Karma is a bitch.. Britain has killed so many people in other countries for profit with impunity, or so they thought.... There's more coming.... Those who have killed for profit, big pharma and the medical profession will pay, one way or another, and may they die multiplied the suffering of the terrible deaths they caused.

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Trans & covid are linked. They're both part of the same agenda.

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One root, many fruit... We are often too busy dealing with the fruit (symptoms), rather than simply getting rid of the root (cause).

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Really ?? The agenda is nature executing self-limiting population control, more specifically removing Y-chromosome (men) from the reproduction cycle. There are too many people drinking fermented fruit to recognize what's occurring. We're all just along for the ride.

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It's not nature doing it.

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Maybe these conspiracies are just us anthropomorphizing. Or, behavior altering pheromones are at play. Human pheromone interactions have never truly been studied. Maybe there are just too many of us and we're manifesting unknown behaviors. Birthrates, testosterone levels and body temperatures have been have been dropping for decades. Maybe we're just in denial. Maybe due to our drop in body temp, our brains are being slowly infected. Not by a virus, but by a fungus or other parasite. We have no way to detect a neurological fungus like Ophiocordyceps unilateralis. About 1/3 the world's population is infected with Toxoplasma gondii protozoan parasite that lives in your brain. The lancet liver fluke larvae infect ants to make them climb to tops of leaves to be eaten by other animals to infect them. Flukes have a portfolio of methods to hijack a host's actions.

Why is self-limiting via fungal and parasitic infection such a bizarre and unacceptable idea ? 4 years ago who would have accepted the idea a virus like SARS/Cov2 would kill millions of people in a few months.

BTW, there is evidence Ophiocordyceps unilateralis fungus uses viruses to control the behavior of ants and other insects.

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Hi Chris, Great article. Yeah... ventilators... a bad choice giving a them a bad reputation. All those people weren't going to survive the virus regardless of the treatment. NO one wants to come out to say it, it damages confidence in our leadership.

Past studies show societies under stress, and lock downs, family member and friend's deaths, and feeling of of futility, is known to increase multiple cause-specific mortality which is classified as excess deaths. For a study on stress and mortality: https://www.thelancet.com/action/showPdf?pii=S2666-7762%2822%2900095-3

Here is a 2016 study in Wales/England showing a 15% increase in deaths during the winter months. US claims similar numbers, most around Christmas. Here is the study on Wales/England: https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/deaths/bulletins/excesswintermortalityinenglandandwales/2015to2016provisionaland2014to2015final

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