Why no comments to this critically important article. Time to push for criminal prosecution

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Can we go straight to public hangings? They are all guilty.

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Do you want another selective whitewash like Nuremberg??

A few despicable figureheads sacrificed to cover the legions of Nazis (Health and police Authorities) who gleefully supported the Idiotic Mandates.

Or will You also accept your share of the blame???

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I'd take a "selective" whitewash like Nuremberg. It would be a miracle if even this happened. We all know this won't happen ... which proves how far we've come from 1946 ... when at least we could try a few of the villains in high-profile tribunals.

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Nuremburg was a show trial as much as any of them.

Some confessions obtained by torture and many testimonies that were demonstrably false.

If it was truly to punish war crimes, then Churchill, Harris and Eisenhower should also have been on trial for Dresden, Tokyo and the post war German death camps, while Stalins troops were also guilty of the most terrible atrocities.

Maybe Roosevelt should also have been there, for allegedly allowing Pearl harbour to take place, despite being forewarned.

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Those were indeed the good days! Nowadays, as long as supported by the SRF & Billionaires culling is highly rewarded!

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Prosecution will be a joke - The soon to be murdered relatives of the murdered will start taking vigilante justice into their own hands. Just imagine: Everyone in your family has died via the injection and you are the only one left. And you want revenge on the people who did this. And you are sick and know you will not survive. Yup - you white coat murderers and lying politicians and mandating officials better hire some security. You are going to be hunted like a rabid dogs you are.

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Interesting how this conversation only includes bloggers exploiting other's fears, frustrations, anxiety and anger over impotence to control destinies. We are all just along for the ride. There is no conspiracy, just others exploiting situations for personal and sometimes monetary gains.

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I am not in this for the money. I am headed for 73 years old and could give a shit about much of anything. Check out my newsletter if you want to see where I come from.

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I didn't accuse you of doing for the money. But many are, such as hospital systems, major media outlets, pharma and drug store chains.

Ppl not making $$$ supporting like minded positions are also finding kinds of personal gains, otherwise we'd all be doing something else with our time, like spending it with, or avoiding family. ;)

I helped (invited) with initiatives to give the UN/WHO and govts a better idea on what's going on with SARS/Cov2. Sometimes they listened and adopted, other times they listened to others.

I worked in those initiatives because I lost siblings to COVID very early on and had other siblings that lost additional lung capacity on top of damage done from being first responders rescuing people when the world trade center was destroyed. For some, things always get worse.

Congrats on reaching 73. What if someone started telling you not to take your meds or refusing medial treatments when you're in a medical crisis. You'll be at your worst and likely confused due to illness.

Many ppl unfamiliar with healthcare are unsure who to listen to and as a result delay treatment resulting in increase symptom severity. What I mean by severity is: permanent debilitation, death or worse stoke and other mobility loss where you become wheelchair bound and bedridden causing pressure injuries commonly escalating into types of necrotizing fasciitis and wounds that perfuse straight though the abdomen (front to back).

What ppl write and other read does effect others. I don't believe anyone has the right to dissuade others from SARS/Cov2 treatments unless they had experienced directly witnessed personal losses from the virus.

I'll explain my position. I have covid in Jan of 2020 and barely survived. SARS/Cov2 was in the western population in Sept 2019. My sibling started showing symptoms March 2020, went to receive treatment but was turned away until symptoms worsened. 1 week later admitted, decompensated and within 3 days, placed on a ventilator. After 3 weeks became unresponsive (brain dead). Due to media coverage hospitals being accused of taking covid patient off ventilators, patients were left on for an indefinite period of time despite needing the bed for others with maladies that could survive with medical intervention. My family member was left on the ventilator for an additional 4 weeks until the heart stopped by the virus attacking the heart tissue and septic infection. A the time of death, 70% of the skin fell off and identification was completed by dental record. BTW, they still have not found my family members remains after placing it in a refrigerated box car.

This is something the medical community does not want other to know. As the brain and health of ppl deteriorate, pain medications stop working. Many ppl believed to be in commas do feel pain. Personal experience I can attest to that last sentence. The cruelty of corporate media and self-appointed, self-righteous pundits who delay and prevent death until a person's body rots strips ppl of all dignity during the dying process. Ignorance is no excuse for rife cruelty.

I've noticed all the ppl complaining about conspiracies have not become ill or lost immediate family due to the virus. The only unfortunate and guilt-ridden satisfaction I find is seeing pandemic deniers and covid antivaxers in media dying from the virus. Sometimes the world does prove it is just.

