Should be unbelievable, but sadly this is where the world stands …. Up to each and everyone of us humans to do what we can

And Pray!

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I can't believe that only one person found this topic worth commenting on??? It's scary as hell!

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I can see first hand in my area that buildings are being demolished for high rise buildings. Even though California is facing a third year drought we are allowing the uprooting of large full grown trees for more housing that our state does not have the water to support. They want to shut down the farmers and take their land. This is wrong. Stop building if you want to stop global warming. Stop immigration if you are going to take away the quality of life. I heard a news reporter ask a climate scientist if there was any technology to fight global warming. Can you be anymore ignorant? Stop cutting down trees. Stop building where trees should be growing. It’s that simple. But you won’t get rich doing that.

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We live in evil times, as never before.

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Just shocking people are going to have to stand up to stop this madness on mass. It seems the same problems are coming to all countries via these globalists. God help us all. Use cash, grow your own, work together as one community. First simple steps we all need to be doing right now. No space to grow your own sprout or grow mushrooms indoors. Stock up it is going to get even worse before it gets better.

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Citizens have stormed Sri Lanka presidential palscd today and had a swim too in the president pool.. The government allegedly buggered off on a navy ship.

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