Hi Chris , I've been looking into the NHS Data.

My major takeaway from it is that it's absolutely disgraceful to vaccinate anyone under 20 and probably anyone under 40 according to the data.

Those aged 1-19 years old.

Covid deaths : 62

Preexisting conditions : 48

UNKNOWN preexisting conditions: 14

0 healthy 1-19 year olds have died from Covid in the UK.

These basic facts prove that a vaccine that doesn't prevent transmission or infection is useless for under 20s who don't actually die from the virus in the first place...

Also, I am waiting on the Cover vaccine injury death data, the NHS has stalled releasing this data since June /July .

They have said that they will release up to September on November 11th.

I think it's going to be a bombshell, unless somebody quotes directly from a hospital or health department then they are most likely pushing media misinformation.

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Wrote a guest post?

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I'll give it a go when the vaccine data is released but for now it seems like the vaccinating under 19s in Europe is being stalled...

And it's all good and well us stating facts but until the MSM actually reports this data it's fairly meaningless and only useful for archive.

And then eventually when it's all revealed they will make it seem like they were always on the right side of the truth...

It's all very depressing.

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Boomers starting to share real stories on whatsapp and FB. Nordic countries are the respectable model. I am very hopeless when it comes to direction society is taking in general, but not hopeless yet that we can carve out some space for sanity still for my kids' generation. My worry is Africa though. I reckon Switzerland, Italy, France might go Nordic route soon. But African countries do not have the cover of vax rates to pack it all in. Might get very draconian in Africa.

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I'm the first to admit I'm wrong and after today's South African news , I was very very very wrong.

South Africa will begin vaccinating 12-17 year olds with a single dose.

And more worrying.

According to South Africa law

Parents are not required for medical consent for 12-17 year olds.

I don't know why the health department decided to mention this directly after , but it's extremely sinister.

Did you know that?

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You see , im the opposite regarding South Africa.

The Lockdowns have eased significantly this past month.

Mostly for economic and political reasons.

With a very low vaccine uptake under 20%

Now SA companies are mandating it..

But they forget that SA labour court is extremely weighted in favour of the labout , it would be inviting controversy and violent protests if it goes even slightly wrong , the SA government doesn't have the police or army to enforce a full authoritarian regime, the riots made this very evident. I think the existing emergency measure s have already been found to be unconstitutional but in this regards I agree with you, nothing will be done to punish the ANC for doing something unconstitutional.

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I was reading and listening to an interview with https://alexberenson.substack.com

He links to the NHS vaccine stats ,

70% of Covid deaths in the UK are full vaccinated

5% are Single Dose.

25% Unvax

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In the US for ages 0-18, there's been 605 "direct" deaths due to SARS/CoV2. See: https://data.cdc.gov/NCHS/Provisional-COVID-19-Deaths-Focus-on-Ages-0-18-Yea/nr4s-juj3

As for you assertion about preventing transmission in ages where is the proof ? , or are you related to Doris Stokes ? ;) Can you let me know the next lottery winning numbers ?

Get the guardian and look up the names of parents whos child died from SAR/Cov2. Go know on their doors and ask them if they would have given their child the vaccine, even if would only extend their life for a few days. Write about that, after you get their ones and twos out your bottle

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Are you stupid?

The US is 5x more populated than the UK where the data comes from direct from the NHS.

And as already specificied every Covid death was with underlying conditions and considering the USs overwhelming obesity and diabetes epidemic.

I'm guessing almost all of those 600 deaths were preexisting conditions like obesity and diabetes too .

Thankfully the NHS actually is honest enough to list that those 62 under 20 who died all had preexisting conditions.

Maybe you should encourage better heath in the US?

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Insults to support a weak argument. A brummy ?

The differences in local variants is the cause of inconsistent reporting. Some of the "fattest" areas of the US mid-west shows minimal fatalities.

I agree with NHS' transparency. I worked with some last year, they are good, stand up people.

You should consider yourself lucky still living in the UK. The food is much safer than in the US. Mass production, GMO agro and infiltration through foreign corporate investment has placed the food supply and people that eat it at significant risk.

In a few more years here, it's Sardinia or Sicily

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Chris, I am dismayed at how many smart people still think lockdowns worked and that vaccines prevent spread. The data is watertight.

I can only explain it by two things. People don't read widely and they're in a state of mania.

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Have thought about this quite a lot now. I think covid filled a religious hole for many people. It is not about knowledge or health. It is a religion. Masks and vaccines are sacraments. Once you have that vaccine in you, it takes a rare person to be dispassionate about the vaccine.

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You're certainly onto something. Ritual, signaling, fear of death, rules on who and what is evil, redemption, community, symbolism, slogans, deities, comfort, resurrection.