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I'm one of the Black ones! Never "tested", Never Jabbed, Never Confined.

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If only

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What if any "Retributions" have you taken?

It is not as if there aren't lots of Guilty Targets....

From 'Brow Beating" family members, up through neighbourhood "Karens", to the top of all of all our "Civilizational" structures.

There were more who pressed for Universal Inoculation than there were people who Resisted....?

Where were you?

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I have been supporting my subscribers with some of the best writing on this subject. Maybe look at it? Maybe look at the comments? Maybe realize that I am gifted subscriptions without asking for them? Maybe check out my (written at the beginning of the injections) book of poetry that has poems like “To Defeat the Beast” that has inspired every unvaccinated person who reads it? Maybe talk to my subscribers who draw hope and strength from what I write. Yes, I am the one you never thought existed in this sea of the barely educated and moderately knowledgeable. I am that guy.

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What about all the allied war crimes? None charged at Nuremberg. What about the Katyn forest massacre blamed on the Germans when ALL the allies new it was perpetrated by the soviets. The Americans and the death camps that Eisenhower used to ensure the deaths of the surrendered German soldiers etc etc

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I have no blame - I saw this as the fraud it was fro the start.

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I wish I could say the same! I was afraid from having watched 'Disaster movies'. My ever so clever calculations only saw fault in the death toll, assuming that they were under reporting. My Wife (fortunately) also saw the fraud from the beginning. It took me till May 2020 to realize my blindness. And this is coming from a person who has struggled all his life against the 'Abuse of Authority, and mistrust of government??

At that point I became the pain in the ass that nobody wanted to hear from?

I think all we can do from here on, is to be kind to everyone, and try build community.

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The informed doctors must criminally charge their Licensing Colleges by Laying Information. This is at each Regional Health Authority. This is because the Royal Colleges had prevented ethical doctors from doing their medical Oath duty. Do no harm by warning their patients the mRNA or DNA vaccines were not safe or effective. The Licening Medical Colleges including the Nursing Colleges had promoted a false WHO consensus, the vaccines stopped the Covid viruses. A lie.

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Those who walked out of parliament during Andrew Briggins very important speech on the lies and misinformation posed on us in the pretence of a pandemic should be locked out forever more and those criminals posing as scientists all paid by Bill Gates to push his plan of injecting every man woman and child on this Earth should be tried for treason.

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Why ? I'll tell you..

1. Nobody cares because most ppl that were going to die in the first, second and third waves have already died.

2. Everyone wants to forget the trauma (stress, fear, and mourning over love family)

3. Everyone is fed up because they survived and now must crack-on earning a living

4. Everyone is fed up with ppl without genetic dispositions to symptom severity commenting on how there was no pandemic despite bodies piling up in the streets. In some areas are called wankers and @ssholes

You are right, there should be criminal prosecutions, long prison and civil penalties to ensure financial ruin. But, for media pandemic deniers and anti-vaxers. You know, the hypocrite doctors saying others shouldn't have children vaccinated against polio, measles, RV, etc while they get their children vaccinated. And telling other who are at risk of death and debilitation to refuse treatment and preventative measures, committing malpractice.

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There was no pandemic. Have you still not realised that fact? Most 'anti-vaxxers' were anti-covid jabs, who had all their traditional vaccines. I would formerly have included myself in the above description, but now will not have any vaccine, of any type, for the remainder of my life. Pandora's box of pharmaceutical and medical lies has been opened and can never be closed again.

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Likewise - in every way. What compounds the grossly unprofessional behaviours of those licensed medics who bought this scam H, L & S is that they are continuing to promote their culpability by NOT recognising, and refusing to acknowledge, that their game is up. They may fool "others" but that Genie is never going to be put back for me at least..

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Time to put down the pipe. This narrative is old, we've heard it all before with every vaccine, disease and war. Polio vaccines had the same response. Mistakes in early manufacturing least to thousands of deaths and polio infections. Ppl who had a genetic disposition to adverse vaccine reactions did die and become permanently disabled. The survivors, ppl without a disposition towards illness from the vaccines reproduced and carried that resistance forward to future generations. It's too bad you don't like this reality, but it's how it works and has worked this way since the beginning of time. We need to adapt to environmental conditions, both human caused or caused by factors out of human control.

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Absolute tripe.

