Weekend Links and Commentary #2
American chaos, South African hate speech and violence, masks kill (and are coming back), quiet quitting in the post-2008 and 2020 era.
Once a week I will aim to provide you with links and commentary to important news and stories from around the world. This will be available to free subscribers for now. But please consider the value of this global analysis and, if you have the means, to reciprocate by subscribing.
Joe Biden and his administration has declared war on Trump and his supporters - in the words of his press secretary: “When you are not with what majority of Americans are, then you know, that is extreme. That is an extreme way of thinking.”
In South Africa, it has been ruled by the courts that the EFF is perfectly justified in singing the old ANC struggle song, ‘Kill the Boer’, even as farm murders and torture continue unabated and the country succumbs to historic crime and unemployment levels.
Covid madness: masks are returning in Germany and parts of the US. But we now have clear evidence that they are carcinogenic. Yes, we made kids do this to feel better.
The gig economy, the ‘own nothing and be happy’ paradigm, is exhausting employees around the world. The ‘follow your passion’ advice has backfired badly. It’s time to take your life back.
America touches the void
On Thursday night in Philadelphia, Joe Biden, in a setting and tone reminiscent of some kind of geriatric dictator, replete with armed guards, declared half of his country fascists.
What on earth is going on the US?
Post Floyd, post lockdowns, crime is soaring, traffic accidents are rising, the education system is a mess, Iraq and Afghanistan have fallen apart, the southern border is utterly open to human traffickers and fentanyl dealers, children are being mutilated in the name of gender affirmation - and now the sitting American president has declared half the country extremists and beyond the pale:
Too much of what’s happening in our country today is not normal. Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic…
And here, in my view, is what is true: MAGA Republicans do not respect the Constitution. They do not believe in the rule of law. They do not recognize the will of the people. They refuse to accept the results of a free election, and they’re working right now as I speak in state after state to give power to decide elections in America to partisans and cronies, empowering election deniers to undermine democracy itself…
MAGA Republicans have made their choice. They embrace anger. They thrive on chaos. They live, not in the light of truth but in the shadow of lies. But together, together, we can choose a different path. We can choose a better path forward to the future, a future of possibility, a future to build a dream and hope, and we’re on that path moving ahead.
His press secretary, the first one to be LGBTQIA2s* and black, confirmed that the Democrats now consider the 74 million Trump voters from 2020 to be extremists:

Biden is already acting upon this authoritarian threat.
Rioters part of the BLM carnage in which the White House and churches were attacked, lives lost, and billions of property value burnt and destroyed, have been bailed out by funds raised by Vice President Kamala Harris and given suspended and light sentences.
But the might of the American police state is being unleashed upon MAGA 'extremists'. There was no insurrection attempt. On one side of the Capitol, peaceful protestors were allowed in and walked through velvet ropes (as many protestors had done in prior years). On the other side, police brutally beat, bombed and shot protestors. Only Trump supporters died at the protest. Trump’s request for additional security was denied prior to the event. The FBI has refused to answer the question as to whether they had undercover agents provocateur.
Meanwhile, protestors upon January 6th, still languish in the ‘Washington DC gulag’. A lawyer for these prisoners has claimed they are being tortured:
“For the first time in U.S. history, the political party in power is hunting down and jailing members of the opposition party for political dissidence, and not only that, they’re torturing them in jail,” McBride said. “This is the stuff of dictatorships.”
He said he has two clients who are both currently being tortured in jail: Ryan Taylor Nichols of Longview, Texas, and Christopher Quaglin of New Jersey.
The attorney explained that both of these men are routinely thrown in solitary confinement for long periods of time, which violates international norms, and when their advocates on the outside speak out against the abuse, they get treated even worse.
Quaglin has lost 20 kilograms in prison. These are men with no criminal record, who got into some shoving and pushing on January 6th, and have been denied bail and a speedy trial - in the USA.
Nichols, a military veteran, has been in the media before:
And here is his wife pleading for help:

But, no, let’s build statues and revolutionize schools and businesses around the world for the sake of George Floyd.
We call this anarcho-tyranny.
Biden asserts over and over that any dispute over the 2020 election result is a flat-out lie. But the reverse is true. We know now that the FBI pressured media companies, like Facebook, to bury stories about Biden that polling shows would have changed the minds of significant numbers of his voters. That’s enough. That’s a rigged election.

