Günther Anders (1966):

“There are times, days, moments when it really seems impossible not to become hysterical—for the simple reason that we are asked to rebel against too many things at once.

They must have been happy times—I am no longer able to remember them—those when we could be outraged by one, only one infamy at a time; when we could still “get emotionally involved”.

And today? In the short period of time in which we flip through a newspaper, we are hit by genocide on the first page, calumny on the second, hypocrisy on the third, and so on.

—Today we talk about overstimulation; I’ve been writing about it for years, too. Today, however, the most frightening excess of stimuli is of a moral order, since we must rebel at the same time for Hiroshima, for Auschwitz, for Algeria, for Vietnam.

How difficult it is to impose: “Calm down!”, to force oneself to silence and engagement. To barely make a dent, perhaps, in the sum of the atrocities that might occur tomorrow.”

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Wonderful insights, as always. Thanks for the great work. God's truth for all of life!

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Thank you for getting the truth out there. I'm worried and my anxiety levels have gone through the roof these past few years, perhaps that's what they want, prolonged high levels of stress to make everyone ill, fearful and feeling isolated. Well I'm fighting back in whatever way I can.

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Thank you Chris, always clear thoughtful analysis

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Well written Chris...

I live in Australia and I can tell you the Government and MSM have done a wonderful job of convincing the sheeple that they have averted the end of days through taking away all their rights for a disease that has over a 99% survival rate.

I despair the fact that most people cannot accept the truth that they have been lied to and would rather carry on in their ignorance than do their own research on any alternative viewpoints......

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Love reading your posts. I share with the hope someone else’s eye will be open. Like that hair commercial in the 70’s. Snd you tell two friends and so on and so on. Share people! Open someone else’s world.

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The situation is spinning out of control. What is really needed is that the Pope together with all the Catholic bishops consecrate Russia by name to Our Lady of Fatima in a solemn public ceremony. Our Lady of Fatima made this request in 1929 in an apparition approved by the Catholic Church, yet the popes and the bishops have not obeyed. Just what is more important than complying with this request no one seems to know.

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I think you've lived a very sheltered and fortunately altruistic life. If you take the viewpoint that violent, local crime across the globe is war, can you say there's ever been "a time of global peace" ? Likely not.

Community leaders, with all their faults, are just like everyone else: "people with faults". In democratic, political systems, "we get the leaders we deserve".

Possibly there is some discontinuity and poor alignment of expectations surrounding leaders ?

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stopping antisocial media and msm psyop agitprop is a start. look to alt news and places like this for some sanity and honesty.surgical removal of phones from young kids is advised too;-)

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