Fighting for the Cause of Natural Human Life
In Christmastide, we affirm the dignity of human life, because it has been taken on by God.
“Any agnostic or atheist whose childhood has known a real Christmas has ever afterwards, whether he likes it or not, an association in his mind between two ideas that most of mankind must regard as remote from each other; the idea of a baby and the idea of unknown strength that sustains the stars.”
GK Chesterton
The majority of the world celebrates Christmas. And even if we have lost our faith, we all still remember the association described by Chesterton above.
Thus, at Christmas, we remember that human life has been dignified forever, even when it is not Christian human life. The entire natural order has, in fact, been dignified.
We are all therefore obligated to work for the improvement of natural human life, and for the extension of the supernatural life after we are baptized into grace.
I have long made the point that we are failing in this regard.
Masks, the isolation of children, the reign of foolish scientific bureaucrats, and mandatory injections all taint our dignity.
This is not dignified:
And we are only just beginning to see the depths of this sense of taint.
Christmas is the ultimate celebration of fertility, that even the Virgin is with Child. Yet we see in countries around the world deeply sad fertility data. (The following has been very helpfully collated by Igor Chudov here.)
In Sweden, births are down 13% this past month, the biggest drop they have ever recorded.
Britain has stopped publishing fertility data after it recorded in June a 15% decline.
Germany recorded a 10% drop in September.
The same is true of deaths:
I have been proven horribly and frighteningly right.
Does your own doctor know of all of this? Do your friends?
They must, if they want to escape the grey nihilism which is the reigning religion of our liberal-occupied world.
This same nihilism is at work in the insane escalation in Ukraine.
It may come as a surprise to those who see me in a militant light, but I believe that the possession of nuclear weapons is gravely evil.
Oppenheimer, after producing the bomb, said that “the reason that we did this job is because it was an organic necessity. If you are a scientist you cannot stop such a thing. If you are a scientist you believe that it is good to find out how the world works; that it is good to find out what the realities are; that it is good to turn over to mankind at large the greatest possible power to control the world and to deal with it according to its lights and its values.”
It is a largely untold story how close the world has come to destruction in the nuclear age.
Twice, Soviet officers ignored protocol and avoided a nuclear response to perceived attacks by the US, in 1963, and in 1983. An American officer may have also saved half the world’s population in that latter year too.
The Bomb, like public health, is a creature of liberal academia, of Yarvin’s ‘Cathedral’. It follows the same track of inevitable momentum, as the technology to develop certain powers and protocols is allowed to unfold according to its own internal logic, without reference to any kind of morality or care.
And whereas Ronald Reagan tried to curtail nuclear arms, despising them contrary to his image as a kind of hawkish cowboy, the liberal consensus now is that they are at hand to stop Putin, in order to defend Russian-speaking territories on his border which were historically part of Russia until 1991.
Liberals who emboss their online images with Ukrainian flags have become more bloodthirsty than even the likes of Henry Kissinger, who has called for peace talks, to the ire of Zelensky’s handler’s. And Angela Merkel has admitted there was never any western intention to seek peace.
As with the Covid Event, there is a kind of virus which has seized western elites and their media, blinding them, filling them with some kind of delusion that Russia is their satanic enemy.
I would still suggest that it is more likely that, as with the bulk of the covid measures, reality intervenes, and after the armaments industry has made their profits, and Zelensky has slunk off-stage, some kind of sanity can prevail.
But again, as with the covid measures, the weapons remain at hand, still bizarrely credible in the public square. Biden still has his mask, and he shows no sign of de-escalating NATO’s commitment to ‘winning’.
Tomorrow is the Feast of the Holy Innocents. A few days after Christmas, we remember the massacre of the young boys of Bethlehem by King Herod, the Church’s first martyrs, in his attempt to stamp out the heir of David which threatened his grip on power, his own dynasty.
But his dynasty would die.
And the Life he tried to crush at birth is still with us today.
Christ is the light of the world, as in the painting you shared. I love how artists (including me) render the child emanating light onto those around him, especially his mother, the new Eve, Mary. He is the new creation, the new covenant, and came as family, from which the rest of community arises. As Christians we should also bring light into the world and increase joy, hope, and love to those around us. The essence of life is love and we can remember that it is well supreme over all else, especially manic and intimidatingly manipulative things like plandemics and nuclear weapon threats. And I say this as a lifelong follower of political science and geopolitics.