I used Bayes' theorem, and, using the South Africa numbers, NOT getting the vaccine reduces your chance of being hospitalized by about 33%. Your article is right, Chris.

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Love your article Chris did you also note that they have defined people who have had a first Pfizer injection as being unvaccinated. This is absolute fraudulent manipulation of data with potentially deadly consequences.

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Especially when Pfizer’s original trial in fact demonstrated a 40% increase in ‘suspected COViD’ in the first week of the trial in those that were vaccinated vs the placebo group and these would then still be classified as unvaccinated up until two weeks after the second jab. Criminal.

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The UK has an average Covid death age of 83 where the average life expectancy in the UK is 81.

Of those Covid deaths , those who

Died under 40 had an average of 2 comorbidities. According to the NHS.

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The way they “keep” the numbers low for the vaxxed, is they only see you as vaccinated 21 days after your 2nd shot. That is how they can claim that the unvaxxed are the majority in hospital, which is BS.

My daughter and son-in-law are in emergency services and the fist question they ask the patient is “when did you get vaxxed?”

More than 80% that they are taking to hospital has had at least 1 shot

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Thanks Chris. Interresting, my wife is a docter. She also does blood analysis in her practice. Shocking to see the blood cell damage in vaccinated people versus those not vaccinated. She dont talk to much. But she said here is big trouble on its way.

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At last somebody who is not brainwashed by MSM. The madness behind the push to be jabbed is global totalitarianism and no one seems to care.

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Brilliant. Thank you Chris!

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The vaccines are neither safe nor effective. They will not stop you from getting Covid and they will not stop you from dying from Covid. You can still pass Covid on to others. You may die from the side effects of the vaccines, or be permanently disabled.

Can you think of any good reason to take the vaccines?

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> 94% of deaths listed an average of 3 co-morbidities.

Chris, I'm wondering if you could share any links to data for this? Thanks!

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So the SA government keeps referencing the success of the Sisonke trials when they refer to the success of the vaccines. is there data available as to how many of the healthcare workers enrolled in the trial had previously had covid? as this then would be the reason for the low rates of infection and not necessarily the J&J vaccine.

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The Covid shots are not about protection. They are Gene Therapy to purposely change one's DNA (genetic modification). The spike protein is a bio-weapon, a prion. Prions are associated with Mad Cow Disease and neuromuscular movement disorders seen in Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's. Each shot puts a synthetic computer code into every cell of your body telling your cells to make more spike proteins which contain the prions.

Nothing is better than your own God-given immune system. No one gets a second case of Covid 19. Don't fall for the lies and hype. It's all propaganda intended to cause fear so you get the shot. These shots are dangerous. They turn you into an asymptomatic carrier of the virus. They cause your own immune system to be suppressed making you more susceptible to being sick this fall when you are re-exposed to the flu virus or any other corona virus, such as the common cold.

Gain of Function was used to make a virus which would not infect people much more infective to people. Evil people created the problem and then propagandized the world that they had the solution. It's all a LIE. The animal model is Humans. These evil people are using human beings as experimental subjects for their nefarious reasons. They concocted a virus not to kill people, but as a bio-weapon to maim people and harm economies all over the world. And that's exactly what has happened. The US and China are working together.

No one knows all of the ingredients in the vials and that's on purpose. Some ingredients we do know are 8 strains of HIV (Glyco protein 120), PRRA (4 amino acids put in purposely to puncture the blood brain barrier), Polysorbate 80, shellac of PEG (anti-freeze), poisonous tree bark from S. America, and hydro gel Matrix A. Ivermectin dissolves the hydro gel and that's why the government is making Ivermectin and other drugs which do work unavailable and/or very costly in the US and around the world. Evil is as evil does.

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Interesting article. You do know the the latest variant of the SARS/CoV2 virus has different symptoms and disease progression than the alpha and other versions.



Personally, I don't believe anyone should take a vaccine they are not comfortable with taking. However, they should be held responsible for their actions. For example, health insurance companies SHOULD NOT cover the costs of their hospitalizations as well as life insurance companies SHOULD NOT pay benefits for their deaths.