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It's unmitigated fear.

Think PTSD.

The difference is the images that keep your fear levels heightened is not images in your mind but images on external screens.

Wish more people would cancel all TV access services. No, not those already caught in the web but those of us outside.

Paying to support this mass manipulation doesn't make sense.

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Think about it - people start canceling cable, Netflix, Apple TV, cutting back on cell phone service etc. and use one of the following reasons:

*My employer will be firing me, so I need to cut expenses as I won't qualify for unemployment

*'My employer is charging me a surcharge on my insurance policy due to antibodies but no jab

Let Wall Street know that there is a financial penalty for playing God sometimes.

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This is right Chris - it seems to be primarily secular people, plus those hostile to Christianity particularly, along with liberal Christians who have embraced it, with a religious zeal. Could be why they also tend to shun those of us who want nothing to do with the scam, and see through the lies and propaganda - particularly regarding vaccines - they seem to take it as a personal slight that we won't take part in this ritual.

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There is no pandemic, there is no "virus". There never was. This pcr test is pure fraud. Come on, wake up.

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Hi Chris,, the study you cited is a review of existing literature, not a review of data or an independent analysis. Any skewed finding in sources will project into the study creating biased conclusions. The author admits "cherry picking" literature to only include negative conclusions.

Do you think its responsible to promote biased conclusions ?

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Which of the two studies? Make an argument. Don't nitpick and mansplain.

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Ohh sorry, I was swamped when I wrote the comment and didn't include refernces as normal practice.

I was referring to Douglas Allen's study on cost benefit of lockdowns. He excluded data that did not support his findings for example New Zealand. See the last line:

‘Lockdown’ does not refer to cases of ‘isolation,’ where a country was able to engage in an early and sufficient border closure that prevented trans-border transmission, followed by a mandated lockdown that eliminated the virus in the domestic population, which was then followed by perpetual isolation until the population is fully vaccinated. This strategy was adopted by a number of island countries like New Zealand.1 Here I will only consider lockdown as it took place in most of the world; that is, within a country where the virus became established.`

For clarification, I find something personally offensive in his study. He indirectly assigns value to a person's life. For someone like me who's healthy sister died from covid after being intubated for 5 weeks, became brain dead from the virus infiltrating her brain, needed to wait for the virus to eat a hole in her heart to shut off life support, then lose her remains (to this day), I find his valuation repugnant.

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Hi Chris,, Giving pcr test to children is always problematic, especially if there is a previously undiagnosed problem causing pain making the child jerk about.

A Canadian woman had cerebral/spinal fluid leaking from her nose after a pcr test. It turned out the test exposed a previously misdiagnosed condition (@2017). The complications from the pcr test likely saved her life. See: https://www.ctvnews.ca/health/coronavirus/woman-with-skull-defect-leaks-cerebrospinal-fluid-from-her-nose-after-a-nasal-swab-covid-19-test-1.5127908

If there is an abnormal reaction to a nose swab, it's likely some other issue that's very, very wrong.

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Then why do it at all? Why all the testing? What the hell is the point?

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Yeah, well we all question some of the testing. Most of your readers won't like my answer and some in govts' administrations will strongly disagree with my position.

Current and past pandemic and epidemic responses have demonstrated less than optimal outcomes. In a large part, outcomes, which many in this community of readers feel has been ineffective, has been influenced by strategies proven successful applied to other pathogens with very different epidemiological dynamics. Many interventions can be traced back though the millennium, with varying degrees of success. Unfortunately, only interventions resulting in survivors were documented. I say "unfortunate" because the same interventions that left 'no survivors' were never documented due to there was no one left alive to report on trials attempted.

Today, technical communities want to improve pandemic and epidemic responses. The only was they have is by collecting data. Without data there are no artifacts indicating degrees of success or when interventions are successful and unsuccessful. Policy makers and deciders want to remove guessing and unfunded opinion from the policy process. Otherwise, we may return to sacrificing crops and animals to the gods. We're not far off these days..

Drawbacks to data driven policy and indications of success is incomplete models leading to fallacious correlations wrongly interpreted and exploit the uninformed or partly informed by attempting to mislead (deliberate or otherwise) and achieving another objectives. Only through rigorous modeling and analysis can a balanced indication of intervention success can be determined, eliminating politicizations and exploiting incomplete and incorrect conclusions for other goals.

Testing will eventually allow us to be better at creating better pandemic and epidemic responses. This work takes decades to achieve because there are so many moving and interacting parts.

If this was easy, it would be done by now and all this testing would be unnecessary. Do you think govts want to spend money on this ? Some do, but the majority don't. Its taking money out of "their" pockets and giving it to someone else (pharma).

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