Thanks Chris.

Can I respectfully suggest that in your extracts summarizing Panda’s position statement (which was mainly my work) you have left out a critical and in my opinion slam-dunk logical point which we made.

That is the fact that whatever it was it spread rapidly and widely for months without causing either excess deaths or clusters of unusual illnesses, both of which only commenced when the madness was started.

Otherwise, great summary of these 2 complementary articles, thanks.

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Thanks Jonathan. I did attempt a summary seen below, but, yes, should have been foregrounded more. A peril of limited time to write around my day job.

"After all, we have samples of coronavirus from around the world before the Wuhan Event, yet no noticable excess illness or death. Media and mainstream science has never been able to account for this."

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Scrolling on my phone at 7 am I actually missed that….I take it all back!!!

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Do they have samples of the covid coronavirus as in the complete genetic material from an actual isolated sample or do they just have PCR positive results that prove nothing?

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Thank you - I will cross post the Panda link to Jeff Childers "Coffee & Covid" substack, which is widely read.

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In November 2019 my wife (43) became really ill with a respiratory disease, she had a cough that was an absolute beast, it was just relentless for a good 2 weeks, her blood oxygen was low, she was wiped out for a good six weeks.

Yet I, my son and my mother-in-law were not ill at all despite being in close proximity to my wife the entire time.

When visiting our local Doctor they said it was very early for the flu season and that lots of other people had been struck down at the same time.

I'm just grateful that she went through it early before they started putting people in intensive care on ventilators because they probably would have killed her.

If it hadn't been for seeing her so ill I would have thought the entire thing was a total hoax.

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My wife was ill in 2020. Lost taste and smell, in bed for two weeks. I do not say there was no virus, but absent action it probably would have been something like Hong Kong flu in the late 60s.

Agreed: We know the same virus was circulating in 2019 and early 2020 prior to lockdowns, yet there was no massive spike in death and hospitalization, even though many had bad cases.

I was once down and out with flu for a month in 2004. Friends lost an infant during bad flu season in 2013.

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'I do not say there was no virus'

I have listened to those that claim that virology is a bogus science based on flawed thinking and flawed data and I think they have a strong case.

Obviously people experience respiratory illness but the illness isn't caused by tiny particles we call a virus that can be spread from one person to another.

The particles falsely pointed at by virologists as being a virus actually being exosomes ,debris particles of cells that have broken down as part of the disease process.

Virologist point at a result of the disease, lots of exosomes, and incorrectly declare the result to be the cause - a virus.

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I would love to delve more into the issue. I like how Panda put it:

What this statement does NOT say

Firstly, it is not to be read as questioning the existence per se of naturally-occurring viruses. This is not to deny that there are clearly many unknowns with respect to viruses – and the extent of what we don’t know appears to be immeasurably greater than virologists would care to admit. How viruses are transmitted, how and why they infect certain people at certain times and not others, where they come from, how they change, and whether/if they can disappear are poorly, if at all, understood

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If we can address and answer those questions we can ascertain whether orthodox virology is valid or invalid.

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Great article Chris !!

A pandemic is a transnational occurrence, while a epidemic is considered regional or local event. The 'outbreak' likely started in Wuhan although there's no direct evidence of "patient 0". Patient 0 may have only had mild/no symptoms or died at home without investigation. Transnationally, the outbreak first spread to Thailand ? The WHO's covid timeline starts Jan 2020. However in Western US, healthy patients were 'crashing' from respiratory failure in Oct 2019.

There are a few issues with Verduyn CFR data compared to the western world. US CDC of 0.2% and EU's ECDC 0.13% report influenza fatality rate, not the 0.7% that Verduyn claims. The 0.7% claim is 2.2x or 5.2x respectively different than long term tracking by CDC and ECDC. Possibly the numbers are higher in Africa, India and China, although there are questions pertaining to data quality in those areas.

I don't want to reopen a long discussion on lockdown efficacy. The bottom line was "lockdown' was to slow infection rates. Lockdowns are a mitigation based on influenza epidemiology, not corona virus epidemiology. In certain population densities, lockdowns did work. In high density areas, lockdowns only provided short terms results. We all need to accept the fact lockdowns were not a cure or a bulletproof barrier to infection. It was only intended to slow the infection and death rates until a medical or pharmaceutical treatment was found.

It doesn't matter what PANDA is trying to "sell" to their readers. There are no conspiracies, alternate explanations, or master plan. There is only marginally competent leaders attempting to save their jobs and ppl that do care who honestly tried to save other's lives.

It doesn't matter that if you or anyone else believes it was a "social pandemic". I'd like you to go to someone that lost their family member, their sole source of income to house and feed their families and tell them it was a social pandemic and the virus that killed dozens of pll they knew was in their imagination.

I truly wish everyone with "alternate explanations" could be in the room for days helplessly watch covid victims die. Their suffering was horrific. The best that could be done was keep them sedated until strokes, organ failure, heart failure, pulmonary collapse if they were luck. Others, had immune system failure that results in their brains rotting while going insane and suffering from untreatable pain, and having their skin and intestines liquify. While waiting for the end, opioids stop working and the unfortunate just suffered.