You are correct that vaccines will not stop SARS/CoV2. Like influenza, the Gennie is out of the bottle and we need to deal with it, more specifically prevent from primary income earners from dying or becoming permanently disabled and placing an increasing number of families on public assistance.

An example is Texas, anti-masker Chris Wallace, leaving his family begging for money on GoFund.me. How long do you think it will be before they'll be collecting welfare and Medicaid ? Why should I, or anyone else, have to pay for Chris Wallace's poor decisions ?

As for people controlling the SARS/CoV2 virus without mRNA vaccine interventions is a psychotic delusion. mRNA vaccines is the quickest method available today, albeit a big stick approach.

Hopefully, there will be a time where people promoting anti-vax will be held liable for the damages inflicted on others. IMO, anti-vax promoters should charged with criminal fraud. The fraud is not for causing the deaths' of people, but for unfair burden as financial losses on others' taxation and increased insurance premiums to cover the costs of their readers' poor decisions.

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Obese people clog up health systems more than anybody. Should we refuse them treatment? How about those who got Aids from promiscuity? When the powers that be remove previous variants' death counts from the total, I will consider your proposal. Otherwise will continue making the ame statistical error that every other authority is making. Thanks, though.

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Hi Chris, Maybe where you live obese people clog the health care system. However in colorado, alcohol, drug abuse, untreated mental illness, other substance abuse related issues consume hospital beds and most public health $$$. For example, many are homeless and living on the streets. By the time they seek treatment, their conditions escalate to critical. Many times people are "found down", treated while suffering from limited cognitive capacities. My personal opinion is most substance abuse is a symptom of unrecognized, untreated mental illness.

Not to digress into AIDs and HIV. What you call "promiscuity" today was normal sexual practices for the period. The use of condoms was often unheard of, unless of course there was a "known risk" of contracting something. Only puritans and other fanatical christians from the mid-west called the practices promiscuous, you know the same christians marrying their 13 yo daughters to 50 yo men. AIDs, the symptoms of HIV infection, did not present for long periods of time, many times years. Like SARS/Cov2 infections people did not know they were infected and spread the virus. Many were unwilling participants transmitting the virus. The social consciousness and health care systems expected STDs to present within a few weeks of infection. Treatment and recognition fell outside the boundary of heath care system response, that is detection and treatment windows of the early period. For decades there was no clinical test for HIV infection.

Insurance is a product used to compensate for "unexpected" events. For example, life insurance policies have clauses for exceptions for deliberate actions such as suicide, potentially life threating physical activities as sky diving and rock climbing and other types of negligence. If you are over weight, an insurance carrier will often disqualify obese people for life insurance coverage. IMO, not taking a vaccine for a known, active ID, is a form of negligent, life threating activity.

Just because groups of people are making the same statistical errors, does not mean everyone should knowingly make those same errors. It up to a community self-regulate and change poor practices, not propagate them and reinforce their same errored behaviors. Doing so places us all in cult of "deliberate disinformation", where there are no winners.

I was working with a group to help guide Covid-19 data collection and analytic practices. I was one of the contributors, editors and researchers in the epidemiology section. Most the information was discarded for brevity. Download document: https://zenodo.org/record/3932953#.YUIu7bhKhhG

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You are delusional mate. And you are the problem. Face your cognitive dissonance and realise your are weak minded and fell for a lie which will continue to infringe on the rights and civil liberties of people around the world for nothing. I know you Americans aren’t very worldly wise or well traveled but you do realize your country has other states and you happen to live in the one with the lowest obesity compared to over 42% average obesity in US adults? Have another Jab👍

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Interesting, cognitive dissonance.. too funny. The delusion is believing the statistics on obesity. For example, I was a competitive power lifter. When competing, my height was184cm, my weight was 72kg at 10% body fat. My squat and dead lift hovered about 310kg. In the US, I was considered morbidly obese.

I do agree with most ppl in the US weight. However, it is a symptom of three much greater problems, the cost of food and the use medications like anti-depressants and prescribed steroids. But that's another topic for another blog.

Since you are unaware of classifications in US healthcare, please do a bit more research before commenting.

IF you read my comments with sufficient comprehension, you see I do not support mandatory vaccination programs. Please note, civil liberties are an economic privilege, afforded to segments of society that have assets to pay for them (usually gained by exploiting others).

