Interesting article. Thank you. Referring to the Cold War in your linked Oppenheimer piece and relating to how culture can be shaped by various means in this one:

Abstract Expressionism was pushed by the CIA as a weapon against uptight communist social realism. [See, Frances Stonor Saunders, The Cultural Cold War, The CIA and the World of Arts and Letters. https://www.amazon.com/Cultural-Cold-War-World-Letters/dp/1595589147/ref=sr_1_1?crid=SFNBY74Z5M4A&keywords=Frances+Stonor+Saunders%2C+the+cultural+cold+war&qid=1681150650&s=books&sprefix=frances+stonor+saunders%2C+the+cultural+cold+war%2Cstripbooks%2C2092&sr=1-1]

The Rockefeller family believed they could seduce modern leftist artists by coopting them. Commissioned murals, founded MoMA, etc. The idea was to present the West as a bastion of freedom. Therefore, enormous propaganda efforts went into the promotion of modernism in art (unnecessary to learn how to draw or acquire technical skill) and, later, racial and sexual equality.

Gloria Steinem worked for the Independent Research Service, a CIA front organization, in the 50s and 60s, meant to undermine communist youth festivals.


Congress for Cultural Freedom, main CIA arts front. MoMA heavily involved with Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs committee in 50s, CIA front headed by Nelson Rockefeller. MoMA’s International Program funded by CIA front Rockefeller Brothers Fund for $125,000, launched a massive AbEx propaganda push in Europe. “Twelve Contemporary American Painters and Sculptors” toured European capitols starting with Paris in 1954-5. Another, Young Painters, opened in Rome. Eisenhower called modern art a “pillar of liberty.” (Saunders, p. 262-72.)

MoMA’s International Program later expanded as the International Arts Council. Huge show “Antagonismes” opened in the Louvre’s Musee de Arts Decoratifs January 1960. Mark Rothko, Franz Kline and other New York School AbEx’s.

The artists involved were former leftists and even communists and were apparently unwitting participants. Anyway, the overall idea was to promote the West as freedom-loving individualists where anyone can be an artist.

That's pretty much still in vogue, although now the bad guys are increasingly portrayed as racist, sexist, homoophobic haters. I believe the most paid for an American work of art so far is about $111M for a Jean-Michel Basquiat, who, in case you didn't know, couldn't draw but was black, queer and died of an overdose at age 27. They are trying to resuscitate Jeff Koons, a white guy, who is overall highest total sales for living artists.

I personally think high art (even though they pretend it isn't "high") is where the real action is concerning culture-shaping, for the simple reason the elites are exclusively concerned with it. And, in the end, it's the elites who have the power. Popular culture is downstream and dumbed down in order to accomodate the lowest common denominator.

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Spot on. Cold War was a fraternal war between two leftist powers. Elites shape culture. Why is it we are surrounded by ugliness? In fact US was soo to the left of soviets on cultural issues, immigration etc.

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Excellent article Chris

The Placebo and Nocebo effects are fascinating areas of discussion, and make up a lot of what we call our Paradigm that determines how we perceive how the world works.

In the book "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions" by Thomas Kuhn he explains the change process in the mind of scientists as they struggle to create a rational approach to the empirical evidence presented, which required overcoming the existing paradigm and creating a new one.

Such revolutions are not based on logic, observation, experimentation and disproving of negative hypothesis- as is proposed by conventional understanding of scientific understanding. Such processes only serve to continue the existing paradigm.

When you realize that the existing paradigm is faulty then it requires a total revolution of thought and perspective that will shake the very foundations of not only logic but the entire society upon which that logic is based.

Such change will be confronted by vested interests, both socially, academically, politically, mentally and philosophically. Indeed, in all areas of life there will be those who will oppose changing the error for the truth- as explained by empirical evidence. These areas will be the greatest to overcome, no matter how much you clearly explain the truth.

It is only when a paradigm becomes inconveniently complicated and confusing that it is ready for the new paradigm to come along and change it. Prior to this it will not change, and anyone who proposes such change will be ridiculed and persecuted and even killed for not thinking in the way “life is”.

As you suggest I think the nocebo effect used by the Covid proponents was not something that happened to our society without any preparation. 9/11 was a big precursor that helped to prepare the population for an attack without any provocation. The laws enacted then were never repealed, as was the mindset of the general population that accepted these laws as normal. As was the government mindset that accepted these laws and their right to inflict them upon others without any justification other than their ability to proclaim “we say there is a threat and this is how we must treat it”.

Power corrupts and absolute power just goes to politicians heads and they think they are Julius Ceaser- whereas they are just power hungry living caricatures of Jim Hacker of Yes Minister. Satire imitates life, and life emulates satire, till the populations watching on the box can’t tell the difference, and laughs at them when they should cry and scream that they are all mad!

Yet, we elect them because we don’t want to be part of the mad complex and corrupt system that is running our life, we just want to be left alone to live and be in peace. We know the world has all the resources and technology that it needs to feed and clothe and provide for everyone, and we just want to get in and do it. But those who want power to rule want power to control others not to serve them and help them, but to dominate others so that their inadequate self-image is erased by the demonstration of their power over others.

And the nightmare continues- till “the Sun of righteousness will arise with healing in his wings; and you shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall. And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this, says the LORD of hosts. (Malachi 4:2-3) But before this “… behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yes, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that comes shall burn them up, says the LORD of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch. (Malachi 4:1)

God will not allow the leaders of the world to deceive the followers of the world to destroy life itself- but it will required a time of endurance as a loaf burned in an oven till it is baked to perfection- although ever so hot!

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Those who just want to be left alone will always lose against the revolutionaries...will be writing on 9/11 and Pearl Harbor as forerunners soon.

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