Ideas don't kill people. Actions and effects of agents (viruses, bacteria, fungi, ppl) do kill.

In a way, ideas are a type of pathogen. They have binding sites, psychosocial profiles that allow them to enter the psyche and adversely effect their survival. An example is how the hypocreales fungus takes control of ant behavior. See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ophiocordyceps_unilateralis#Natural_products

and rabies alters human and animal behaviors. See: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10483191/

A covid example of adverse pathogen ideas is antivaxxers refusing vaccines and dying from covid.

Media outlets are infection vectors. Akin to other pathogen/host interactions, some are never exposed and survive, others that have an innate immunity become exposed and survive. Others are not so fortunate, again antivaxxers dying from covid. Shutting down content promoting adverse ideas is a form of social distancing and isolation. It is know to work, but self-destructive psychosocial profiles always seems to find ways to get infected.

I sometimes wonder if this is a broader, underlying "species self-limiting behavior", like war and increasing murder, suicide and rates of other self-destructive behaviors. Possibly the SARS/Cov2 virus itself has infiltrated ppls brains causing social conflict and confusion to prevent mitigations preventing it's spread.

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Have you looked at NYC data? No illness or excess death until lockdowns, then mass death for a few months, then nothing.

Were you in the hospitals watching these people die? How do you know how they died? My mother was in and out of hospital during lockdowns. The hospital was empty every time.

I wish pro-lockdown people could spend time with the millions of people pushed into starvation, business owners whose lives were wrecked... I wish people would ask themselves why UK had their 14th bst ever year in terms of mortality in their history, despite disrupting medical care and isolating and panicking people for months... I wish people would confront the fac that Sweden had the lowest excess mortality in Europe during the 'pandemic'.

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And keep up the great writing.

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Hi Chris,

Thanks for the reply.

I have looked at NYC data. I think the best it shows is a correlation to mortality and lockdowns. If lockdowns weren't implemented, infection rates would have peak much faster and earlier.

As you know, I had immediate family and close friends die from covid in 2020. The quality of their deaths was poor. There was no reason to leave them on ventilators for weeks while 'decompensated'. Decompensation in this case was becoming unresponsive (brain dead), having their skin fall off (literally) and waiting until an infection liquified their organs and the their hearts stopped. I would like nothing more than to hold someone responsible. I try not to think about it, I only become enraged.

And yes, I have witnessed ppl dying in hospitals on gurneys in hallways while waiting to be treated. I've seen them in critical care units (ICUs) with chests heaving trying to breath calling for their families because they didn't want to die alone. Normally, opioids are given to help relieve that condition, for some reason opioids stopped working. I've seen ppl on ventilators quietly flatline and hurried out to place another dying patient on the same ventilator. Again as you know, my wife was recruited to care for covid patients. She'd seen much much worse that she still won't talk about to this day. I would ignorantly enter hospitals thinking I was safe from infection due to having covid in Feb 2020. Meanwhile, reinfections occurred after 6mos. In Apr 2020, care staff family members were no longer allowed in facilities as a safety precaution.

I'm not sure why ppl think covid infection rates were globally homogenous. It's likely due to poor reporting by media outlets, looking for sound bites, and WHO, ECDC and US CDC reporting facts on 'country scale' dispositions. The fact is epidemics and outbreaks are local events. Like your mother, her hospitals could have been empty. Meanwhile, 100 miles away the situation was the exact opposite. Many deniers use heterogenous infection rates as an excuse to justify their positions. The fact is, they forgot to feel grateful they didn't roll 'snake eyes' and suffer the losses others had the misfortune of experiencing.

Hospital filling were caused by several factors:

1. Social/media pressure forced facilities to keep patient on ventilators

2. Patient families were not allow in facilities to sign releases and orders to halt treatment

3. Political pressure to try to save each person

4. Hospital administrators were compensated for each day a person was 'in-patient'

5. Care teams where overwhelmed trying to care for a river of patients

6. Lack of effective treatments and supplies to save ppls lives.

I know about the impacts of lockdown on families and supply chain disruption more than most. But, all in all, many are still alive and have a 'chance' to recover. Ppl that died won't have that chance. Families that lost their primary providers will suffer for years if not decades.

Outside of populations' genetic disposition and local environmental conditions, every countries' morality rates are about the same. We may not like the idea, but that's how it seems to be shaking out.

I don't like the term "excess mortality rates". Each country reports them differently, skewing the numbers. Plus, we don't know if the 'excess' is a direct effect of the cov2 virus. There is no way to measure it. Just because we can't measure something, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

We need to take lessons learned and prepare for the next outbreak.

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I am sorry for your losses, but I do not see evidence for a disease plaguing the world where skin was falling off and organs liquified.

Take a look here for New York.