The question becomes: "Are you willing to sacrifice your life or the life of your family for the false impression of people's rights and civil liberties or are you willing to accept the circumstances to live another day ?" Ask the people who suffered under apartheid.

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There is nothing funny about this.

Do you understand BMI or how to calculate it Mr. Statistics? And you don’t support mandatory vaccination but want those who don’t take this inoculation to loose access to healthcare and life insurance and those disseminating the truth or in you’re language “the anti-vax promoters” should be “charged with criminal fraud”? So you’re neither pro choice nor freedom of speech?

As the abundance of data regarding the ineffectiveness of the vaccines coming out of many places eg. Israel and the UK (if you know where those are on a map) and many many studies and statistics combined with the high precision of predictions made by the actual experts in this field, not Fauci et al, regarding the repercussion of leaky vaccines and the prior failures in corona virus vaccine developments, will put people like you, the evangelical vaccinated, on the wrong side of history, and the relevant party spreading dangerous unscientific regurgitated misinformation. But I forgive you for your ignorance it’s very hard to disseminate the truth in this environment.

Then I have to admit I’m sorry for calling you delusional as either you just plain stupid, or a troll, but I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume the former.

So what, you were about 72.4” tall and weighed approx. 158.7lbs? Giving you a BMI of +/- 21 which is well within a normal weight and 9 index points and more than 60lbs away from being obese? If you have the capacity you can follow these links and confirm your ignorance:



I can at least agree with your statements regarding the lack of access to healthy food and the over prescription of drugs in America.

So touché, you got something right at least, and helped reinforce the subtle underlying current trying to be exposed here, which is the system is broken, and it starts at the top, the USA, the CDC and WHO. Trusting big pharma, MSM and your government to have your best interests at heart, is the definition of cognitive dissonance, dare I say it, delusional.

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"lose" not "loose" and "your" not "You're"---that was in the first few sentences. Couldn't keep reading.

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Where did I say to restrict freedom of speech ? I think everyone should have the ability to say what they want. However, if damages occur from that "speech", the speaker should be held liable. That doesn't restrict the freedom of speech, it just makes people liable for damages they cause. Freedom of speech does not mean you are immune to damages cause. The same way someone can commit assault or burglary, there is usually no one there to stop them. Like freedom of speech, they can perform the actions. However, they are liable for damages caused.

I guess you don't like different views and interpretations of data. Although the BMI calculations are for "average persons", the classification values are pretty much arbitrary.

I think you should reread my height/weight. I gave them in metric values. In imperial measures, my height is 72.5 inches and weight 272lbs @10% body fat measured in a tank. Using a BMI calculator that's a 36.9% BMI. I can recommend an online calculator if you need one.

As for your comment on "vaccines"... which vaccines do you mean as ineffective ? Are they from one manufacturer, all manufacturers, mRNA vaccines, attenuated vaccines, are they limited to certain lot numbers, selective to genetic profiles, and how do you know they were handled and administered properly ? Another question to ask, is the poor air quality from global wildfires making people more susceptible to severe illness ? The numbers collected and presented do not provide sufficient information to determine whether its the vaccines or their administration which determine root cause of efficacy.

Asking these questions and demanding the hard work to analyze the information is not "trolling" or "being stupid" as you suggest. These are legitimate, impactful questions to ask before drawing conclusions.

Personally, I believe your paranoia is unfounded. I understand you are fearful from the uncertainty posed by this pandemic. Denial, insulting people with different opinions, anger and hostility will not make this pandemic magically disappear or protect the people you care about. I have lost family members and close friends to this virus. I had it Feb "20 and still suffering health issues, despite not smoking, no alcohol, no recreational drugs, no weird supplements, exercising, having a healthy life style. My fault is simply being over the age of 60.

Whether you get the virus and die, suffer long term health issues, become mildly ill, or be immune to its effects is a genetic crap-shoot. Likely, epigenetics play a roll in symptom severity, although we lack the ability to make accurate measures and draw conclusions.