1 - this is not a vaccine, it is a genetic injection which pumps 40 *trillion* LNP-packaged mRNA molecules into a body consisting of only 4 trillion nucleated cells.

2-each 'infected' cell becomes an immediate target for our immune systems. This has nothing to do with 'genetic disposition' (whatever that means)

3-the mRNA injections have more ways to harm/kill than there are stars in the sky.

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1. All vaccines and pathogens cause changes to our DNA. ALL !!!

2a. When you get a vaccine lets say pox or measles, doesn't it hurt ? What do you think is going on there ? Those cells are infected with the virus. We use live vaccines because they are proven to work for most people. Some get the disease from live vaccine and die or become debilitated. Some even recover.

2b. Genetic disposition means you're genes are going let some pathogen kill you under the the right conditions. Before you make statement like you know what you're talking about, learn a little about how things really work instead of parroting other's fears.

3. So does the food you eat and air you breath. But we're not all dead.

Just wait until RHDV2 jumps to humans (its already jumping to other species). You'll be begging for mRNA or any other vaccine you can get your hands on.

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1. I never mentioned DNA. You *keep* implying that conventional vaccines and the mRNA abominations are interchangeable. They are not. I would never take either, but rather a bullet to the head than an mRNA.

2a - dunno, I cannot remember. Btw. people who get sore arms after an mRNA are more likely to get damaged heart cells.

2b. Blah - our immune systems, if not already destroyed by toxins or previous vaccinations, will deal with most pathogens.

3. ??

RHDV2 is not respiratory, and will anyway likely only 'jump' to humans if they try to gain of function it, a bit like covid-19 was created (check out the patents). But covid-19 was not a problem for nearly everybody- unlike the kill shots.

You'll be begging for mRNA or any other vaccine you can get your hands on.

No, I won't.

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Not a snowball’s chance in hell

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"The survivors, ppl without a disposition towards illness from the vaccines reproduced and carried that resistance forward to future generations."

Please explain this mechanism ie. how vaccinating parents means their children are also automatically vaccinated.

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I'm not saying they will become vaccinated. I'm saying the generations not susceptible to severe vaccine side effect will survive to reproduce. Those survivors will tolerate the vaccine instead of dying from blood clots (strokes, embolisms, etc.).

Now since you brought up immunity inheritance... There are genetic dispositions to pathogen immunity that are genetic. In genetics, that's called a mutation because not everyone has the genes enabled. A good example is the double copy of ERAP2 gene in it's long form found in a small number of British and Dutch populations. The gene provided a strong immunity against the bubonic plague (yersinia pestis) bacteria. It also provided some protections against other infections. Unfortunately, the same gene looks like it's responsible for autoimmune diseases like Crohns. Disposition towards autoimmune diseases is mostly genetic, but chemical poisonings and natural mutations can contribute to presentation.

There is a phenomenon called epigenetics. Genes are turned on and off based on environmental factors like stress, temperature, types of substances consumed, etc. These gene dispositions can be passed to offspring (transgenerational epigenetics). Some don't like this idea and are staunch deniers, but some believe the world is 6,000 years old, flat and out bodies are impermeable as well.

We have 2 basic immune system, the innate and adaptive. The innate immune system is inherited responses and the adaptive adjusts to new pathogens and develops responses. Adaptive responses effect our genes epigenetically.

The innate immune system does something I found to be most disturbing when I learned about it. It adds foreign, pathogen dna to our genetic pool. It's called "plasmid host cell integration". There are both DNA and RNA plasmids. Once integrated, many foreign genes become part of our inheritable genome. All those genes classified as "junk genes", seems to be pathogen proteins used to help identify them. Sort of a database of pathogen protein signatures. Both fortunately and the converse, they are not always inert. It takes time for our biology to adjust to the new guests, like a new roommate.

Is the mRNA vaccine altering our gene conformation, absolutely, but those changes are happening all the time for all sorts of reasons. Will the covid vaccine (mRNA) via adaptive immune response become part of our inheritable genome, very likely yes.

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The old “baffle them with bullshit “ trick

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Yes I meant "automatically immune" not "automatically vaccinated". And I'm perfectly aware of what epigenetics is.

"I'm saying the generations not susceptible to severe vaccine side effect will survive to reproduce. Those survivors will tolerate the vaccine instead of dying from blood clots (strokes, embolisms, etc.)."

