Having grown up in paradise, in what was formerly Rhodesia, from my pre-teens until I left on diplomatic service in 1976, I witnessed the destruction of a country and the morale of its people by the powers that were. The bush war was never about race as many people believe, not about whites hating blacks and vice versa .. rather it was the evil machinations of unseen forces hell bent on subjugating the Bread Basket of Africa and reducing its greater populace to hopelessness to control the great wealth of the country, in natural resources and a beautiful, heart-centred nation. I returned for the first time in 2022. I witnessed that the promises of a better life were shattered like a fragile chalice and poverty and corruption is the order of the day, 44 years later. The young men, many of my peers and co-workers, brave men and women who took a stand against evil, were killed, fodder to the war machine. In my opinion all wars are this. May our Love & Intentions usher in the Golden Age of Peace, quickly 🙏🏾🙌🏿💜

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In WWII we fought on the same side as Communist Russia and Communist China. Never forget the reality that has infiltrated this country ever since. Since then we have literally outsourced our independence to China. We literally could not defend our country today. Our manufacturing/infrastructure base has been destroyed, no steel, no computers, no chip production.

Wake up folks, we've been robbed and are in a very bad place.

Putin's not the problem, the problem resides in the money running the world and they are not looking out for the interests of the US.

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Yes, Putin is the diversion. Meanwhile, LGBT and multiculturalism and outsourcing kill the West.

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Chris, be happy you’re living in a place Putin has little interest. If he did, you’d be speaking Russian and your children would look forward to a life of alcoholism. Your boy “Dirty Diaper Donny”, who’ll shortly be sitting in the Whitehouse, won’t lift a finger to help.

It’s disingenuous to write about days of remembrance while you support the agents who cause the suffering.

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Unbelievable comment. Trump's great weakness was arming the Ukrainians.

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Unbelievable??? Unfortunately very believable. There is no new order from disorder, we only lower our expectations of an orderly and civil society. The putin problem was an Eisenhower problem. If Eisenhower would have let Patton roll into Moscow, billions of $$$ would have gone to other opportunities. Putin needs to go. The US is a tiny county compared to Russia. Yet its leadership, focusing on divisiveness, keeps the country infighting allowing their oligarchs to exploit them. The Ukraine keeps Europe and Africa out of Putin’s reach. If (when) Ukraine falls, I’ll send you self help books on learning Russia or Chinese…. Who ever gets to your town first.

The same mentality Russians have about “strong leaders” is the same mentality that got trump elected. What makes you think the outcome will be different?

Change is inevitable. It’s good if you’re coming out ahead, but most lose. Supporting fascism while using remberance as a backdrop is disingenuous. Day of Remembrance is about the lives sacrificed so you have the freedoms to write blogs, comrade.

Try reading this 1948 document and compare it to putin’s and trumps policies towards their own ppl and other counties. https://www.un.org/sites/un2.un.org/files/2021/03/udhr.pdf

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Gay Pride Uber Alles, comrade!!!

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Nothing wrong being gay. Adults have a right to be what they want. Unfortunately, child groomers joined the pack because gay pride organizers want as many people to show highest turnouts instead of “doing diligence” to filter them out. Grooming children is a problem. There’s a US expression, “it’s nothing that a can of gas and a match wouldn’t cure”.

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Plenty wrong in a sacred-victim, entitled parasite culture.

“America has legislation which forces every private enterprise of size to have a proportion of women, of black people and sexual deviants; who of course know they don't belong there, and thus are extremely faithful political commissars.” https://spandrell.com/2017/11/14/biological-leninism

Bio-mercantilism/bio-Leninism are good terms for it. This helps explain Saint George and Kneeling Nancy. Also partly explains why so much modern art is really ugly. You pay or give enough buzz to Jean-Michel Basquiat to maintain loyalty to a kind of Ponzi scheme. It also helps to describe the hive mind's ability to react like a flock of starlings.

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Agreed.. I can't wait to permanently relocate to Sicily or Sardinia. BTW the black americans I know are very smart, and absolutely brilliant. I guess it's the company you keep.

This latest equity hiring play is to get ppl off the dole. It was an agreement between business lobbyist and govt to not raise corporate taxes while having corporations picking up part of the tab economically supporting the unemployable. Each hire receives a corporate tax deduction and a $10K tax credit. It's also a way to avoid EU import tariffs as an ESG compliant organization.

Thanks for the link, I'll try to get a copy of the book

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And what interest do you imagine Putin has in the collection of old buildings, woke NGOs and unemployed VW workers that he would collect by invading Western Europe?

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It's not on the surface. Putin's strategy, similar to historical strategies, likes to through bodies at problems. In the case of war, bodies often equate to cannon fodder. It's a historical tactic we now call "swarming".

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I expect Putin to invade Poland any moment now. A Russian leader responding to US arming a city within minutes of his capital is simply unprecedented behaviour.

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I had done an analysis of Ukraine/Poland scenario about 12years ago. Putin needed to ally and recruited from africa, east asia, or middle east, and eastern russia including mercenary armies supporting their successful attrition strategies. Close proximity (compared to weapon range and remote control) would enhance Russia's "Deep Operation" strategy successes. Air defense will be increasingly critical to maintain manufacturing capability. Sanctions and enforcements support two (2) purposes: 1) serve as a warning 2) provide the first strike eroding war making capabilities, a similar strategy to Russia's "Deep Operation" strategy

Every non-blitz war as well as each battle asset availability is a determining factor. The Ukraine/Putin conflict can be considered a test of Russian and western logistic capabilities. As warfighting assets are consumed, they need replacement. Tempo and frequency in warfare is directly proportionate to asset availability. Logistical disruption deprecates warfighting capabilities.

Ground troops are a means to control opposition warfighting assets. Historically, WWII Operation Barbarossa became a fist fight between Nazi and Soviet troops, partly due to weather and Stalin overriding his experienced general's plans. The exceptionally wet and cold winter deprecated Nazi advantages.

In total, the Nazis deployed nearly 4M troops and lost over 800K 20%. Although numbers are lost, it was believed the Soviets deployed over 6M and lost over 5m troops. The Soviets had greater, long tail logistical capabilities despite the 5:1 troop losses compared to Nazis. The soviets had nearly 7m troops mobilized at the time of Operation Barbarossa Soviet counter offensive. The number of soviet troops increased to nearly 11M at the time of battles of Moscow and Stalingrad 1 year and 2 years later respectively. Within a year, the soviets were able to double their fighting force while the Nazis could only increase their eastern front fighting force by 5%.

Wrapping this back around, Putin's decision to invade Poland and hold ground will be dependent on his warfighting assets vs nato's capabilities.

Unprecedented troop build up in Poland ? BTW, it's not US troops in Poland. NATO members have the right to place warfighting capabilities anywhere they like within their jurisdiction. The US govt and private sector can sell, lease and loan any warfighting equipment they want within US and international law. If Putin doesn't like it, too bad. Putin does not legislate, own, or operate the country of Poland. If Putin doesn't want to get bit, he shouldn't antagonize a dog.

Poland has not been an aggressor towards Russian since 1919, and that was only to restore their boarders lost during WWI and defensively partnering with free Ukraine from Soviet aggression. Prior to 1919, the Polish-Russian conflict was 1792? when Russia invaded Poland. In last two (2) cases of Polish-Russian conflicts, Russia and the Soviet Union was the aggressor towards Poland. The Polish government would be negligent not defensively preparing for another conflict with an aggressive Russia.

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