Thanks for writing this. It really is insane, and there's a method to the madness: the illogic of it all, the fact that the narrative is so patently false and requires the unnatural suppression of what one can see with one's own eyes and feel in the depths of one's own soul, is a powerful demoralization technique on those required to participate in it. It's meant to break people psychologically, and its success can be seen from the numbers of whites who trip over each other to signal their "tolerance," even to the point of tolerating racially motivated violence and discrimination against themselves and their own families. It's like Stockholm Syndrome. Anyway, best of luck to you in South Africa, and especially to the farmers there!

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The AI programs are very stupid I find, but that one was about as bias as could be!

The same people that program them are running our TV and internet and "news" etc.

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Interesting quote by Ben Crump. Blacks routinely say how much they hate white people. As a matter of fact, a Black Panther in the 60s said something to the effect that the future would be a war between the white man's world and the black man's. But no matter how obvious the distaste blacks have for whites, whites in their hubris cannot admit it.

This interest in blacks, I believe, began with bohemian artsy types in the 19th century. For example, Baudelaire, a kind of trust fund kid, was beguiled by a black mistress and wrote a few poems about her. I think this was part of the mockery towards the squares, the petit bourgeoisie who sincerely emulate their superiors, by the new class of Enlightenment intellectuals.

These bohemians would hold 'balls' that were self-aware travesties of the soirees held by aristos. In this context, blacks were used as sigils against the materialists by poor but more clever poets and artists adept at manipulating images, gestures and sounds in time. The tone was subversive and aimed at privilege, obligation, honor, custom and divine order. Use of drugs became an almost required practice.

Eventually, intellectuals and their artist clients morphed into full-blown modernists exemplified by Marcel Duchamp and his found objects, signifying emptiness and irony. They were taken up by the ultra-wealthy in a war of top and bottom against the middle. What they really hate, I think, is the middle class even though many bohemians are from the middle class themselves. Blacks destroy everything they touch. Ergo, the fascination towards them by this new type of bohemian-with-a-career but sexually decadent opportunist. These bohemians may now be possessed by demons. (See, Hunter Biden.)

Anyhoo, it's something like that. We now see a further manifestation of this bohemian mindset as an identification with Hamas and how Jews, even with Holocaust museums all over the place, are perceived as white oppressors similar to the American South and South Africa.

Thank you for your article.

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Remember ultra-hipster Norman Mailer's late 1950s book, "The White Negro"? It described the fascination and mimicry white hipsters had for black musicians and artists.

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Indeed I do. It was originally an article, though, published in Dissent magazine.


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Your either/or choice on Ben Crump? He is BOTH, an imbecile and an advocate for racial violence.

Do the math on that post-1959 statistic. 100K more whites have lost their lives to blacks than the other way round. What are the respective percentages of the US population which are black and white, over that time period?

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