My wife and I (we are both 83) both survived the virus. She was quite sick for a week and I just had an irritating cough.

We understand that we now have immunity but it looks as though we are being coerced to get vaccinated.

Is nobody speaking for the millions of us in s a. who have this immunity.

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The media in South Africa has gone completely full tilt Vaxx mandate , I don't think it's possible to stop at this point.

The propaganda is rife.

They lie and tell the poor masses that the vaccine prevents the infection and transmission.

It's sick.

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SA media sold ALL journalism out for China's TENCENT shares in 1999 already - never had true "journalism" in SA since 1999 - only superficial scandal, sex and WOKE propaganda to please their paymasters . . . :-(

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The main problem is that as soon as anyone on team panic realises that your essay isn't in full support of the official dogma they won't read on.

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Good, thorough, rational analysis. Unfortunately, wasted effort. Maybe it will reach a few who have grown weary of the oppression, but most of the fearful will remain closed to rational analysis. Solutions will not be found in civil discussion, even when infused with conciliatory pleas. The oppression is being driven by panicked authorities, driven by desperate needs to maintain and increase their power. They will only be stopped with litigation and elections.

The US is the global leader in irrationality, with the covid disaster providing the most destructive opportunity for petty tyrants to inflict maximum damage. But lawsuits are mounting and have been consistently successful. The upcoming 2022 elections are expected to be a rout, replacing the current tyrants with new masters who will, hopefully, have learned the right lessons. Some are impatient and imagine that physical confrontations will expedite recovery, by open protests or worse. Maybe. That's just as likely to increase the resolve of the frightened, becoming counterproductive. More effective to support litigation and rational political candidates.

After we forcibly subdue them with courts and ballots, they'll become more receptive to good, thorough, rational analysis. But if we lose the legal and political battles, we'll need to learn to adapt to tyranny. It will be with us for a long time.

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I like that you wrote based on what the other side maintains to be true. Too much cognitive dissonance to tell them there is no rationality to any of this craziness. That Sars-Covi-2 was created for the jab and not the other way round. That we have been hoaxed for nearly 2 years. Finally, that this crisis was never about health, but about a dark and nefarious agenda .

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Very well written as always Chris. This was the first day for me after Krispy Kreme let me go according to their vax mandate for ONLY corporate employees. I worked from home 100%. Please read me story: Https://www.ididnotcomply.com

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Great read! Have you looked into the covid pill? UK looking to unleash by year end.

This bit from the Lancet - "In the UK it was described that secondary attack rates among household contacts exposed to fully vaccinated index cases was similar to household contacts exposed to unvaccinated index cases (25% for vaccinated vs 23% for unvaccinated)."

- how do they know this? A vaccinated friend got covid recently. His vaccinated girlfriend who lives with him did not get covid. Nobody will be collecting that data from this case.

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'how do they know this? '

I imagine that Neil Ferguson did a computer model or perhaps he just pulled the numbers out of his butt.

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If it's not "peer reviewed" many will ignore it unfortunately. And frankly, I think a lot of pro-mandate people either outwardly or subconsciously don't want things to go back to normal. They may think they do, but I think in fact they prefer a carefully controlled society to what was before.

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This is an excellent well thought out piece. I really hope it makes a difference. My experience with the pro-vax crowd have not been pleasant and I doubt they'll change their minds. Hopefully the broader public sentiment around this changes soon so we don't have to sit with all this crap for too long.

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That was terrific Chris!!

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Great essay!

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A fine piece of writing. It should be a guest op-ed in every serious newspaper, but instead it will languish here, read only by a self-selected few. I've tweeted it and spread it about on Telegram. What will YOU do to help increase the reach of this very important essay?

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Why is COVID here to stay?

There seems to quite adequate treatments for whatever it is.

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Here to stay as an endemic virus. But yes, you are right, its deadliness is on par with the flu now.

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I think we can do without viruses, Chris :)

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Insightful truth as always. Thank you.

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Beautifully written, thank you!

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Here, here!! Unfortunately, the jabs have killed off common sense. These are not 'vaccines' in the traditional sense, they are just a medicine, of sorts, which are causing more harm than stopping harm.

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