I take the contrary view. I think the hole they are digging with the mRNA gene therapy shots will be big enough to bury them all. It may take a little while longer for the impact of the damage from quackcination to be so overwhelming that their supporters capitulate, but I expect it will happen.

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Will we all be too concerned with a lack of food and fuel to do anything about it? The owners behind this strike me as the types to burn it all down to save themselves.

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Good question. Alternate sources of food supply (i.e. local) are emerging, parallel health care, what we need are some alternatives in energy. There are some out there, but not so easily accessible or the cost is still a bit prohibitive.

How far do they go before burning it down affects them directly? Or are they such nihilists they don't care?

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Got autocorrected, owners should be ones.

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If you click on the three dots you can edit your post.

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For me, one of the most interesting facts you mentioned: restrictions are being dropped today in South Africa. Because I just read a similar news item, except it was Australia (where I live).

This can't just be coincidence...

Lockstep, anyone?

You can explain away the imposing of restrictions at the same time as being contagious fear (nation-wide lockdown here, from the last week of March 2020... just at the same time lockdowns were being imposed in many other countries). But the lifting of major restrictions? No way to explain that, except that they are all reading from the same instruction memo.

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yeah sort of lifted except they left it open for employers to demand vax still..friend used the trial SA flinders uni vax used OS denied here and her new employers demanding 3!! atagi approved only vax or no job.

public nonvaxed can go into state authority buildings BUT I am still banned from volunteer driving oldies lunches around

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I'm certainly not saying it's all good here! Just that it is curious that the lifting of restrictions is being orchestrated globally...

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"What has intrigued me since 2020, and what I fear will continue to be a mystery, is how doctors will not adjust their recommendations. "

Because medical "professionals" have joined the media and politicians to see who can whore themselves the most for the pharma cartel.

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A Midwestern Doctor has written a series on this which is quite illuminating. It starts here: https://amidwesterndoctor.substack.com/p/why-can-doctors-not-diagnose-medical

the most recent https://amidwesterndoctor.substack.com/p/how-to-end-medical-blindness

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The timing could be significant. It appears that the WEF agenda is focused on 2050 and this is just a generation or so from now. Thus the effects of depopulation will be maximised by 2050 as birth rates decline from 2023 which they are doing so now anyway due to other reasons.

And South Africa is trapped in its debt obligations to the IMF and World Bank and thus has to follow the globalists' dictates. "The interventions by the IMF and World Bank are unprecedented: this is the first time that the institutions have supported SA’s public finances/fiscus since the country’s democratic transition. The World Bank is no stranger to SA’s state-owned industry as it provided Eskom a loan of $3.75-billion in 2010 for the construction of the Medupi power station."

Spoiler: Maverick is owned by the Globalists and supports the official narrative:


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Well done.

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Congratulations on finally having restrictions lifted !!!

Interesting study on sperm counts... Generally stress adversely affects sperm counts and motility. See: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6260894/

I wonder what the sperm count and motility are when you're dead from SARS/CoV2 symptoms ?

As for mRNA vaccine, although not perfect, but it's still cleaner/safer than other early vaccines in history. The big advantage of this mRNA vaccine is the delivery mechanism. We haven't seen massive deaths or injury from the technique as promised by anti-vaxers. Sort of like the delusional paranoids claiming CERN's Hadron Collider would create a blackhole to suck in our solar system. That didn't happen either..

The COVID vaccine provided a proof that the delivery mechanism works and has sent pharma research in new directions. New treatments for solid tumors, previously untreatable without radiation, can be directly targeted. See press release: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2022/06/220607121030.htm

As for poverty related deaths, yeah it's a huge problem. We need a new economic system, not built on debt. How many excess deaths will be caused by Russia's invasion of Ukraine from higher fuel costs and food supply disruption ?

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If it is cleaner/safer than other early vaccines in history, how do we explain the rise in mortality the insurance companies are reporting that was not seen until the quackcines started rolling out?

I agree that we haven't seen the massive deaths or injury that some were predicting, but it is certainly higher, and according to VAERS, higher than any quackcine in history.

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The icing on the cake is that germ theory is complete junk science.

Germ theory is absolute crap, riddled with error, sloppy thinking and fraud.

We only believe it because we were all indoctrinated into believing it.

If you look into germ theory you realise it is complete guff just as the covid19 story is complete guff.

This excellent documentary shows just how stupid germ theory is.


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