Great article. I applaud your honesty. And agree with your conclusion

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The problem is what colonial masters created, an underdeveloped and poor black nation with no capacity to transform the lives destroyed. The damage was done before the ANC came to power. Britain and France are better because Africa is crumbling. These are the architects.

Structural poverty is not a product of Mbeki, Zuma or the ANC.

Black writers must challenge this dangerous narrative that glorifies apartheid and the Slaughter of Africans.

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There was no slaughter in Southern Africa before colonialists arrived. Nor poverty. Got it. Go and visit the outskirts of Paris and Marseilles. The post-industrial cities of the UK. You will find places that look remarkably similar to many African cities and towns. Your response is naive and filled with resentment. The most dangerous of human emotions. Nobody, not even Afriforum, glorifies apartheid. And whilst you continue to fixate on colonialism your own leaders are destroying any hope for Africans. Whatever the sins of apartheid leaders, at least they looked after their own people, who, by the way, had recently had tens of thousands of their women and children murdered in concentration camps by the British.

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And this explanation will be used for how many years? What has been done in the past 27 years to improve on what was inherited from these colonialists. Let's compare to Singapore...not Zimbabwe because each makes their own policies and choices.

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So what should be done to fix things today?

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