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Thank you. I'm still feeling it, slowing moving through stages of grief. Can't seem to get past the anger phase.

The mortality rate of covid in NYC as per March 2023 was 0.397%. Yes, it is higher than global baseline for urban areas. There is one mitigating factor, NYC is dirty, polluted, generally hostile, high stress, petri dish shithole (l'm being kind with my opinions) where great portions of the population are on normally on the verge of death. You need to live there to fully appreciate my comment.

You're not going to publicly hear about the effects of intubation and coma in those terms. You'll hear terms appropriate for polite society like 'bed sores', 'breakdown', 'decompensating' and insensitively 'putrefaction' to spare the patients' loved ones distress.

WARNING: Anyone that has lost family members to covid after a long period on a ventilator should not continue reading past this point.

Bed sores are pressure ulcers caused by loss of blood flow where the skin dies and becomes infected. During infection, bacteria consumes the tissue and supporting collagen where the tissue literally liquifies. A covid symptom is blood clotting in veins and arteries due to infection of endothelial cells lining both the blood and lymph vessels. In many cases, the blood clots are micro sized within tissues. The clots interrupt blood and lymphatic flows to tissues like skin. One fluid flows are disrupted, bacterial infection established and rapidly spreads continuing to breakdown tissue (liquify). Bacterial laden area of the body like skin, nose, mouth, digestive track, lungs are most susceptible tissues to putrefaction once blood supply is disrupted.

I normally don't post details like these out of sensitivity to others that lost family and friends in that way. I think it's reckless and unnecessarily cruel adding this type of distress to their emotional suffering.

Care givers working under the those conditions, forced to prolong patients suffering have been traumatized by these action and have left the health care industry lacking needed psychological support. Seeing that much death with a feeling of responsibility and oath to 'cure' the suffering, left care givers with a feelings of failure and disenfranchisement.

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'There is only marginally competent leaders attempting to save their jobs and ppl that do care who honestly tried to save other's lives.'

Trying to save lives by ruining the economy, destroying mental health, trashing education, lying about every aspect of the situation to make it appear worse, pushing dangerous treatments like remdesivir, killing the elderly with midazolam, imposing DNR orders pressuring/forcing people to take rushed gene therapy shots dressed up as vaccines only to ignore all the harms those vaccines cause.

'who honestly tried to save other's lives' - my hairy rear end.

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There is a trade-off. Sacrifice and rebuild the economy, of have more ppl die. You need to remember, no one knew if the Cov2 virus was going to mutate to a more lethal variant. Most were concerned it would be like recent, previous SARS, mortality rates of 13%. We were brought to a standstill with a 0.25% mortality rate. With a 13% mortality rate, there'd be over a billion death within a few months. Not only would it be economic disaster, it would be a ecological disaster. Ppl would be forced to leave urban areas resorting to hunter/gatherer lives. It would be worse than the bronze age collapse.

The underlying logic was, and still is: 'You can't have an economy when there are no ppl left alive or civilization collapses'.

I'm not sure where you're getting your information from, but it's wrong and sounds delusional. Instead of using your 'hairy rear end', you should do the heavy lifting, learn the details, and consider yourself lucky you were not adversely effected.

As for vaccines, every new vaccine in history caused significant deaths !!!! If you were expecting something else with this rollout, you were grossly mistaken and harboring unrealistic expectations. We don't generally see deaths today from 'mature vaccines' because we are the population with a genetic disposition resistant to fatal effects. The susceptible died and did not get a chance to reproduce..

Do you think the 1918 influenza virus magically disappeared ? We live with it everyday, it doesn't effect us because we're immune. The ppl that died from it were gone by 1936. They didn't get a chance to reproduce, meaning we are the survivors immune to that specific virus. BTW, that immunity wanes as we age.

You also need to separate the levels of responsibility. The 'smoothing' (eg smooth brain) by grouping everyone involved into the same category is a mistake. There were:

1. Policy makers controlling $$$ and not knowing the best way forward

2. Researchers without sufficient tools and funding to understand how to create mitigations

3. Specials interests exploiting the situation. eg empty headed media and pharma

4. General populations looking not to die

5. Care givers without beds, supplies, cures, and meds to ease the dying, all frustrated they couldn't help the suffering.

The Guilt:

1. Media applying social pressure on policy makers steering them in the wrong direction.

2. Empty headed media pundits giving medical advice and not understanding research and medical terminologies

3. Policy makers vying between public health and economic impacts that were setup to fail no matter what decisions they made.

4. Pharma industry without capacity to produce enough drugs and therapies to treat the ill and infirmed, and needed to resort experimental methods.

5. Privatization of health care resulting in insufficient beds and infrastructure to handle a 0.15% increase in illness and mortality

6. The general public that listened to empty headed media pundits

7. Other idiots that keep propagating falsehoods created by empty headed media pundits and too lazy to engage in real research or become involved when crisis are occurring

8. General ignorance about how things really work outside of echo chambers.

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Brilliant journalism. Thank you

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