You're telling other people to put the pipe down, but you are just asserting this because it suits you. You have no idea at all if this has any measurable effect. I can speculate too, I say it doesn't. In a couple of generations, this has any effect at all? No.

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Best comment.👍🇦🇺

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Perfectly Said

Does Shit For Brains and BBC go hand in Hand?

Your Deaths Skyrocket, No No not the Virus

Yea Right

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"The day will come when you will be unable to find anyone who supported the lockdowns."

- Malo Gato of this parish.

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😂😂😂😂! Truth

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..."Mistakes were made" (implied message : " Get over it"). They were 'just following orders' after all. History keeps rhyming - imagine if humanity actually ever learned anything from history.

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Probably, but I like you -- probably -- have the receipts...

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I think Dominic Cummings' fear mongering played a big part in Boris' U-turn. Boris clearly was on the right track from the beginning but is a weak leader and allowed Dom to take over. Dom is too engrossed with AI and pandemics and has been predicting their arrival for years. Suddenly it was time for his big brain to shine, he thought. Unfortunately, he got it completely wrong and still won't admit/see it.

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All of the leaks about Boris are maddening because he knew! Some of the Whatsapps are very telling. Was it Carrie Symonds also taking over?

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I definitely think she influenced his decision making, rather than directly taking over. Boris takes the lazy option, especially if the lazy option gets him more rumpy pumpy.

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Yes! "Get off me, Boris!" = 1, Classical education and political duties = 0.

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I can't believe you're angry and frustrated about Boris. He's a politician !!! Do you really expect any one of them to act with a grain of decency that's not self-serving ?

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There's a difference between not acting with a grain of decency and mass-murder/maiming/sterilising.

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I'm not going to take sides on that. It was a shit show no matter what was done. If nothing was done, ppl in power are crucified for doing nothing. If they do something, one group or another is going to die or get the "dirty end of the stick" and again they are crucified. No matter what, someone is always complaining, instead of just being happy they and their families survived.

A quote from a friend's relative that survived Treblinka. "appreciate the miseries you have". Meaning: no matter how bad things are, they can always be worse.

We dodged a bullet this time. Instead of 0.9% it could have been 90% fatalities. Were mistakes made? You bet there were. This vaccine could nave been causing all sorts of problems, like killing 50% of recipients after 18months., But the question is could you, now being a critic, personally do any better without the privilege of hindsight ? I know I couldn't.

This doesn't mean we should not be critical of mistakes, quite the opposite. We need to look at what went wrong and try not to make the same errors when the next virus gets loose in the population.

Here's another dirty little secret. Ppl die all the time from "unknown" respiratory viruses. Their deaths are classified get classified as:

21100 - viral pneumonia.

21300 - Bronchopneumonia, organism unspecified.

21400 - Pneumonia due to other and unspecified organism (483,486)

Sometimes they get coded as:

20900 - Acute bronchitis and bronchiolitis

21500 - Influenza

Deaths caused by new viruses are mis-coded every single day !! And, there is no early warning system for emerging viral pathogens !!

The odds of making right decisions are better on a craps table.

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It’s far easier if you just stop trying to be a murderous cunt like some of those at Treblinka were.

There is no such thing as a virus and the whole concept comes from class warfare rather than medicine.

You are welcome.

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The crime against humanity is the continuation in medical-science political and legal bar members saying the Covid-19 injections, now Booster jabs, are safe and effective.

That is continuance in false no true consented to stuff in the injections.

The Health Authorities blocked doing local or city vaccine ingredient testings of stuff they should have declared, were the additives. The additives may have been what caused Covid 19 vaccine injuries or death. The corporations get a criminal fine, and must start with the city's Licensing medical-science Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons.

Their membership of the majority of "silent" concensus doctors will pay off the Fine. Some doctors will be tried, as a consensus group, or individually tried, in order to be sent to prison, and some best be hanged.

No amnesty to silent doctors or the politicians. They, themselves likely got the Placebos, which for greater profits were likely 90% placebo vials. Now most vials were Used Up, so where is the evidence, unless a Whistle Blower comes forward. The Whistle Blower (s) will need life protection from being medically mafia-cult murdered.

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"He's a politician !!!" Surely that is the point - HE NEVER WAS; he was a failed hack who blew it - a "proper" politician would surely never blown an 80 seat mandate as he did?