Since you brought up government, all responses to pandemics, epidemics, wars, and social violence are political in nature. We have relinquished responsibility to our safety and livelihoods to governmental authorities. When dead bodies are piling up in the streets and there's no food to feed the population, politicians rightfully feel at risk. They try to protect themselves with plans, they try to act as fast as the tempo of threat. Its never the best solution, but people (even politicians) do try to help the best they can.

I'm not sure where you get the impression the US is leading the way. The US is a republic, a collection of states with independent governments. Technically, states do not have to adhere or enforce to federal mandates.

I believe there is cognitive dissonance in some of the population. However, people that have their minds made up, firm in their convictions do not experience that physiological state. The oxford reference dictionary defines cognitive dissonance as "noun Psychology the state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes". This means it's a "internal state (to a single person) comprised of changing thoughts and indecision caused by confusion or physical malady". I don't think cognitive dissonance is the correct term you're looking for, but I and most others understand what you mean.

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lol you're an idiot

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You are delusional mate. And you are the problem. Face your cognitive dissonance and realise your are weak minded and fell for a lie which will continue to infringe on the rights and civil liberties of people around the world for nothing. I know you Americans aren’t very worldly wise or well traveled but you do realize your country has other states and you happen to live in the one with the lowest obesity compared to over 42% average obesity in US adults? Have another Jab👍

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From every study and statistically it is clear that the delta variant is more transmissable but less deadly.

Also the vaccinated are hospitalised and dying at the exact same rate as unvaccinated.

That's according to the NHS, CDC and Health Department of South Africa.

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Don’t give this dude facts he believes in science not data 🤷‍♂️ It’s waste of time. He can’t even convert kg to lbs 🤷‍♂️ Yes, the guy who tells the author to take a statistics course can’t do basic conversions or read charts so don’t waste your time like I did 👍

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Makazole, Those studies are correct, vaccinated are hospitalised and dying at the exact same rate as unvaccinated. However, this data is problematic and needs better vetting..

There is a misalignment in expectations and serious problems with the data. I can only reference the US, I don't have direct access to SA data. If you can provide a point of contact, I'll be glad to engage. Official channels have been less than cooperative.

In the US, the issue is the number of hospitalizations. Most COv2 infections are unvaccinated patients. Many are under 50years of age who were excluded from earlier vaccine programs. (duhh, did anyone expect anything different ? )

Media, politicians, and analysts are classifying the CoV2 delta variant as the same as original and alpha variants. This is like classifying the flu from 2018 the same as the flu of 2021. Although related, they have enough differences that earlier vaccines are less effective or completely ineffective on later variants. Just like needing a flu shot each year, we will need a Cov2 vaccine each year. To classify and claim all CoV2 vaccines are ineffective, is just wrong and disingenuous. There needs to be a new vaccine for the Delta variant. Likely, patent processes are holding up the release of new vaccines.

In the US, many people receive the flu vaccine. Despite receiving the vaccine, 40,000+ people die each year from the flu. The numbers will be higher if the annual vaccine is missed. The same influenza strategy is mistakenly applied to COv2 infections. The error made is assuming the tempo of infection and mutation of COv2 is the same as influenzas. COv2 is much more infectious than influenza viruses. It also appears to mutating at a far greater rate, likely due to to the higher number of infections. The tempo of response for influenza is not appropriate for CoV2. The pharma, medical, political, and social infrastructure to countermeasure requires "renovation" to outpace the spread of CoV2 infection.

One other difference today in the US is the unavailability of primary care physicians. In my area, it takes 3 weeks to schedule an office visit, many times you see a nurse instead of a doctor. Untreated cases of other diseases combined with Cov2 infections often escalate into more critical conditions requiring hospitalization. The combination of CoV2 infections and increased criticality is driving increases in hospitalization counts. These conditions and interactions between Cov2 symptoms and other diseases are not being considered in vaccine efficacy analyses, inflating the numbers and drawing incorrect conclusions. Then there are other factors pertaining to the handling and administration of vaccines itemized in other comments.

In the US, we do not have the infrastructure to treat more than 70,000/yr additional ill people and compassionately dispose of their remains. This is making our politicians look bad. Look at the media and witness a political "shell game" in play.

I hope this information can provide you with a more balanced outlook and doubt some conclusions made in mainstream and other media outlets. Usually the truth can be found somewhere in the middle of highly polarized positions.

