Thank you for this brilliant summary Chris

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Their blatant flashing of wealth with the new offices in Sandton some years ago gave me such a red flag. Greed in the first degree IMHO. Should the public even continue feeding the beast?? A very clear example of fear driven control. Disgusting!

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Yes, when they jacked up premiums too.

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Discovery, scoundrels of the highest order.

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Claiming to be wise, they instead became utter fools - Rom 1:22.

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Pushing an experimental injection that has no long term outcomes is criminal

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Whilst ignoring natural immunity and inability to stop transmission or reduce mortality. Disgusting!

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I just find it sad that we had to get here to learn this lesson. Thousands stood up and protested mandating an unproven gene therapy at great cost to their private and professional lives , only to branded "antivaxers" and mocked as ignorant science deniers. I will never forget the glee by some to ridicule and dismiss. How they defended the undefendable. Remember what we were told "no one forced you" . Lets remember that while we now try to defer blame .

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Thank you for writing this Chris.

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I feel sorry for thr poor brokers they wanted to help clients by taking them to get vaccinated.

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I would drop them as my health provider in a heart beat but don't want to have no cover for three months whilst awaiting coverage from another provider.

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not all schemes will impose that

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There is no compelling evidence that anyone is dying from the jab other than in the whacko echo chamber in which you live. No one is denying the mandates that Discovery imposed on staff & clients (I don't agree with those). But the overwhelming evidence is that it is Covid rather than the vaccine that is causing longer term health issues. I work closely with medical underwriters whose only reason for existing is to reduce mortality and morbidity claims. They have zero interest in any WEF forum affiliation, they just want to make profit for shareholders. Follow the money.....it doesn't lead down any looney rabbit hole, believe me.

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So I show you establishment studies showing long covid does not exist nor does covid cause lasting heart damage and that the vaccine does have a link to long term heart damage and you start babbling about the WEF? Who is the 'conspiracy theorist' here?!

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Yesterday, 08 Dec 2022, in the US Senate's Hart Building in Washington DC, a Mr. Edward Dowd testified and exhibited evidence of the US insurance industry data showing "compelling evidence" Mr. Volker is looking for. Furthermore he showed the UK data. Dowd gives further credence to the data in his online discussion here https://ca.childrenshealthdefense.org/corruption/global-financier-edward-dowd-talks-excess-deaths-a-new-hedge-fund/

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I suggest you look again Paul.

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And how do you know the people that own the companies that own the medical underwriters arent playing some kind of a game themselves. Hedging against things happening?

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Chris, Great article !!!

Agreed, privatized health is a mess. Living in the US has shown me both the value and drawbacks to socialized health care. The recent global economic downturn and pent up demand for medical services has shown cracks in all health care systems.

Privatized healthcare HAD (past tense) on advantage over govt run systems, operational losses were subsidized by speculative investors (instead of govt budgets). Investment speculation has moved to mining and energy, health care stocks are looked more as operations/product manufacturing, forcing privatized to abandon ponzi like business practices and operate as manufacturing and services companies with similar magins. The industry is in transition moving from speculative investment, however executive compensation has not adjusted to the new motif causing a disproportionate financial burden on operating budgets.

Unlike product manufacturing, health care companies lack the ability to innovate, leaving only operational optimization (budget cuts, low salaries) as a means to improve profits. As a result, the work force is finding opportunities in other sectors leaving inadequate capacity to service the market. Lacking sufficient resources, operations management exceeds maximum capacities resulting on lower quality of care and longer wait times to receive time sensitive services.

The arrogance and stupidity of health care companies executive management believes displays of opulence and success will bring high value customers (wealthy/high paying) to their facilities. Meanwhile, everyone that enters risks their lives due to poor quality of care caused by a decaying operational infrastructure within their facilities.

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That's nonsense Chris it's in the best interests of Discovery shareholders (life company, not medical scheme as it is member-owned) to reduce mortality and morbidity claims . Why on earth would they act contrary to their commercial interests. The problem with conspiracy theories is they never stand up to common sense.

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Please explain which part is "conspiracy theory". The part that millions are dying because they took an experimental jab , or that Discovery mandated their employees to take this untested toxin and then pushed it on their clients? Because either you weren't paying attention or you are another shill who believes the crap they're spoon feeding you. Fact is Discovery mandated these "vaccines" . The "why" can stay in the realm of 'conspiracy theory' , because we're dealing with proven facts here.

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Simple, because they want to be part of the Governments NHI. They have a desire to "Partner" with Government. Dedicated members of the WEF.

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The NHI for South Africa project was funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in 2009 anyway... no corporate involvement??? I am looking at the private and confidential document as i write this.

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There was an exchange on the issue with PANDA and Discovery. PANDA requested that Discovery Health remove misinformation about the Covid-19 vaccines from their FAQ page on the Discovery website.

Discovery were caught out misrepresenting information in a graphic in their annual financial reports.

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What made me very sad was when Gore and Kellner (new discovery bank ceo/ ex head disco mkting), sent out their year end communication and indicated that the best thing that ever happened to them was helping others that year by getting vaxxed. They had big voices and this was very sad... as you cannot tell me a company that has probably the most health data in the world didnt know what was going on. And to get a ceo position you have been wanting... and the best thing that year was getting vaxxed? Right.

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I am talking about Discovery Health/ Discovery Insurance in South Africa. Another WEF acolyte

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Adrian Gore, Hylton Kellner

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Add in that we now know that viral shedding from both viral patients and vaxed individuals is a "thing" and where are the numbers??

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