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Right... a self-serving politician is even worse. Proliferation of conservative ideologies, whether nationalism, fascism, etc., often results in poor choices by voting cohorts. Ideologies are a result of pressures, usually economic, which translates to separatisms and territorialism that divides countries into more "manageable groups".

In the political world there an old expression: "lets see which why the crowd is going so I can get in front to lead them". Out of this mess, charismatics, ppl that resonate with ideologies, become popular. Elected officials' behaviors correspond to to constituency preferences resulting in territorial, autocratic like behaviors. In democratic systems, we all get the politicians we deserve.

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This sounds awfully like the “mistakes were made” narrative Ivor. I hope you don’t genuinely take that line.

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The mistakes were crimes against the people. No amnesty.

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I'm not Ivor. Of course mistakes were made, it's not a narrative. Even if there was a grand conspiracy with everyone following the same narrative, mistakes will still be made.

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My apologies. Getting the emperors mixed up.

I’m curious whether there’s anything over the past 3.5 years that you would attribute to deliberately harmful and reckless actions rather than mistakes?

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I think the actions of most were reckless rather than deliberately harmful or mistakes. Fundamentally, most people don't want to deliberately harm others but they will happily take reckless actions that harm people if they have convinced themselves it is the correct path to take or have a God complex. But I am an optimist and have faith in humankind so maybe I'm wrong, I hope not. However, there is always a minority who do enjoy harming others and unfortunately these types gravitate to the top of large companies/positions of power so I remain open minded to many actions over the past 3.5 years being deliberately harmful, e.g. hatred towards the unvaccinated.

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Almost 100% of UK Politicians, & Almost 100% of the BBC are 100% Untrustworthy & in fact, a Harm to mental health of the nation.


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An interesting article. As a citizen of the UK located in England, the biggest and wealthiest part of the UK, I can confirm:

All 650 MPs in the House of Commons are less useful than a chocolate tea pot.

All 720 ++ in the House of Lords are equally useless.

The vast majority of the Public Sector live by the mantra 'I am what I spend' - and are collectively useless.

We are sunk by treasonous, corrupt, ignorant self-serving people who don't serve, have never served and never will.

Now is the time for these professional index-linked paper weights to answer before the law for their actions.

Remember, dear elite, we are the many and you are the few.

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‘I am what I spend’. (Very good) And. Gimme more and more and more and more - because more is never enough. Incompetence is a very expensive commodity in public ‘service’.

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Continuance in criminal medical-science incompetency. Try them all for consunsus wrong doing still saying the Covid-19 vaccines were all safe and effective. A lie.

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"Remember, dear elite, we are the many and you are the few."

The elite: "Free doughnuts with your injection"

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But they are all ACE deliverers of a "process" which they concoct as a screen for doing what they SHOULD be doing; how many time does the "lesson learned" diatribe get repeated after a "report" into some repeated failing?

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Yes and in every other heavily jabbed countries.

Experts are "baffled"

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Baffled, like in cover your own butt, I mean Ass-ets.

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But whilst they don’t know what is causing XS deaths, they are all CERTAIN it’s not the mRNA jungle juice.

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They had help by the City Coroners who did not check the deceased victim"s vaccine records, not test the deceased blood or organs for the Covid viruses and the injected stuff's DNA make up, and/or additives not declared in the Vaccines rolled out for mass population injections.

There were about three or more jabs allotted, per person.

Likely 90% vials were untested Placebos.

The 10% vials were the real experimental stuff, that ought to have been Digitally Coded, too.

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I can only hope that all of the MP's who belittle or ignore Andrew Bridgen, are fully jabbed and boosted.

Incompetent wastrels, the lot of them.

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They get priviledged placebos.

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And now the mass extinction event begins. Brought to you by every doctor, politician, and “authority” that you ever trusted to tell you the truth. So when do the hangings begin?

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I used to be opposed to the Death Penalty. I now realise I was an idiot.

Better start memorising my long drop tables.

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There's a few hundred warehouses of unused jabs to get through. No point wasting them.

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Now, I hope.

But ... If the Courts block public criminal trials, then let the Vigilante secret groups take over.

They are God's maybe earthly angels for Peace and Justice.

The medical groups were organized, led by W H.O., that we, the majority of the common folk, had no true informed consent to ingredients jabbed in our body and into babies over six months old.

The majority of MDs sought power and control, and they set up politically appointed Provincial or State Chief Medical Officials, and all Regional Health Authorities, as eveyone's authority to whom all were expected to bow. The Chief Medical Official, controlled our armed forces and police, too, and all corruptible politicians.

