting by Jeff Koons or Damien Hirst, you just have to come to terms with it as a phase in human nature, or at least European nature. You might want to read Euripides' Bacchae, for example, to get a feeling for the primordial god who is now ascendant. There's really no other explanation for the current madness.

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Bacchae is a great play.

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I would have commented on the main subject your excellent essay, but there is little more to be said. "Western Civilization" itself seems to be on trial in The Hague. I am not hopeful for redemption.

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"War on Climate Change"

The war that is actually being waged is, of course, fake because it is not intended to ameliorate the problem. But alas, human-caused climate change is real, as a reading of James Hansen's book and articles will convince.


So what's with all these "experts" who marshall legions of the ignorant to ad hominem any serious discussion of the problem?

Notice that a great big fallacy is the motor behind it all:


from the article:

"We often can profitably judge arguments pro and con by examining them for fallacies! Here's a typical argument I've seen multiple times on internet forums: “Well, Bill Gates, the World Economic Forum and that too-Klaus-for-comfort guy, and United Nations big-wigs and the like are obviously trying to install a World Government, they even admit it! The whole climate change crisis is obviously just a hoax they are promoting to get the public scared, and willing to abandon their remaining freedoms so that these ultra-rich detestables can grab power and reduce us all to peons no better off than the destitute of the Middle Ages.”

This, of course, is the Appeal to Detestability fallacy. Klaus and Kompany may well have such plans, I wouldn't be surprised, although I have serious doubts they can achieve much along those lines. But, once again, their detestability, obviously, has no bearing whatever on what issues they might espouse in their attempts at control.

It might be argued that such people and groups, when fishing around for an issue to promote one of their half-vast projects, would tend to choose one that was at least "somewhat true". We don't see the WHO, or WEF trying to wind us up because of the imminent threat of an invasion by extraterrestrials! (Despite all the recent "news" reports...)

for Ignorance there is a treatment and cure.

Stupidity is terminal.

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While I agree that there may be some vague possibility that climate change is happening, human induced climate change is way beyond scientific capacity to verify.

(WARNING the word "statistical" is used in the following comment, please keep reading- it's not too difficult to understand!!!!)

The simple matter, from a scientific perspective, is that there are too many variables in the statistical calculations. Every time you bring in a new variable you don't add any possible errors to the equation, but multiply these errors. After about three or four variables then any analysis is a waste of time as the spectrum of potential error is greater than the measurement being assessed. Climate change stats have a couple of hundred variables: H20, C02, heat, wind, land clearing, bacterial soil activity, etc. so there is no way you could calculate anything of any validity from such an array of information.

This is the basic scientific statistical understanding underpinning all science, which is why they always try to reduce the variables to one or two at the most in any expeiriment. Yet you will never hear our leaders, either scientific or political. talk about it, for it's just a bit too complex to explain in a 5 second sound bite.

Yet for all the so called education we have we have been provided for free, we in general have not been taught the basic foundation of science, which is what our entire economy and most knowledge we have is built on.

When at university I studied the History and Philosophy of Science, but it was not compulsory, so only about 5 students did it as part of their science degree. So the rest just took the stuff being taught them and swallowed it, rubbish and all. These people are the so called scientists who are promoting human induced climate change- they will believe anything because they have not been taught how to think for themselves, just to spout whatever some so called expert tells them is correct.

Those who study 'political science' are even at a more complete loss!!

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The models are clearly meaningless. Maldives still with us. Ice caps much the same as decade ago. None of the activists match their rhetoric with lifestyle changes. If they believed it themselves, we would be entirely nuclear by now.

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"human induced climate change is way beyond scientific capacity to verify"


Read James Hansen, Storms of my Grandchildren.

If you really believe what you said, you should be able to supply some equally authoritative references, and not by the BigOil financed usual suspects.

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That is my whole point Peter, you can't prove it and no matter who says what any "authoritative references" have no authority. But if you don't understand basic science as explained above then there is no point in explaining anything else.

Read a text on statistics so you can assess science, don't rely on any "authoritative references".

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read Hansen.

Arguing climate without reading Hansen is like arguing general relativity without reading Einstein. Read the former and I'll let you off saying whatever you like about climate.

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Never heard of the guy and appeals to authority mean nothing after covid. I don't care about climate change and don't want to discuss it further.

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Covid is just one of several equally-important crises of our times. And they are all interrelated.

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