A Prominent Pro-Vax Doctor's Father Dies Mysteriously; He Finally Takes My Advice and Reads the Pfizer Study
I am often asked - why do I presume to know more than everybody’s beloved GP telling them to get vaccinated? You’re not a doctor! You’re not a scientist!
My answer is a bit embarrassing, and inevitably comes across in an insulting fashion: I can read.
I read the original Pfizer study. It’s a joke. More people died in the vaxxed group than the control group. There were four cardiac arrests in the vaxxed group versus one in the control group. The apparent 95% reduction in infection was basically deceitful. It was calculated using relative numbers and proportions.
The miracle drug only reduced chances of infection by 0.84%. And even that modest success has been totally disproven in the field, suggesting the whole study was fraudulent. And based on this, our world was turned upside down, families divided, jobs lost.
Aseem Malhotra is a British doctor and cardiologist who appeared on Britain’s most popular morning show to debunk anti-vaxxers:
But now read this, from Times of India, largest English daily newspaper:
A personal loss and tragedy made Dr Aseem Malhotra look into the evidence on COVID vaccines, specifically the mRNA vaccines. In his recent research paper, Dr Malhotra, a National Health Service (NHS) trained cardiologist, has ‘critically appraised’ the true benefits and potential harms of the messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) coronavirus disease (COVID) vaccines.
“I suffered quite a personal tragedy with the sudden death of my father in July last year. He was a very fit and well man. He was 73 years old. During the whole lockdown he was walking 10 to 15 thousand steps a day. He was very conscientious of his diet,” he told a media outlet.
“I had assessed his heart a few years earlier, and in fact he had actually improved his lifestyle since then,” he adds.
Dr Malhotra has said that his father’s rapidly progressive coronary artery disease and sudden cardiac arrest was most likely due to the mRNA product.
"His postmortem findings really shocked me. There were two severe blockages in his coronary arteries, which did not really make any sense. As a cardiologist and intimately knowing my dad’s lifestyle and health," he says.
Not long after that data started emerging on the possible link between mRNA vaccine and increased risk of heart attacks. From a mechanism of increasing inflammation around the coronary arteries.
This has been my point all along. Being a doctor does not exempt you from bias, nor does it make you an expert on novel medical products. An educated, rational person who reads the studies and looks up the official data has no disadvantage when assessing vaccine safety. If anything, fresh eyes and a non-medical social circle is an advantage.
Only after his father’s death, did Malhotra realise there were studies showing an increase in heart failure after vaccination. In other words, science and medicine is embedded, like any other field, in the human experience and condition. And sometimes normal people are thus ahead of the curve.
Now here Malhotra is, speaking to the world, after catching up with us ‘conspiracy theorists’:

You should read the paper he has just published. It is straightforward and easy to read. Here is a passage which stood out to me:
In the United Kingdom, since the vaccine roll-out there have been almost 500 000 adverse event reports recorded (via the Yellow Card system) in association with the mRNA COVID-19 vaccinations involving over 150 000 individuals. In terms of the number of reports per person (i.e. having received at least one dose), the MHRA figures show around 1 in 120 suffering a likely adverse event that is beyond mild. However, the MHRA are unclear about the rate and furthermore do not separate out the serious adverse events. Nevertheless, this level of reporting is unprecedented in the modern medical era and equals the total number of reports received in the first 40 years of the Yellow Card reporting system (for all medicines– not just vaccines) up to 2020. In comparison, for the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine, the number of reports per person vaccinated was around 1 in 4000, more than thirty times less frequent than the 1 in 120 Yellow Card reports for COVID-19 vaccine recipients.
Now, I am grateful that he is speaking out and also apologizing for his past vaccine marketing.
But I must ask. Why did he appear on TV promoting vaccination without reading the study?
How did I manage to pre-empt most of his paper months and years ago?
Here I anticipate his criticism of the vaccine for children study; and here, almost a year ago, I presented the exact same facts regarding the original Pfizer trial as he has this month.
I am afraid to say people have died because we trusted the experts.
This must stop now. They will destroy us with ‘climate science’ next.
In his media appearance, Malhotra ‘debunked’ fertility concerns. That has been proven wrong. We were told the vaccine des not leave the arm. Now we are finding it in breastmilk:

Note how the doctors tell us, not to worry, just wait two days before you breastfeed again, mom. But the vaccine was meant to stay in your arm muscle!
I applaud Malhotra - I really do. We all make mistakes. But his apology means more than he realises. It is evidence not only of one doctor’s neglect to do a modicum of research. It is evidence the whole media-medical-scientific establishment is rotten, and needs to be overthrown.
Absolutely spot on. Thank you! A so-called expert - not doing his homework in the first instance! I have no praise for this man whatsoever!
We have known since May of 2021 (YES 2021) that the vaccine didn't stay at the injection site because Dr Bridle went public with Pfizer's own bio-distribution study that was obtained via FOIA in Japan. More recently the May 2022 data dump ordered by the court in the Corminaty case shows clearly that both the FDA & Pfizer KNEW this when they publicly LIED and said it stayed at the injection site.
I don't know if he is sincere or not. I think it could just be more CYA as the rats flee the sinking ship.