Trump will soon likely be arrested and become a martyr with nothing to lose.
What happens in the next election?
Biden has opened up a portal to a new, much darker, future for the world’s superpower.
‘Kill the Boer’ - a peaceful and vibrant part of South African culture
The courts in South Africa have ruled that the singing of the old ANC struggle song, ‘Dubul' ibhunu’ or ‘Kill the Boer’, is not hate speech.
The court case was an attempt on the part of civil rights group, Afriforum, to have the song designated as hate speech.
After all, substitute the word ‘Boer’ (the Afrikaans word for ‘farmer’ and also a catch-all term for white South Africans) for any word referring to any other grouping of people, and there would be no question of its hatefulness and incitement to violence.
The proximate reason for this latest action is the singing of the song by supporters of the radical left-wing political party, the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF), at a criminal trial of two accused of the brutal torture and murder of white South African farm manager, Brendin Horner, in 2020.
Imagine being Horner’s parents or girlfriend. This young man was brutally murdered aged 21. And at the trial, scum and losers arrive to sing songs about the glories of killing white South Africans. The two accused would be acquitted on a technicality despite having extensive criminal records.
In South Africa, the song has become thoroughly associated with the EFF and its leader, Julius Malema, who has famously refused to rule out calling for widespread implementation of the song, the mass killing of whites, should he deem it politically advantageous at some future point.
In a later upcoming article, I will examine how the EFF is used as a smokescreen to hide the ANC’s radicalism. It is an ANC song. Mandela sang it. Subscribe below to make sure you don’t miss this piece.
The blunt truth is that South African farmers are more at risk of being murdered than virtually anybody in the world, at approximately a 100 per 100 000 annual murder rate, three times the average rate for the rest of the country, and a 100 times higher than the murder rate Western Europe, whose liberals keep on insisting farm murders are not a serious problem. Of course, this murder rate is also exponentially higher than the murder rate for black Americans at the hands of American police.
If you have a strong stomach, and want to read how brutal these attacks are, and how Afriforum has convincingly proven ANC and media culpability, read this shocking piece from the Rational Standard. This is not normal crime. These are war crimes. Boiling water, mutilation, rape.
At the same time as courts endorse this language, and the media chide Afriforum for caring, unemployment continues to skyrocket and crime in general explodes.
Masks don’t work and they cause cancer - but we made children wear them anyway

You cannot say you had no idea. We have known for a long time about plastic contamination causing cancer. What did you think it meant to cover your face with cloth and plastic made in third world sweatshops? Did you think this would help your child save grandma?
Doctors are not letting go, by the way:

We all know that the mask zealots never got covid, right?
It would make you laugh if it were not so sick and so sad.
For new readers, a quick reminder. They all knew masks did not work. Every scientist has known all along. They did it anyway as part of ‘nudge’ public policy, as a way of never allowing you to feel ‘safe’ or clean.
This is part of an official UK government advisory from June 2020:
The BBC even initially reported that the WHO mask advisory was entirely political:
Yes, they all knew. They did it anyway.
This ugly defacing is cancerous and cause CO2 poisoning to boot.
There must be dire consequences for tortures. Saying you were following the rules is, I am afraid, bullshit. No rule gives you cover for harm.
You knew. You knew.
(Please subscribe for upcoming piece on latest data on elevated mortality and declining fertility in high vax nations.)
‘Quiet quitting’ to save your life
To end this week’s edition, I would like to point you to an Unherd piece that looks at the new phenomenon amongst ‘Generation Z’ of ‘quiet quitting’.
In the nineties a new word crept into the vocabulary of work. It was no longer enough to be good at your job. You now had to be passionate about it, whatever it was. Passionate about real estate. Passionate about ad sales. Passionate about car insurance. Passionate about PR.
This led to some absurd situations. My accountant told me he interviewed a young person for a job at his company. At their interview this young man claimed that he was “passionate about accounting.” My accountant laughed and said: “I think it’s a fairly pleasant way to make a living, but I wouldn’t say I was exactly passionate about it.” …
We were all told to be passionate about our jobs, to put in the hard yards. But since 2008, so many of us have been grinding away at gig jobs, at workplaces where the expectation of passion is manipulated to wrench extra hours from you.
I have long maintained that it should be very rare for single people to lord it over people with families. And if they do, they should be self-aware and supportive of family life. In blunt economic terms, raising children means investing in everybody’s future. That should be revered and respected because those children will one day support the older generation, including those people who have not raised children of their own.
Now there’s a new movement which is resisting the overwork ethic. It’s called “quiet quitting” and it means doing the hours you’re paid for but no more. Like a city worker of old, when the bell chimes five, you put on your hat and walk out of the door.
“Quiet quitting” comes hot on the heels of China’s tang ping movement, which saw young Chinese rejecting the crazy work ethic promoted by Chinese authorities, where it’s your socialist duty to toil ten hours a day, six days a week…
To me it’s a great positive that millennials and Gen Zers are waking up to the fact that encouraging passion and hustle in your work is generally a trick played by the share-owning overlords to get you to work — i.e. increase their share price — for nothing. After all, as Sarah Jaffe points out in her book Work Won’t Love You Back, you might be asked to love your job, but your job won’t love you and that is proved by the fact that a new MD will not hesitate to sack dozens of employees to help boost the bottom line or share price.
Earn your keep. But you owe nobody your soul.
This is a great article Chris. Thanks for the roundup.
One thing al learned from living in America, political system is no better than a walk-in, mental health care, out-patient clinic. Every type of mental illness can be easily identified walking into the US congress and government administration offices.
You mention Biden's war on Trump. In my opinion, Donald Trump is a fascist, mimicking the rise of nazi-ism in 1930's Germany and attempted to unseat the democratic system of government. In the US, the president is the leader of the armed forces. In that context if he is accused of a crime of sedition or leading a rebellion to attempting to overthrow the democratic government, he should be tried by a military court. Obviously, party members don't want to see that type of action, he will likely be found guilty and be executed by firing squad, executed by hanging, or spend life in a military prison.
I think there is something else going on. What media is calling "right wing" extremism is a veil of the wealthy regain power and return to feudal systems of government where oligarchs become an new (and) existing royalty. Instead of socialism, it will be the whims of individuals that control:
1. Production of food
2. Availability of water and healthcare
3. Production of maintenance of infrastructure
4. Control of a person's body
5. Control Education and use schools to promote propaganda.
Abridged text from the American Declaration of Independence :
The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let
Facts be submitted to a candid world.
He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.
He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavoured to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages, whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions.
He has forbidden his Governors to pass Laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his Assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them.
He has obstructed the Administration of Justice, by refusing his Assent to Laws for establishing Judiciary powers.
He has made Judges dependent on his Will alone, for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries.
For cutting off our Trade with all parts of the world:
For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent:
And this is why Trump should be arrested and tried. Not for political reasons, but for attempting to overthrow the democratic government.
When Ronald Reagan was US president, few attacked him in media. He suffered from health issues, and likely dementia. Even Reagan 's staunch opposition, showed him compassion and empathy every person deserves.
Yet as Biden slips into the same disposition, the harshness of Murdock's media outlets will attempt to beat him as his health fails while bolstering fascist positions facturing democratic governments and societies for the explicit purpose of creating weaknesses for the newest generations of oligarchs to exploit, take over, and turn the global population back into serfs, peasants, and slaves..