This upsets me so much, but I'm so glad you wrote it. It's as though you took what is in my head and put it on paper. The bit that upsets me most is how those many, many people made the future that is coming for our children, possible. And still I'm called selfish, and a conspiracy theorist by my own brother.

I shall never, ever be able to forget what has happened and how it was enabled by so many who are still denying what they must be able to see with their own eyes. I mean...even Dr John Campbell is producing posters asking people to wake up and follow the evidence and depicting them as sheep.

Thank goodness for people like you.

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My sister and father have taken the wretched vaccines. But at least they boost their vitamin D. My sister had her's tested and found to be very low, unsurprisingly. I had mentioned vital importance of D to her and dad, so some cracks in the Covid lies appearing.

John Campbell PhD is what people call controlled opposition. I have known what was going on since June 2020 and I am way ahead of him, although I think he knows more than he is saying. He may be letting people down gently as they get used to the fact they have been the subject of the biggest lie in history.


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If you do not question authority you will be the victim of authority.

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It's as if only some deaths matter. I have several chapters on death in my book - Unvaccinated- Our Turn to Talk....I have been so angry that writing a lot helped. It's basically a chronicle of what most of us were reading and finding out 2020-Today... I feel like we just need to get about 1/3 of the population to open their eyes... Unvaccinatedourturntotalk.com/

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Thanks Elizabeth, will check it out.

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Yes I agree, can you post on substack? I have come to think that 'flu' is not actually being ill, but part of the healing https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/brainwashing-about-contagion-is-a only those not eating, drinking or sleeping properly will struggle with it



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Agreed. Forgive me if I am being slow, but do you mean start a substack newsletter? I have considered this.

I have been struggling with my health and energy which has meant my limiting myself to my website, but as energy returns I can begin to cope with more.

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Yes I meant posting on here where it is easier to reply and discuss. You could simply copy and paste your blogs.

So sorry that you have been struggling with energy, hope it returns renewed.


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Willco, message received and understood!!

I will gear myself up. See what I can do before Christmas, but other things crowding in so no promises.

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yes they obviously don't care about health or lives at all https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/lets-hope-the-monkey-pox-nonsense



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Excellent, just excellent, thank you. And hello from the UK. The evil behind all this is vile and of course comes in vials which should have been a big clue.

I have been trying to warn about this even before the vaccines were rolled out, although many other knew how dangerous vaccines were, all vaccines well before me and tried to tell us.

I have done a lot on Covid 19 and if you are interested here is my link.


By the way, psychiatric medication is neuro-toxoic and harmful, they can usually be easily identified by nitrogen in the chemistry.

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