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Oh my god dude just stop typing. If your fingers are moving you lying, like the democrats and Fauci and the WHO and CDC. Have you heard of Israel? You know that country your’s helps enforce apartheid on their Palestinian neighbours? Look at the covid data and shut up. This inoculation and the lie of herd immunity that got us into it, when it is common sense even to a numbskull like you, that herd immunity is impossible due to the the fact all retrovirus have a high transcription error rate, is a crime. Now look up Utter Pradesh and cry over the fact you didn’t take the horse paste and you part of a human experiment, one which isn’t going too well 👍

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Are you attempting to censor me ? What ever happened to "freedom of speech" ? , Or does that only apply to what you agree with ?

What does detailed facts and measures about Cov2 treatments, vaccines and reporting methods have to do with Israel, Palestinians ? "Focus Pinky, Focus"

I'm glad you bought up Utter Pradesh. The death toll from covid was 442,009. That is a 0.216% of the population. The US percentage is 0.207%. That's about the same, an inconsequential difference.... that is unless you're one of the people that died.

As for democrats and Fauci... You really don't have a clue where the response plan came from do you ?

The pandemic response plan was developed by POTUS 43, George W Bush. In case you don't know, He was a member of the Republican Party, not the Democratic Party.

The POTUS 43 plan was based on this assessment from Oct, 1999: https://stacks.cdc.gov/view/cdc/3265

The POTUS 43 Influenza Strategy, : https://www.cdc.gov/flu/pandemic-resources/pdf/pandemic-influenza-strategy-2005.pdf

The POTUS 43 Plan: https://www.cdc.gov/flu/pandemic-resources/pdf/pandemic-influenza-implementation.pdf

The updated plan by POTUS 44 (Obama): https://www.cdc.gov/flu/pandemic-resources/pdf/pan-flu-report-2017v2.pdf

Please note the POTUS 44 plan was updated by HHS and not the CDC.

I'm not sure which retrovirus and transcription error you referring. The vaccines are not retroviruses, they don't produce more vaccine mRNA sequences and again.... not a retrovirus. If you're referring to SARS/Cov2 virus, the mutation and infection rates can that is a problem and why any NPI should be used to slow the spread. The crime is bad data collection and misleading conclusions drawn from bad data.

You do know neuroplasticity is likely a side effect from a virus. Many believe any mutation of virus is a bad thing, it could be something beneficial to people. However, no one looks for virus mutations that benefit us. If there are transcription errors in mRNA virus, you assume they can only be detrimental. The fact is you don't have a clue of what they may do and your fatalist delusions are driven by fear of change.

Your ignorance about the subject feeding your delusional paranoia is inexcusable. Please get some treatment ( eg AA, Drugs Anonymous, etc.) or have your psych meds adjusted. Whatever you're doing is not working.

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Lol if any pro Bush person reads my blog.

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If you're interested in an overview of dynamics driving current discourse, look at this free 2007 document/book titled "Ethical and Legal Considerations in Mitigating Pandemic Disease" : https://www.nap.edu/catalog/11917/ethical-and-legal-considerations-in-mitigating-pandemic-disease-workshop-summary

Also, electronic surveillance of communicable disease is not new. To get a fuller understanding of disease surveillance, you need to look at the history of the cdc, initially called "Communicable Disease Center". In the 1970s, the CDCs mission was expanded and renamed "Center for Disease Control".

@1984, the CDC created Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System and other electronic systems to track causes of deaths.

The Epidemiologic Surveillance Project (ESP) was one of the first communicable disease tracking systems launched by the cdc @1984. By 1989 all 50 states contributed to the system. See: https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/00001769.htm Sorry I don't have links to origins and documents of the ESP project. I guess you can get them via FOIA requests. I didn't have time to do that.

An outgrowth of ESP was "The National Electronic Disease Surveillance System" (NEDSS) was in place from 2001. This is a 2002 sitrep on the program: https://slideplayer.com/slide/4833860/

Full disclosure: The historical facts on the CDC was written by Dr Lisa M. Lee. I was faxed a copy of her paper. I think she worked out of CDC Atlanta, in case you want to track her down for an interview.

