The great majority of Americans, and probably almost unanimously elsewhere, are disgusted by the perverts occupying media and corporations. The inevitable backlash has been subdued because the great majority of Americans imagine themselves to be polite and tolerant toward others, even perverts. But when they begin attacking our children, that's likely to bring out the inner Rambo that's present in all of us, always just below those civilized veneers, just waiting for a reason to emerge. Thanks, Disney, for giving us a reason. You'll be in the first to fall.

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MOMMA BEARS UNITE!!! Protect your CUBS from the DEMON$$$$

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That's about right. There are all types of fanatics in leadership positions. As individuals become increasing isolated from society, the greater possibility of aberrant ideas. Combined with sycophants surrounding wealth, it creates an environment for "mental inbreeding". History has taught us family trees in straight lines are never a good thing.

In the US, judges in the state of texas considers transgender hormone therapy on children a form of child abuse. Considering the plastic nature of children's brains, it's likely the correct position until the child reaches adulthood. See: https://texasattorneygeneral.gov/sites/default/files/global/KP-0401.pdf

Then again, like side effects from physical inbreeding, congenital birth defects, fertility reduction, spontaneous abortions, still births can occur contributing to ending lineage propagation. Hormone and other chemical treatments surrounding sex changes also renders the person sterile, ending the linage. Possibly 'mental inbreeding" surrounding transgender children is nature's latest way of ending aberrant linages. Possibly a form of munchausen by proxy caused by people not fitting into the current social structure. I wonder if parents comprehend the resulting impacts of their actions on their linage ? .

Vaccines have never been perfect, 100% effective, or 100% safe. It's just a fact.

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They've always been 100% ineffective against illness and 100% unsafe. Just that this 'performance' may not present immediately. Which makes them effective and safe for the establishment.

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Yeah, pretty much. But nothing is "really safe". For example, oxygen is the main cause of "free radical" formation from cellular stress. (we haven't heard much about this lately) Yet, we can't live without oxygen. I can remember exactly, someone was looking for an oxygen substitute to avoid the formation of "free radicals". <sigh>

In the short term will ppl be uncomfortable from vaccines ? and can they cause health issues ? yeah, that will happen. We're lucky, humans are fairly adaptable. There are systems in our DNAs (nuclear and mitochondrial) to mitigate the effects of retro-genes cause by naturally occurring viruses, prions, or vaccines. We just need to think about it on multigenerational time scales.

I can personally attest the side effects of covid vaccine was definitely not as awful as the mitoxantrone/doxorubicin cocktail with vancomycin and clindamycin (thrown in for good measure) that I was receiving this last year. BTW, it's dripped using a "PICC line" directly into the left ventricle because it "burns holes" in the peripheral veins. Then another 4 months of oral antibiotics and a wound vac.. Those treatments also alter your DNA and severely tests one's bottle. In comparison, the covid vaccine is like bitters and a chip butty.

Oddly, european medicine has this bizarre assumption our bodies should be impermeable or immutable to environmental factors. Medical practitioners took it upon themselves as conservators and custodians to somehow preserve and purify the state of our birth DNA from changes that "sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids". An absolutely false assumption and invalid approach. Our DNA responds and adapts to changes in our bodies, aging, disease, and our environment. These changes include turning inactive genes on and active genes off (conformation). Occasionally, alterations include insertion of foreign genes into our genome. As negative side effects occur which degrade our survivability, other changes occur to mitigate the negative effects of our new genes. Like it or not, it's just the way we are made.

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I have no doubt that our systems will adapt to the poisons of this vaccination program, as they have in the past. But saying that this will be over a multi-generational timeframe is not going to make parents happy if their kids die before them.

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Disney is in the process of setting up film studios here in Otago (by proxy of course). Might do a feature on them.

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funny how she managed two warped kids?

pansexual will see anything that moves(or doesnt) as fair game

now thats scary;-)

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The bigger question is why anyone would give her a position of responsibility for entertaining children. Either Disney failed badly to vet this nut, or execs thought her perversions would benefit their sales. They might be right, if American culture is too far gone to be saved. But they're probably wrong. Epic screw up.

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One tree, with one root, but many branches. The puzzle pieces are gathering quickly now... Climate agenda, social justice agenda, covid agenda, lgbtqia+ agenda, war agenda and the list goes on. And they are all pulling in the same direction! God's Word is true, and it is coming to fulfilment before our very eyes.

But take heart, look up, Jesus is returning for his children soon. Endure, persevere until the end, remain faithful. He sees all, he knows all and he will judge all of us justly! And without Jesus' work on the cross, none of us could stand. Praise God he offers us His righteousness and He will keep his children!

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COMMUNISM 101: Destroy the Family with "Normalizing" Sexual Perversion:

Activist Mommy Breaks Down the Marxist Takeover of AMERICA #PLANdemic


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What a load of bollocks!! Is this woman for real or does she live in a Disney fantasy world. Where is the good old fashioned parenting??

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