Excellent article! I'm in Canada and my frustration level keeps going up. I'm not sure how so many people can be fooled by the BS...my Alberta gov't has come the closest I've seen to removing all the mandates...yet they still will not promote the treatments like Ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine etc that we KNOW work, as effectively, if not much better than the failing vaccines...not to mention these treatments won't kill as many as the vaccines have!

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Science is not perfect but it is way more accurate than right wing morons who constantly go against it especially anti-vax losers like you Chris with your politically biased misinformation site.

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Nice scientific statement, bra.

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Hey Chris,

In South Africa, I think we got lockdown wrong. And testing. And masks. In the early stages (like april 2020) it's forgiveable, it was unprecedented. Later on, it was bad govt decisions.

However, I think with the vaccine, it's not perfect, but it's better than no vaccine at all. A lesser of two evils.

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The problems and doubts concerning the vaccine means it should be dispensed according to risk. Probably worth it for elderly and fat but obsession with vaccinating everybody is peculiar and sinister.

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Nobody has prescribed exercise yet to beat covid...

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Perhaps the death rate in the above example went down because all doctors were only focused on emergency care and therefore able to prioritise life-saving emergencies? Any other causes of death would probably have taken longer than 52 days to materialise - missed cancer diagnosis etc? On your point about leaky vaccines - "a leaky vaccine is one which counters the virus, but only enough to allow the virus to grow stronger" - is this not a misconception about how a virus mutates? Mutations are random. There may have been a mutation at the start of the pandemic that could evade the vaccines, but there were no vaccines at the time, so this mutation had no competitive advantage. Now, mutations of this kind DO have an advantage, and therefore fitter strains are those with mutations that might help it to evade vaccines/normal immune response. So what the SAGE report is saying is that with a lot of virus in the community, mutated versions that beat the vaccine have more chance of becoming dominant. The vaccine itself is not CAUSING the virus to change however. So I don't agree with your conclusion there, but I am no expert either, so am happy to be corrected if I have misunderstood their report.

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For the leaky vaccines, see the next piece: https://chriswaldburger.substack.com/p/pfizer's-own-data-and-leaked-contract. Suffice to say, that a bad vaccine can cause mutations, is fairly non-controversial. Regarding the doctors strikes, I do not think doctors worked at all. My point though is that we have real scepticism towards lawyers, builders, etc but a kind of reverence for doctors, which has proven very destructive as they have started to dictate all aspects of our lives.

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Sorry. There was emergency care but definitely scarcer. This thread is interesting: https://mobile.twitter.com/RealhumanSchwab/status/1419060655684915200

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It is quite interesting! Perhaps at least some people were more cautious during these strikes because they knew they wouldn't get proper care (so there were less accidents), but that gives people too much credit I imagine!

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I read the other piece. I understand the idea that vaccines might 'speed up' the process by which certain strains become more dominant (those being the strains that more effectively evade vaccines/natural immunity) but the point is that if everyone could be vaccinated quickly, or if we could reach natural herd immunity quickly enough, there is less chance of those strains becoming dominant because of shorter opportunity timeframe? Its why many scientists in UK disagree with rampant infection + high (but not high enough yet) vaccination...I think...to be honest the hardest part of all this is what/who to trust - I agree with the sentiment "What right do I have? Trust the experts!" as I don't feel qualified to comment on this stuff - but at the same time, the experts themselves are in such conflict/disagreement. Take Malone as an example, you've cited him on more than one occasion - is the guy really credible? https://twitter.com/EricTopol/status/1419062510489980930?s=20 / https://debunkingdoomsday.quora.com/The-spike-proteins-in-vaccines-are-harmless-they-are-not-cytotoxic-infodemic-post-by-Robert-Malone-who-claims-to-be

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Malone is not part of the club but he was pivotal in mRNA as vaccines. The guy who invented the PCR test also not part of the club. As is the guy who isolated HIV. There is a pattern here.

This whole mutation thing is really overhyped. But the bizarre push to inject every living thing with this highly dubious vaccine makes it somewhat believable to me that something very wrong could take place soon. Clearly the vaccine does not do what they say it would.

If we want natural immunity, all the young and healthy should be free. Alas.

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The only pattern I see is that nobody knows for sure, about a lot of things. I'm in the I don't know club, and anyone with any true conviction about anything is probably out of their mind. A stupid amount of my life is now wasted in front of a screen, probably 14-16 hours a day now, 5,6 sometimes 7 days a week, trying to understand what the f is happening, worrying about family, our futures, but I'm fairly certain I'm going backwards at this point in making any sense of it. I think its almost time to burn the computers and smartphones and make our own realities again with the people in our immediate vicinity. Because anything else could be the lizard people.

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Ive spoken with current top HIV researchers who were pulled off HIV research to work on covid but have been pulled back to HIV 6 months ago.

And now Pfizer will be releasing a pill to go with the vaccine which is literally a rebranded HIV ARV.

ARVs are not to be trifled with, they are almost as nuclear as chemo drugs.

I digress, the fact is these HIV researchers are captured and they are unable to say anything about the vaccines or why Pfizer and other companies prefer the subscription method of treatment... but we know why.

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