Excellent, Chris. Lockdowns kill the old and they kill the young.

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Really shocking, this information needs to be known not ignored which is exactly what they have done to young.. Heartbreaking.

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why in 2019 such a high excess deaths in euro 0-14 Y/O ?!? (grey line) with a super-surge at 45th week?!?

it was all before the covid-hoax

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Looking at the above graph, they grey line shows excess deaths in 0-14 were much higher in 2019 than 20/21 so what are you actually trying to say with this piece? The fact is more kids died pre-covid, pre-lockdown and pre-vaccine...

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That makes my point - the pandemic was not a pandemic for the young. The important graph is the 15 and up. In a pandemic, vaccine should show dramatic drops in mortality. We are not seeing this.

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Being a poor boomer I can say without question that our generation was rigged in favour of the rich as well. But not as much as this one is, and nowhere near as much as the billionaires are currently planning for.

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We know that these experimental injections are killing thousands already worldwide. And the mainstream media is hiding and nobody cares...

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Hi could you share the link for the USA data / graph. ?

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Jeremiah 17:5 states, "Cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his strength, whose heart departs from the LORD". Hosea 4:6 states, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge". Lack of knowledge of what? The Bible (Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth).

Sadly, it seems that most people listen to what their lying, ignorant, Kool aid drinking doctors tell them as well as the lying news media and government hacks (like Fauci and Biden). So people have offered up their children by lethal injection to their god, the government. They are too cowardly or ignorant of the facts to resist. And the results are death, destruction, and suffering. Rather than take a stand for righteousness and say NO to the jab, which real science shows is unnecessary, they succumb to the pressure. Once anyone has taken the jab, their body will never return to normal. Their immune system will be damaged for life.

When the weather finally turns cold, the death rates for all who have taken the lethal injection will sky rocket. Of course, the deceivers will cry that the "unvaccinated" have caused the death surge and demand more isolation tactics, mask wearing, and so on. But those of us who follow the real science know that is all a lie. Those with compromised immune systems will no longer be able to fight off any other viruses and many will die. The shots were intended to do just that. Kill off as many people as possible who take the jab.

If by some chance you were injected with a placebo, the second shot and all boosters will insure that your body is damaged beyond repair. That is the nefarious nature of these lethal gene altering injections. While God is allowing this carnage to happen all over the world, He promises that the wicked will, by no means, escape. Judgment day is coming for the evil men and women who perpetrated these crimes against humanity and burning in the flames of the lake of fire with their worm consuming their flesh for all of eternity is a righteous judgment from God. I pray it happens soon. Come quickly, Lord Jesus.

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The worm is already within them. There are numerous reports of tentacled alien-like creatures surfacing among Christian news. It is entirely possible that the immortal hydra- or something much worse- will remain in the vaxxed forever as scripture prophecy regarding hell dictates, and this verse hints at it and we may be seeing its fulfillment. If this is the mark in Revelation- and I believe it to be, then it is likely the case. Their worm will never die. It is within their blood forever. Come save us quickly Lord Jesus!

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Thank you for commenting. I believe that the mark of the beast will be a visible mark as seen by John when he was caught up in the spirit as recorded in Rev. 13:16-17, Rev. 14:9-11, Rev. 15:2, Rev. 16:2, Rev. 19:20, and Rev. 20:4. Ezekiel 9:4 also describes an angel sent by God (when Ezekiel, the prophet, was caught up in the spirit ) who set a mark upon the foreheads of the elders who were not to be slain by that angel. I also believe that mark was visible. Genesis 4:15 references a mark that the Lord set upon Cain so that he would not be killed by those with whom he associated. That mark was visible by all who saw him. For these reasons, I do not believe that a bio-chip or injection is the mark of the beast because it cannot be seen by anyone.

I do believe, however, that these lethal bio-weaponized gene altering injections and the forced compliance by the government is a precursor to what will happen when the Anti-Christ sets up his one world government. All must comply or be killed. This event is closer than we realize.

Also, many well meaning Christians took the shot(s) unknowingly. I believe that if those Christians go up in the rapture of the church, they will go from mortal with genetic alterations to immortal with a body like Christ's if they ask for forgiveness for desecrating their holy temple (their body). Time will tell.

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The so-called evidence for a systematic increase in the 0-14 data does not exist. In addition what's the meaning of the curve going BELOW ZERO (see the 2021 0-14 graph).

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There is no such "so-called evidence for a systematic increase in the 0-14... ", they aren't vaxxed. There is a curve going below zero because we talk about "excess mortality", if negative it would be called "under mortality"

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If the age group 0-14 also has spiking mortality isn't this evidence against our previous point: the vaccine causing the mortality? Pretty sure zero 1 year olds have gotten the stabbie. So what are you arguing here? That the lockdowns are causing a rise in mortality, or the Fauci Ouchie?

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12 year olds are getting jab. But I think the lockdowns also cause death.

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I have sympathy for the position. The world has gone insane due to covid, and I know there are few people we can trust. I guess that's why I'm urging for caution. Those are two very different claims: lockdowns are killing people in all demographics, and vaccines are killing people in all demographics. The only data you're showing is mortality is up. I agree with both conclusions, but that's my bias. The data is in no way showing it. And what if all the deaths are due to lockdown stressors, and the vaccine isn't causing them. Or what if it's the other way around, with vaccines causing the majority and lockdowns limited. Or...it's also possible 2021 just happens to be an anomaly of rising mortality due to something completely unrelated. If all everyone is thinking about all day long is "covid, covid, covid", then you'll pick up an empty beer you drank last night and go...what!? I swear this was full last night. God damn you Covid! ;) stupid, but you get my point. God bless, man. I know this work aint easy.

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I think one thing that has to do with these death is the dying of very young children who die because their mother got jabbed and now giving the genocidejabstuff to their children through breast milk. For the 15-44 group, in this group normally the death rate is very very low. So, some extra deaths make the lines go spike through the roof in no time. I think in the coming few months deaths will go through the roof in all age groups. Its getting colder, people get less sunlight and the killershots have weakened the immune system from the jabbed immensely. I think that the real chaos begins somewhere in December. It's gonna be a dark dark winter.

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