In 2018 Mel Greaves was knighted for his work studying childhood leukemia.

He found that 1 in 20 children are born with a genetic susceptibility to leukemia but that leukemia only develops under specific conditions.

Sir Mel -

'For full leukaemia to occur, another biological event must take place and this involves the immune system. “For an immune system to work properly, it needs to be confronted by an infection in the first year of life,” says Greaves. Without that confrontation with an infection, the system is left unprimed and will not work properly.”

“When such a baby is eventually exposed to common infections, his or her unprimed immune system reacts in a grossly abnormal way,” says Greaves. “It over-reacts and triggers chronic inflammation.”

As this inflammation progresses, chemicals called cytokines are released into the blood and these can trigger a second mutation that results in leukaemia in children carrying the first mutation.


Now what did governments do two years later that all but uarantees these 1 in 20 will develop leukemia?

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The same is true for SARS/Cov2 symptoms, there is a genetic susceptibility, albeit more complex. A meta-study has shown cesarean delivery have higher occurrences of childhood leukaemia. See: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanhae/article/PIIS2352-3026%2816%2900002-8/fulltext

They conclude birth stress is a contributing factor. However, biom priming occurs when the mother's feces comes in contact with the infant during natural birthing processes. Biom and immune system priming cannot occur during cesarean delivery and is likely another contributing factor to childhood leukaemia.

It still doesn't answer the question why some children with the mutation never develop childhood leukaemia. Looking at the interaction of genes and how mutation projections present over years and decades is very, very hard to do. Another blanket vaccine for children is likely not the best solution.

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Great article thank you

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Chris, great article !!

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