We destroyed society to protect the elderly and the obese.
What will we do to protect children? Probably nothing. In fact, we may even accelerate the causes of the recent increase in childhood deaths.
The Journal of American Medicine this past week identified a new crisis, the shocking increase of all-cause mortality in US children and adolescents.
It is well-known that American life expectancy has decreased for white men over the past few decades, owing to a spike in ‘deaths of despair’.
But now mortality is increasing for American children too. From the journal article:
Between 2019 and 2020, the all-cause mortality rate for ages 1 to 19 years increased by 10.7%, and it increased by an additional 8.3% between 2020 and 2021. These increases, the largest in decades, followed a period of great progress in reducing pediatric mortality rates.
See the table below, for Americans ages 1-19:
The table, and the study’s authors, make it clear that this was not because of covid.
Suicide and murder were important causes, as were car accidents. These mostly affected boys rather than girls.
What caused this?
Steve Sailer has long pointed out that after the George Floyd event, homicides went through the roof as police stopped doing their job out of fear of the mob. But he also pointed out that policing of the roads followed the same track with the same results:
In order to allow political leaders to signal their politically correct ‘virtue’, thousands of people were murdered as de-policing led to increased social chaos. This pattern was exemplified by Barack Obama even before Floyd, after the Ferguson hoax. A black man had been shot by a policeman in what was later found to be entirely justified circumstances. This did not stop Obama from stating he sympathized with the looters and rioters after the shooting.
And he did not stop there:

This accounts for the increase in crime and traffic deaths.
But it is quite certain that lockdowns have played their part too. Locking kids up and dismantling playgrounds negatively impacted kids already on the margins.
I would also hazard that telling children that their sexuality is a kind of game does not help either. The below cannot possibly be healthy and certainly reflects a mental contagion faciliated by adults, again, merely to signal their politically correct ‘virtue’.
And what of the other elephant in the room…
In 2011, researchers in the US wondered whether there was a connection between the fact that the US had more routine childhood vaccinations than any other nation (26 shots before the age of 1), and that its infant mortality rate was somehow 34th in the world.
When they looked closely at infant mortality rates and vaccination schedules in countries, they concluded: “A positive correlation between the number of vaccine doses and infant mortality rates (IMRs) is detectable in the most highly developed nations.”
And thus that, “A closer inspection of correlations between vaccine doses, biochemical or synergistic toxicity, and IMRs is essential.”
Was this done?
Of course not.
By the way, one of these researchers was in charge of the US CDC’s vaccination monitoring programme. (H/T Steve Kirsch)
To conclude:
Children die in the US at elevated rates. This coincides with de-policing, lockdowns, LGBT brainwashing, and the most intense infant vaccination schedule.
Yet all of these things are celebrated as great advances in public health and welfare.
I call this liberal terror.
"I call this liberal terror."
Well said!
Remember back in the 90s, and before, when the rallying cry of moral busybodies looking to restrict human freedom was 'won't someone please think of the children'? Funny how that changed. Children don't seem to matter much anymore in the Granny State.
There may be other factors at play, in addition to those you draw attention to. The sharp rise in depression among young people coincides with the mass adoption of smart phones, and the migration of social life to social networks, as Jonathan Haidt has recently shown. Kids have never been more miserable, and they're offing themselves at unprecedented rates. Certainly being systematically gaslit about sexuality, "gender", and ancestral racial guilt is not helping matters, at all.
We like to imagine America as the modern Rome, but its propensity to offer up its children as sacrifices to Moloch makes it more akin to a revived Carthage.