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I don’t see the courts anywhere doing jack shit. The courts that will matter will be the people’s courts once the mass death really begins to take out everyone. All of these murderers in white coats are injected. All the police and the military are injected. All of the politicians and the authorities are injected. You can’t control anything if you are sick, dying or dead. So it will be vigilante vaccinated justice at first. Then it will be people’s courts or tribunals run by the unvaccinated. Anyone guilty who survives vigilante justice should be hanged. Yes in all of the countries (I’m in the US) we have mass murderers still living comfortable lives. We will change that. We will not forget what they have done for money and power. We will not forgive what they did for money and power. We will come for all of them.

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In case you didn’t know, congress has passed legislation that wrote out oversight of big pharma for themselves and for the courts according to Katherine Watts' work. They did this through the many acts they have passed going back to Roosevelt’s administration. Kyle Young covered this yesterday and he’s on substack.

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I don't think any of it matters anymore. We have 75% of the population poisoned with a genetic concoction. When this mass extinction event ends... will we even have a functioning government? Last year I wrote this piece of fiction about where I think we are headed. It's short.... but you understand where I am coming from here. https://lawrencebutts.substack.com/p/an-excerpt-from-the-second-dark-age

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I would like to ask: What is the background of the person who called Andrew Bridgen MP an "anti-science whack-job?" I think we all need to know his identity. As I recall, Andrew has a Biology Degree.

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Odds-on the person who made this quip has a PPE, law or 'arts' degree. After all, the House of Commons has a large number of failed solicitors and barristers.

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And you don’t need a degree in anything to teach yourself, research, gain knowledge, apply intelligent thought and critical analysis - and... to be honest. Many of the great scientific discoveries and inventions of 18th and 19th Centuries were by people who had no degrees, hadn’t been to university, some not having had a formal education.

There were no courses or degrees in some fields as the science hadn’t been discovered. Surgeons, for example, had no formal qualifications - they were not doctors. Michael Faraday had no schooling, but could read and write thanks to Sunday School religious instruction. At age 14 he became a book binder’s apprentice, and being surrounded by books he studied and learned about science to become one of our greatest scientists.

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He or she should be referred to the Parliamentary Standards Office or perhaps a better prospect of a result would be the nearest Metropolitan Police Officer who will arrest and detain said person for inciting hate...?

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The Met police and most others are dangerously useless and are more interested in policing twitter than preventing crime.

Just look at the arrest of the man voicing his objection to the Palestinian flags all over London, or the arrest of the 67 year old lady for the heinous crime of cutting a twig in her shared garden.

They would be more likely to arrest Mr Bridgen than to challenge the idiotic pro vax mp's.

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The worst part is not the Media/Political lies, but rather, the Weakness of the people.

Humanity's "Will to live" is reduced to a guttering candle.

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And the same tyrannical power hungry psychos will be at the forefront of the next gates sponsored death march.

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“It came as Health Secretary Michael Matheson said the country faced “extremely challenging” months ahead…

Mr Matheson said that mortality rates had risen across the UK and said Westminster austerity policies over the past decade had led to deaths due to service cuts.”

Except the Scottish Government (such as it is) has devolved power over the Scottish NHS, makes its own budget decisions so Westminster alleged austerity does not affect Scotland. Scottish excess deaths are entirely his responsibility, never mind rest of UK.

The excuse for NHS failure is always budget cuts, overworked, understaffed personnel. Failure is entirely due to political ideology, incompetence, a self-serving workforce in a Socialist State dinosaur, lack of competition and market forces - and a mesmerisingly dumb population that thinks it’s OK to have 7 million on the waiting list, not being able to see a GP - because it’s ‘free’.

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The stupidity includes past President & now Republican front runner Trump. I have never heard him disavow “warp speed”, criticize his “COVID task force” in any detail OR acknowledge the damage & death since.