One challenge these systems faced was the inability to to rapidly change to incorporate emergent novel communicable diseases. The also lacked the ability to incorporate clinical and lab data from foreign countries. As a result, new and unvetted, unauthorized systems serving data became available. Classification of clinical and other diagnostic data was, and still is, problematic where the old adage of "garbage-in, garbage-out" clearly rings true.

The problem of cleansing and pre-analyzing data is not trivial. Much input information is irreversibly conflated or just incorrect making realistic descriptions nearly impossible. Mechanistic analysis can reduce the conflation, however the input data must have sufficient granularity, which is: 1) very costly to produce, 2) increases the size of the data set and 3) requires redesign of databases and algorithms, and 4) few are willing to fund that work..

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yeah that would be nice, but I think their all too old to care.

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“I'm glad you bought up Utter Pradesh. The death toll from covid was 442,009. That is a 0.216% of the population. The US percentage is 0.207%. That's about the same, an inconsequential difference.... that is unless you're one of the people that died.” Uttar Pradesh is a state in India.You may want to revisit your death numbers and percentage comparisons for Uttar Pradesh and US. https://covid19.healthdata.org/india/uttar-pradesh?view=cumulative-deaths&tab=trend https://covid19.healthdata.org/india?view=cumulative-deaths&tab=trend

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210 vs 9 deaths per 100,000 USA vs a state in India using ivermectin….

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How’s your bandwagon treating you one eye? https://www.mdpi.com/1467-3045/44/3/73/htm

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Maybe try the ostrich paste 🤷‍♂️ hear it works best for people with heads buried so deep in the sand 👍

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Hey Spidy

I hope you and your family is well.

I do like the comparison articles and reviewed studies. The last "O" variant is really easily transmitted. Fortunately, it's not as fatal as other variant branch in the surviving populations.

As for India and US comparisons, the data is striking. Unfortunately it doesn't indicate which variants had infected the populations. It almost an apples/oranges comparison at this point. I have an old, good friend that swears turmeric and curries boost immune response and helps fight developing cancers. If the reported data was correct, I'd move back to eating vindaloos (my favorite meal) every day (as well as buying as much curry and turmeric on the commodities exchange) . Unfortunately, it looks like the Indian government has been under reporting covid deaths by as much as 10x. See: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abm5154

Everywhere around the world the morality rates from covid have been fairly consistent when adjusted for regional/local comorbidities. If countries look 1.2x better or more than the world average, the reporting must be closely examined for accuracy.

As far as re-transcription ... thanks for posting that. I'll keep my eye on that paper's future citations, just set up the alert. Finally peer reviewed studies from reputable organizations are hitting the streets. I hope to figure out a way to parse these papers and integrate the info. We have lots of "sleeping" genes in our dna, we need to figure out if these vaccines' reverse transcription has any long term negative effects. As of date, none have been identified. Now that fragment locations are found, hopefully there'll be work done on activation and effects to open the door on impacts.

Our DNA is changing and altered by viruses all the time. Barbara McClintock, who pioneered this work, believes 48% of our genome are retrovirus remnants (retroelements). Work by riken (japan) is looking at this area in much greater detail than anyone before. More interestingly they're looking at how genomes develop to deactivate active fragments. See: https://genome.cshlp.org/content/28/6/846

Just because we have a new gene transcribed, it doesn't means it bad. Our genome is cluttered with viral transcriptions that are beneficial. In 2018, a study found herpes ( HHV-6A and HHV-6B) are transcribed into some ppls's dna (abt 1%). It seems this herpes gene improves immune response (>5x) to Influenza A, Epstein-Barr B, and cytomegalovirus. See: https://journals.asm.org/doi/10.1128/JVI.01418-19?permanently=true

Not to make anyone more paranoid about dna "contamination", we don't have a clue of how many viruses and other external factors inject new gene fragments into our DNA. Epigenetics is a new field of study> Just be prepared for renewed thinking about DNA stability and immutability.

In a way, these covid vaccines and discovery of reverse transcription will boost much needed funding into the epigenetics and reverse transcription research area. We may be surprised to find how many other, medications, vaccines and viruses are directly reverse transcribing or making it possible to for reverse transcription to occur.


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