Absolutely insane what’s happening. Another great read. Thank you. I’ve shared it 7 times this morning

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The Bible tells us that all nations will come under the rule and authority of the Anti-Christ along with the False Prophet, both of whom are indwelled by Satan, the Man of Perdition. These men are alive somewhere in the world waiting to rise to power. We are witnessing the collapse of civilization as we know it. Everyone wants freedom but most are slaves to the state. Everything is ready for Anti-Christ to control every person's movement on this planet. All is in place.

America was an experiment in freedom when our founding fathers created our Republic. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. Sadly, for America and the world, God has been pushed out of society and we are reaping what we have sown. It's not going to get better, but much worse. In these last days, men of corrupt minds will rule. God has given them over to a depraved mind (Romans 1:28). We know that because of the increase in perversion at all levels of society.

Those of us who belong to Christ are to occupy until He comes. We are to endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ (2 Tim 2:3). Fight when we need to and resist when we need to. But we should never succumb to what is wrong because of cowardice. No coward will make it into heaven (Rev 21:8).

America is not mentioned in Bible prophecy. Maybe we've been annihilated by a nuclear blast or maybe our military fell after being forced to take the gene therapy shots. Only God knows. China, Russia, Turkey, Jordan, Egypt, Israel, the Islamic states, etc., all play a part in the 7 year tribulation period which is close to happening.

Believers need not fear because God has promised to snatch us away before the unthinkable happens. For those left behind to endure 7 years with the Anti-Christ ruling, it will be the worst time ever recorded in the world's history. Millions will perish. There will be nuclear war. If you are in Christ, you have nothing to fear. If you are not in Christ, you have much to fear.

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When the "nanny" says that your six-year-old can't ride their bike with out a crash helmet, and arrests you if you don't comply, you know your society is doomed.

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Hi Chris, Have you looked into what has happened in Canada the last few years?

The C16 law is especially worrying regarding the transitioning / Gay Conversion Therapy 2.0 of children.

teacher declares child is trans.

teacher does not have to disclose to parents.

if parents do discover.

if the parents say anything to dissuade the child, the lost the child to social workers.

it is illegal for a psychologist to say anything to a child to dissuade a transition.

C16 law has been promoted as a gender rights law but its actually a gay conversion therapy law even financed by Religious Rights Groups in Canada.

these laws filter out to the commonwealth.

Scotland, Australia, New Zealand..

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