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"It will save millions of lives, and soon end the pandemic once and for all. These vaccines are also very safe." — Donald J Trump, December 11th 2020

"Get those shots everyone!" — Donald J Trump, December 17th 2020

"The Vaccine and the Vaccine rollout are getting the best of reviews. Moving along really well. Get those shots everyone!" — Donald J Trump, December 17th 2020

"I recommend taking the vaccines. I did it, it’s good. Take the vaccines.” — Donald J Trump, August 21st, 2021

"I hope everyone remembers when they're getting the COVID-19 Vaccine, that if I wasn’t President, you wouldn’t be getting that beautiful 'shot' for 5 years, at best, and probably wouldn't be getting it at all. I hope everyone remembers!" — Donald J Trump, February 28th 2021

"I would recommend it and I would recommend it to a lot of people that don't want to get it and a lot of those people voted for me, frankly." — Donald J Trump, March 16th 2021

"We have our freedoms and we have to live by that, and I agree with that also. But it is a great vaccine. It is a safe vaccine, and it is something that works." — Donald J Trump, March 17th 2021

“I guess in a certain way, I’m the father of the vaccine because I was the one that pushed it. To get it done in less than nine months was a miracle.” - Donald J Trump, April 29th 2021

"Everybody, go get your shot." — Donald J Trump, February 28th 2021

"It works incredibly well. 95%, maybe even more than that...and it is really saving our country and it is saving frankly the world." — Donald J Trump, March 9th 2021

"Well, I got the Pfizer, and I would have been very happy with any of them. I thought a very bad statement was when they did a pause on Johnson & Johnson. I think that frightened people. That was a bad thing to do. At that time, when they did the pause, they had six people that may have had some difficulty out of millions that received it. But I think the pause was a very bad thing to do." — Donald J Trump, October 2nd 2021

"During my administration, everybody wanted the vaccine. There was nobody saying oh, gee, I don't want to take it. Now they say that. And that's because they don't trust the Biden administration. I can think of no other reason. But they say we don't want it, we aren't going to take it. When I was there, everybody wanted it and we were doing great. Well, the military did a fantastic job." — Donald J Trump, October 7th 2021

"I'm very proud of the vaccine, I've taken it, you've probably taken it. But I'm very proud of it. I think we could have another situation with the Spanish Flu, 1917, where up to 100 million people were killed." — Donald J Trump, August 18th 2021

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"... I hope everyone remembers!" Oh I remember all right you effin monster. I still think that Trump got paid and he's obligated to continue to spout this garbage. If he doesn't see the light I hope he gets to see the millions of deaths he caused over and over again for eternity as he roasts in hell. P.S. Thanks for the list of quotes! I still can't believe how many people still swear by this guy. If it was the first few months of the shot I suppose I could give him a pass, but the data is out there now. And data doesn't lie. Not only that, I person doesn't have to be a genius to look at the numbers and the graphs and figure this stuff out. Or, how about getting out in public and just talking to some people? I know 7 people personally who haven't been the same after Trump's "warped speed" shot. He know lots more people than I do. He just doesn't want to face the hell he created.

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Very short sighted and utterly misguided, but he never mandated anything and always said it was a choice.

Unlike every petty little tyrant and bullying government agency, since Robert L Peters was installed and the world turned to shit.

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Indeed... And it ALL begins here.... now... with the CHILDREN...

I have posted the following elsewhere and repeatedly.... and will likely continue to do so ... Please take what you like and leave the rest...



"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society."

~ Krishnamurti


"We are faced with a breakdown of general social order and human values that threatens stability [and survival] throughout the world. Existing knowledge cannot meet this challenge. Something much deeper is needed, a completely new approach. I am suggesting that the very means by which we try to solve our problems is the problem. The source of our problems is within the structure of thought itself."

~ David Bohm (1981)


NOTHING will change fundamentally, until we fundamentally change the way we perceive and treat children. Until then, we will continue to see childhood adversity re-enacted upon EVERY aspect of society, because EVERYTHING that humans think, believe and DO, happens DOWNSTREAM from the way we perceive and treat children during their FORMATIVE years. The human brain is not fully developped until the early 20's...

Furthermore, #childhood #adversity more often than not consists of imposing utterly INSANE societal standards of "normalcy" on children, to which they MUST conform, in order to survive, at a time when they are too young to understand and reject the madness being imposed on them.

The "masses" are essentially clueless and unaware of their own conditioning...

It will never end... as long as we continue to raise children with violence... however subtle and insidious or well-intentioned, ie violence in the name of "discipline", "religion/tradition", "preventative health care" or "protection"....



"It is paradoxical, yet true:

Children are the most

in need of loving attention,

when they act the least deserving of it."

~ Aletha Solter



“The total neglect or trivialization of the childhood factor operative in the context of violence and the way it evolves in early infancy sometimes leads to explanations that are not only unconvincing and abortive but actively deflect attention away from the genuine roots of violence."

