The purpose of the LBTQIA movement is to create confusion, cause frustration, sow division and to basically create an unhappy society. Cancelling the christian nature of the school is part of this initiative. Christians are highly principled. Their approach to life does not cater for an artificially created cultural revolution (gender reassignment etc). The aim is obviously to replace the christian nature of the school with a gender agenda. Kick the gay schoolmaster in the crotch and find a christian replacement. He is a Soros stooge.

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I wonder whether the gentlemen concerned (Messrs Pearson and Reeler) acted out of conviction or fear. If the latter, then they serve as poor role models for the boys. If the former, then ditto by displaying a lack of critical, independent thinking. Woe unto us all.

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Wow! How does one man (obviously aggressive with his own agenda) push this obviously wayyy unbalanced personal agenda ? Finding an answer will make for an interesting online search and reading of how this goes for this unfortunate institution.

Good read, Chris 👍

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