~ Alice Miller

Full article




"What kind of a society is it, that does NOT place the Children's Fire at the very centre of its institutions of power?

It's an INSANE society!"

~ Tim "Mac" Macartney


Please Watch this Video presentation:



Why males are more violent:



Eric Clopper and Dr Denniston ... #circumcision




Circumcision: the human rights violation hiding in plain sight:



"One area of the CIA’s research that is rarely talked about, or even known, is male circumcision or genital mutilation.

Cansever describes a study of the psychology of boys circumcised between the ages of 4 and 7 both before and after the surgery, based on various methods of psychological examination, and reports the following trends among the subjects:

• lower IQ as measured 7 days after the operation

• infantile regression of drawings and expressed wishes

• greater measured levels of aggression

• new fears and anxieties

• weaker control over primitive impulses to the point of maladaption

• greater aggression towards their mothers

• withdrawal from human relationships and difficulty responding to demands of external world

• perceptions of having been castrated

It turns out that in 1961, the CIA had payed “Cansever” to study the effects of circumcision, and he found that it made boys dumber, more infantile, more fearful, and more aggressive, with less control over their base instincts and a healthy dose of aggression towards the most significant female figure in their lives, their mothers.

If the findings of this study hold true for boys circumcised younger, it might suggest that the United States contains some 100+ million men who have been psychologically altered, from as early as infancy, to be stupider, to have lower impulse control, to tend towards aggression and violence, and to possess an instinctual distrust of women.

Throw in the diminishing effects of circumcision on penile sensitivity and the consequent difficulties of sex and tendency towards paraphilias, and a picture begins to emerge of an organic golem that can be manipulated more easily by carrots and is less able to establish a normal, healthy relationship with a woman—splitting the family apart or preventing its formation has always been a goal of oppressive regimes, including the one that currently rules over the US.

Unfortunately for many of us, there exists, at this point, ample evidence that events in infancy can and do have measurable effects on the hindbrain, the part of our brain that drives instinctual, “gut” reactions and behavior. This is especially true when it comes to traumatic events that trigger stress hormones such as partial amputation of the penis, routinely performed at birth in this country.

Although humans are cognizant of their lives, making behaviorism a dead area of psychology, it is still understood that instinctual behavior plays a role in decision-making, which is why propaganda and advertising are so widespread. How attached will men be to their women if they are surgically predisposed more to masturbate to pornography than to enjoy normal, PIV sex? Is it really a stretch to claim that enjoyment of sex is determined, in part, by the existing or removed enervation of the sex organ involved, and that this might have an effect on the interpersonal relationships of men and women across the country?

It is also worth noting that, according to Leonard Glick in Marked in Your Flesh, circumcision of gentiles is twice used in the Old Testament as a means of disfiguring humiliation and domination by Israelites, and it may still be interpreted as such by a certain religiously-minded tribe. I am not a mind-reader, and intelligent minds can differ on the motivations of various groups that encourage circumcision in the United States, but the historical context of mass, non-consensual circumcision of gentiles may be a clue as to what is going on here."

Link to PDF:



Dissolving my vaxxed illusions:




~ Ghislaine Lanctôt

Direct link to PDF file:



Paul Valery declared “War is a place where young people who don’t know each other kill each other, based on decisions made by old people, who know each other and hate each other, but don’t kill each other.”


Harry Patch, last surviving soldier of WW1, who died in 2009, bravely said “War is organised murder and nothing else”.


#INQUIRY #covid #sads #SIDS #parenting #school #Education #trauma #childhood

#violence #war




humanity #survival #circumcision #circumcisionsurgery #circumcisiondone #CircumcisionBenefits (there are NONE!)

#circumcisionday #war #PalestineConflict #IsraelPalestineConflict #jewsagainstcircumcision #muslimsagainstcircumcision #YourWholeBaby #endcircumcision #fgmmgm #CIA #mindcontrol #mindcontrolprogramming


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Lord, people are stupid eh??

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Forgive my critical spirit, but screw these people. They will soon be just as dead - good and dead - as the rest of us, either from one of the bioweapon viruses or one of the bioweapon vaccines.

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There is no need to fear any respiratory virus they may cook up. Basic preventative measures, such as ensuring vit D/K2 levels good, gargling with disinfectant, using repurposed drugs at first symptoms and staying away from doctors/hospitals.

There is a need to fear the bioweapon vaccines, though.

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